Cottonseed definition

Cottonseed means a seed derived from cotton plants which is destined for propagation or other use.
Cottonseed means cottonseed from which the lint has been removed.
Cottonseed means processed seed cotton used for propagation, animal feed, crushed or composted fertilizer, or oil.

Examples of Cottonseed in a sentence

  • The unginned lint and seed admixture, just as it is picked from the cotton boll.(c) Cottonseed.

  • A statement indicating whether any portion of the export sale for which the exporter is applying for a payment guarantee is also being used as the basis for an application for par- ticipation in any of the following CCC or USDA export programs: Export En- hancement Program, Dairy Export In- centive Program, Sunflowerseed Oil Assistance Program, or Cottonseed Oil Assistance Program.

  • Cottonseed meal is not used for human consumption in Australia or New Zealand.

  • Cottonseed may be officially sampled before being cleaned either in bulk or bags.

  • Cottonseed when certified by an inspector as having been treated, stored, and transported in a manner satisfactory to the Deputy Adminis- trator.

  • Corn See 20465, Cottonseed See 20911, Soybean See 20921, Lin- Seed See 20931, Edible Cooking Oils See 20961, Oils For Medicinal Pur- Poses See 28311 Or 28312, Or Fatty Acids See 28994; Oil Foots Or Residuum, Oil Sediments Or Tank Bottoms, Grain Screening, Liquid Or Solidified; Meal, Fish Or Fish Roe, Ground, Pulverized Or Screened; Fish Solubles; Shortening Or Cooking Or Salad Oils Exc.

  • Cottonseed hulls when certified by an inspector as having been treated, stored, and transported in a manner satisfactory to the Deputy Adminis- trator.

  • Cottonseed oil has a variety of food uses including frying oil, salad and cooking oil, and inclusion in mayonnaise, salad dressing, shortening, and margarine.

  • Cottonseed flour is also permitted for human consumption in the U.S., provided it meets certain specifications for gossypol content, although no products are currently being produced.

  • Cottonseed cake or meal found to be contaminated shall be refused entry or subjected as a condition of entry and release to such safeguards as may be prescribed by the inspector from such administratively approved methods as will, in his judg- ment, be necessary to eliminate infes- tations of the pink bollworm or cotton blister mite.[24 FR 10777, Dec.

Related to Cottonseed

  • Panchayat means an institution (by whatever name called) of self-government constituted under article 243B, for the rural areas;