ECU Disclosure Letter definition

ECU Disclosure Letter means the disclosure letter dated the date hereof regarding this Agreement executed by ECU and delivered to Golden prior to the execution of this Agreement;

Examples of ECU Disclosure Letter in a sentence

  • Except as disclosed in Schedule 3.1(hh) to the ECU Disclosure Letter, ECU and its subsidiaries have complied, since January 1, 2004, in all material respects with and are not in material violation of any applicable material Laws.

  • Except as disclosed in Schedule 3.1(h) to the ECU Disclosure Letter, no delisting, suspension of trading in or cease trading order with respect to any securities of ECU and, to the knowledge of ECU, no inquiry or investigation (formal or informal) of any Securities Authority, is in effect or ongoing or, to the knowledge of ECU, threatened or expected to be implemented or undertaken.

  • All information provided to Golden in relation to Golden’s due diligence requests, including information in the ECU Public Disclosure Record or not otherwise provided in the ECU Data Room, was accurate in all material respects as at its respective date as stated therein, except as modified by information included in the ECU Public Disclosure Record or the ECU Disclosure Letter.

  • As of the date hereof, ECU and its subsidiaries have such policies of insurance as are listed in Schedule 3.1(tt) to the ECU Disclosure Letter.

  • A taking by the federal government of lands held by aboriginal title, usually referred to as an “extinguishment” of aboriginal title, does not give rise to any right of compensation under the Fifth Amendment.

  • Schedule 3.1(i) to the ECU Disclosure Letter includes a complete and accurate list of all subsidiaries, direct and indirect, of ECU, and, except as described therein, each such subsidiary is wholly-owned by ECU.

  • To assess ongoing organisational capacity and commitment to staff development, eSafety would also like to understand how your organisation manages the wellbeing and professional development of its presenters.

Related to ECU Disclosure Letter

  • Disclosure Letter means the disclosure letter, dated the Effective Date, delivered by the Credit Parties to the Collateral Agent, as may be updated on the Tranche A Closing Date (if required and as permitted hereunder).

  • Company Disclosure Letter means the disclosure letter dated the date of this Agreement and delivered by the Company to the Purchaser with this Agreement.

  • Disclosure Letters means the Seller Disclosure Letter and the Buyer Disclosure Letter.

  • Parent Disclosure Letter means the disclosure letter delivered by Parent to the Company simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement.

  • Company Disclosure Schedules means the disclosure schedules delivered by the Company to the Commitment Parties on the date of this Agreement.

  • Company Disclosure Schedule means the disclosure schedule of the Company referred to in, and delivered pursuant to, this Agreement.

  • Disclosure Schedule means the Disclosure Schedule, dated as of the date hereof, delivered to the Buyer by the Seller concurrently with the execution of this Agreement.

  • Parent Disclosure Schedule means the disclosure schedule dated the date hereof regarding this Agreement that has been provided by Parent to the Company.

  • Buyer Disclosure Letter means the letter, dated as of the date hereof, delivered by Buyer to Seller prior to the execution of this Agreement and identified as the Buyer Disclosure Letter.

  • Disclosure Schedules means the Disclosure Schedules of the Company delivered concurrently herewith.

  • Seller Disclosure Letter means the letter, dated as of the date hereof, delivered by Seller to Buyer prior to the execution of this Agreement and identified as the Seller Disclosure Letter.

  • Buyer Disclosure Schedules means the disclosure schedules of the Buyer, dated as of the date hereof, accompanying this Agreement.

  • Buyer Disclosure Schedule means the disclosure schedule dated as of the date hereof delivered by Buyer to Seller in connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement.

  • Purchaser Disclosure Letter means the disclosure letter delivered by the Purchaser to the Company at the time of execution hereof.

  • Seller Disclosure Schedules means those certain Seller Disclosure Schedules dated as of the date of this Agreement, provided by Seller to Purchaser.

  • Seller Disclosure Schedule means the disclosure schedule of Seller delivered to Purchaser in connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement.

  • Sellers Disclosure Schedule means the disclosure schedule delivered by the Sellers to the Purchaser on the date hereof.

  • Purchaser Disclosure Schedule means the disclosure schedule of Purchaser delivered to Seller in connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement.

  • Disclosure Memorandum means the set of numbered schedules referencing Sections of this Agreement delivered by Seller and dated of even date herewith, as supplemented by new or amended schedules delivered by Seller prior to the Closing.

  • Company Disclosure Documents is defined in Section 3.4(g) of the Agreement.

  • Company SEC Documents has the meaning set forth in Section 3.04(a).

  • Company SEC Reports shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.8(a).

  • Continuing Disclosure Agreement means the Continuing Disclosure Agreement, as it may be modified from the form on file with the Clerk of Council and signed by the Mayor and the Fiscal Officer in accordance with Section 6, which shall constitute the continuing disclosure agreement made by the City for the benefit of holders and beneficial owners of the Bonds in accordance with the Rule.

  • Continuing Disclosure Undertaking means the Continuing Disclosure Undertaking of the Issuer, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit 1, dated the Closing Date, for the purpose of providing continuing disclosure information under Rule 15c2-12 adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as may be amended from time to time.