Distributing Litigation Matters definition

Distributing Litigation Matters means (i) any and all Actions that are primarily related to the Distributing Business Assets, the Distributing Liabilities or the Distributing Business, including all Actions listed on Schedule 9.1(b)(i), but excluding any Joint Litigation Matters, and (ii) (x) all Actions listed on Schedule 9.1(b)(ii), (y) any and all other Actions presently existing or that may arise in the Bankruptcy Proceedings that are primarily related to the Distributing Business Assets, the Distributing Liabilities or the Distributing Business and (z) all Bankruptcy Indemnification Claims.

Related to Distributing Litigation Matters

  • Tax Matters means all tax matters including criminal tax matters,

  • Tax Contest means an audit, review, examination, or any other administrative or judicial proceeding with the purpose or effect of redetermining Taxes (including any administrative or judicial review of any claim for refund).

  • Pending Litigation means a proceeding in a court of law whose activity is in progress but not yet completed.

  • Threatened litigation as used herein shall include governmental investigations and civil investigative demands. “Litigation” as used herein shall include administrative enforcement actions brought by governmental agencies. The Contractor must also disclose any material litigation threatened or pending involving Subcontractors, consultants, and/or lobbyists. For purposes of this section, “material” refers, but is not limited, to any action or pending action that a reasonable person knowledgeable in the applicable industry would consider relevant to the Work under the Contract or any development such a person would want to be aware of in order to stay fully apprised of the total mix of information relevant to the Work, together with any litigation threatened or pending that may result in a substantial change in the Contractor’s financial condition.

  • Tax Proceeding has the meaning set forth in Section 5.2(a).

  • Unresolved Claims shall have the meaning set forth in Section 9.6(b).

  • Transaction Litigation has the meaning set forth in Section 5.2(d).

  • Tax Matter has the meaning set forth in Section 7.01.

  • criminal tax matters means tax matters involving intentional conduct whether before or after the entry into force of this Agreement which is liable to prosecution under the criminal laws of the requesting Party;

  • Disclosed Litigation has the meaning specified in Section 3.01(b).

  • Environmental Matter means any past, present or future activity, event or circumstance in respect of the environment, health or safety including the Release of any Hazardous Substance including any substance which is hazardous to Persons, animals, plants, or which has a detrimental effect on the soil, air or water, or the generation, treatment, storage, use, manufacture, holding, collection, processing, treatment, presence, transportation or disposal of any Hazardous Substances.

  • Indemnity Matters means any and all actions, suits, proceedings (including any investigations, litigation or inquiries), claims, demands and causes of action made or threatened against a Person and, in connection therewith, all losses, liabilities, damages (including, without limitation, consequential damages) or reasonable costs and expenses of any kind or nature whatsoever incurred by such Person whether caused by the sole or concurrent negligence of such Person seeking indemnification.

  • Unresolved Claim means a Claim, which at the relevant time, in whole or in part: (a) has not been Finally Determined to be a Proven Claim in accordance with the Amended Claims Procedure Order and this Plan; (b) is validly disputed in accordance with the Amended Claims Procedure Order; and/or (c) remains subject to review and for which a Notice of Allowance or Notice of Revision or Disallowance (each as defined in the Amended Claims Procedure Order) has not been issued to the Creditor in accordance with the Amended Claims Procedure Order as at the date of this Plan, in each of the foregoing clauses, including both as to proof and/or quantum;

  • foreign matter means anything that is not part of the cotton plant.

  • transitional matter means a matter that needs to be dealt with for the purpose of effecting the transition from the provisions of the Acts amended by this Act as in force before this Act comes into operation to the provisions of those Acts as in force after this Act comes into operation.

  • Litigation Claims means the claims, rights of action, suits or proceedings, whether in law or in equity, whether known or unknown, that any Debtor or any Estate may hold against any Person or Entity, including, without limitation, the Causes of Action of the Debtors or their Estates, in each case solely to the extent of the Debtors’ or their Estates’ interest therein. A non-exclusive list of the Litigation Claims held by the Debtors as of the Effective Date will be Filed with the Plan Supplement, which will be deemed to include any derivative actions filed against any Debtor as of the Effective Date.

  • Environmental Matters means any matter arising out of or relating to health and safety, or pollution or protection of the environment or workplace, including any of the foregoing relating to the presence, use, production, generation, handling, transport, treatment, storage, disposal, distribution, discharge, release, control or cleanup of any Hazardous Substance.

  • Academic and professional matters means the following policy development and implementation matters:

  • staff matters means the remuneration, conditions of service, promotion, conduct, suspension, dismissal or retirement of staff;

  • Priority Non-Tax Claims means any Claim, other than an Administrative Claim or a Priority Tax Claim, entitled to priority in right of payment under section 507(a) of the Bankruptcy Code.

  • Section 510(b) Claims means any Claim against a Debtor arising from rescission of a purchase or sale of an equity security of the Debtors or an Affiliate of the Debtors for damages arising from the purchase or sale of such an equity security or for reimbursement or contribution allowed under section 502 of the Bankruptcy Code on account of such a Claim.

  • Section 510(b) Claim means any Claim against the Debtors arising from rescission of a purchase or sale of a security of the Debtors or an Affiliate of the Debtors, for damages arising from the purchase or sale of such a security, or for reimbursement or contribution allowed under section 502 of the Bankruptcy Code on account of such a Claim.

  • Litigation Trust means the trust to be established on the Plan Implementation Date at the time specified in section 6.4(p) in accordance with the Litigation Trust Agreement pursuant to the laws of a jurisdiction that is acceptable to SFC and the Initial Consenting Noteholders, which trust will acquire the Litigation Trust Claims and will be funded with the Litigation Funding Amount in accordance with the Plan and the Litigation Trust Agreement.

  • LOCKHEED XXXXXX Procurement Representative means a person authorized by LOCKHEED XXXXXX'x cognizant procurement organization to administer and/or execute this Contract.

  • Pending Claims shall have the meaning set forth in Section 7.1(e).

  • Litigation means any action, suit or proceeding before any court, mediator, arbitrator or Governmental Authority.