Common Housing Register definition

Common Housing Register means a list of eligible applicants in the Area seeking suitable rented accommodation to meet their housing needs and which is made available to and signed by a number of Registered Providers;
Common Housing Register means a partnership between Oxford City Council and a RSL who provides homes in Oxford and contain a list of people who want a dwelling in Oxford.

Examples of Common Housing Register in a sentence

  • The Council shall: 4.1 Provide, operate and manage the Common Housing Register IT system and • hold and maintain the CHR which contains a complete list of applicants.

  • Appendix 11 sets out the number of properties owned by each social landlord and the proportionate costs of each social landlords’ contribution to the costs of the Common Housing Register.

  • The Powys Common Housing Register Partnership will provide strategic direction and review the operation of the Scheme.

  • Common Housing Register Partnership The costs of the administration of the Powys Common Housing Register Partnership are set out in Appendix 10.

  • Purpose and term The Council wishes to provide the Grant to facilitate the provision (by way of construction, or purchase) and supply of Affordable Housing to be let by the Grant Recipient at an Affordable Rent to tenants nominated by the Council through the Common Housing Register for the benefit of the Area.

  • Prior to the introduction of a Local Lettings Policy the partner must consult the Powys Common Housing Register Partnership.

  • The following costs incurred by the Council in its role as the administrator of the Common Housing Register will be included in the calculation of the costs of the contribution made by each of the partners.

  • Each Housing Association will consult with the Powys Common Housing Register Partnership on the content of their letting scheme.

  • The Powys Common Housing Register Partnership will ensure that measures are put in place to ensure that the needs of people with limited literacy, knowledge of Welsh or English or who require information in accessible formats are met.

  • The stock holding of each social landlord in Powys and their contribution towards the cost of the Common Housing Register after the 30% contribution from the Housing General Fund.

Related to Common Housing Register

  • Stock Register means the register of Holders maintained on behalf of the Corporation by the Auction Agent in its capacity as transfer agent and registrar for the AMPS.

  • Public Register means the College’s register that is available to the public.

  • Land Register means the Land Register compiled under Division 2 of Part II of the Registered Land Law (2004 Revision);

  • National Register of Historic Places means the list of districts, sites, buildings, structures and objects significant in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering and culture, authorized by the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. The list of Properties on the National Register of Historic Places in Florida is available from the Division.

  • Branch Register means any branch Register of such category or categories of Members as the Company may from time to time determine.

  • Existing Registration Rights Agreement shall have the meaning given in the Recitals hereto.

  • Unit Register means the register of the Partnership for the registration and transfer of Limited Partnership Interests as provided in Section 4.5.

  • township register means an approved subdivision register of a township in terms of the Deeds Registries Act;

  • Rights Register shall have the meaning ascribed thereto in Subsection 2.6(a);

  • Share Register means the register of Holders maintained on behalf of the Trust by the Auction Agent in its capacity as transfer agent and registrar for the APS.

  • First Source Register means the DOES Automated Applicant Files, which consists of the names of District of Columbia residents registered with DOES.

  • Register of Members means the register of Members maintained in accordance with the Statute and includes (except where otherwise stated) any branch or duplicate register of Members.

  • International Register means the official collection of data concerning international registrations maintained by the International Bureau, which data the Agreement, the Protocol or the Regulations require or permit to be recorded, irrespective of the medium in which such data are stored;

  • Securities Register and "Securities Registrar" have the respective meanings specified in Section 5.4.

  • National Register has the same meaning as in section 3 of the National Act. National RTO Standards means the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (Cth) and its User Guide.

  • Central Register has the meaning specified in Section 3.05.

  • National Park means comparatively large areas of outstanding scenic and natural beauty with the primary objective of protection and preservation of scenery, flora and fauna in the natural state to which access for public recreation and education and research may be allowed;

  • Registered Clubs Act means the Registered Clubs Act 1976 and any regulation made under the Registered Clubs Act 1976. Any reference to a provision of the Registered Clubs Act includes a reference to the same or similar provision in any legislation replacing, amending or modifying the Registered Clubs Act however that provision may be amended in that legislation.

  • property register means a register of properties referred to in section 23 of the Act;

  • PPS Register means the Personal Property Securities Register established under the PPSA;

  • Submittal Register means a list provided by Contractor of all items to be furnished for review and approval by A/E and Owner and as identified in the Contract Documents including anticipated sequence and submittal dates.

  • Special Record Date for the payment of any Defaulted Interest means a date fixed by the Trustee pursuant to Section 307.

  • Registered family day home means any family day home that has met the standards for voluntary registration for such homes pursuant to regulations adopted by the Board and that has obtained a certificate of registration from the Commissioner.

  • Registered Representative is defined as a duly registered representative of Broker-Dealer, in good standing, with the authority to sell Contracts as required by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (hereinafter “FINRA”) and who is appointed as a non exclusive agent of the Company and properly licensed and appointed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the Company’s Licensing, Appointment and Registration policy, as amended from time to time.

  • Note Register shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 15.