Economic Partnership Agreements definition

Economic Partnership Agreements. A ‘historic step’ towards a’partnership of equals’?. London: Overseas Development Institute. Xxxxx, A. (2004). How Do Leaders Makes Decision? A Poliheuristic
Economic Partnership Agreements. What Can We Learn?’, New Political Economy 13(2): 211–23.
Economic Partnership Agreements. A ‘historic step’ towards a ‘partnership of equals’? Working Paper 288 Misser, F. (2008). ACP-EU Cooperation: Milestone Events Place of Publication/Publisher? Xxxxx Mayul. (2007). Economic Partnership Agreements between the EU and African Countries: Potential Development Implications for Ghana Xxxxxxxx X.X. Xxxxxxx A. (2006). Aid for Trade. A report for the Commonwealth Secretariat The revised ECOWAS Treaty, 1993, Cotonou The South Centre, (2012), Geneva, The South Centre The Treaty of Rome, 1957, Rome Tradecraft, 2012. Economic Partnership Agreements – still pushing the wrong deal for Africa?. Accessed on 5/3/2015 from UNDP, (2005). Lome Convention, Agric & Trade Relations between the EU & the ACP Countries. Finland, UNDP UNDP, (2005). Lomé Convention, Agric & Trade Relations between the EU & the ACP Countries. Finland, UNDP

Examples of Economic Partnership Agreements in a sentence

  • In view of the objectives and principles set out above, the Parties agree to take all the necessary measures to ensure the conclusion of new WTO-compatible Economic Partnership Agreements, removing progressively barriers to trade between them and enhancing cooperation in all areas relevant to trade.

  • In this regard, due account shall be taken of the needs arising from the implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreements.

  • In this context, the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA), which will enter into force in January 1st 2008, hopes to promote development through trade.

  • Assessing the impact of ACP/EU Economic Partnership Agreements on West African Countries ): Hamburg Institute of International Economics HWWA Discussion Paper No. 294 xxxx:// COMEXT (2004/2005).

  • Unequal Partners (How EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) could harm the development prospects of many of the worlds poorest countries.) Oxfam International Briefing Note, September 2006.

  • These include the new Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with six regional groupings of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) states47 and Free Trade and Association Agreements with for instance members of the Andean Community48 and Central American countries.

  • ACP-EU Economic Partnership Agreements: Implications for Ghana and other ECOWAS countries.

  • Sustainability Impact Assessment of the EU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreements.

  • At the African Union’s Conference of Trade Ministers in Nairobi in April 2006, the Ministers adopted the Nairobi Declaration on Economic Partnership Agreements.

  • The agreement phased out the WTO incompatible Lomé regime1 for ACP countries and foresaw the negotiation of six2 asymmetrically reciprocal Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) based on pre-existing economic communities in the ACP region.

Related to Economic Partnership Agreements

  • Partnership Agreement means the Amended and Restated Agreement of Limited Partnership of the Operating Partnership dated as of , 2011, as the same may be amended, modified or restated from time to time.

  • Sponsorship Agreement means a document that estab- lishes an advanced licensee as a sponsor for a basic licensee.

  • LLC Agreement means the Limited Liability Company Agreement of the Company, as amended from time to time pursuant to its terms.