Commissioner of Main Roads definition

Commissioner of Main Roads means the Commissioner of Main Roads appointed under the Xxxx Xxxxx Xxx 0000;
Commissioner of Main Roads means the person for the time being appointed Commissioner of Main Roads under the Main Roads Act 1930;
Commissioner of Main Roads means Commissioner of Main Roads holding office under the Main Roads Act 1930;

Examples of Commissioner of Main Roads in a sentence

  • The local government is to send to the Commissioner of Main Roads appointed under the Main Roads Act 1930 a copy of the contents of the notice required by subsection (4)(a).

  • The Commissioner of Main Roads, the Public Transport Authority, the local government, the person or the entity responsible for the stretch of road.

  • The Commissioner of Main Roads, the Public Transport Authority, the local government, the person or the entity responsible for the stretch of road or railway.

  • The Governor may appoint for the due administration of this Act, some person to be Commissioner of Main Roads.

  • Despite subsection (3), the CEO may delegate to the Commissioner of Main Roads the power to give specific or standing instructions requiring the moving of vehicles for the purposes of the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Act 2012 section 64(1)(b) or 65(1)(b).

  • Delegation of functions of Commissioner of Main Roads (1) The Commissioner of Main Roads may delegate to a person appointed under the Main Roads Act 1930 section 10(1) to be an officer of the Commissioner or to a police officer a power or duty of the Commissioner under the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Act 2012 Part 4, including any regulation made under or for the purposes of that Part.

  • The regulations are to provide for the accreditation of persons by the Commissioner of Main Roads for the purposes of sections 33(4) and 40(2).

  • If a mass or dimension requirement has been modified, or an access approval has been given, under an order and no longer has effect because of subsection (1) or (2), the Commissioner of Main Roads is to publish in the Gazette notice of the effect of the suspension or cancellation of the accreditation.

  • Despite subsection (3), the CEO may delegate to the Commissioner of Main Roads the power to give specific or standing instructions requiring the moving of vehicles for the purposes of the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Act 2008 section 65(1)(b) or 66(1)(b).

  • In this section, the term local government includes the Commissioner of Main Roads, where the section applies to any part of the Metropolitan Traffic Area, within the meaning of the Road Traffic Act 1974.

More Definitions of Commissioner of Main Roads

Commissioner of Main Roads means the Commissioner of Main Roads within the meaning of section 2 of the Main Roads Act 1920‑1979, or the person who for the time being occupies the office or performs the duties of the said Commissioner of Main Roads;
Commissioner of Main Roads means the body corporate under section 9 of the Main Roads Act 1930 (WA).

Related to Commissioner of Main Roads

  • Commissioner of Police means the person holding or acting in the office of Commissioner of Police under the Police Act 1892;

  • Commissioner means the commissioner of insurance.

  • Commissioner General means the Commissioner-General appointed under the Zambia Revenue Authority Act;

  • the Commissioner means the Commissioner for Consumer Protection exercising powers under the Act;

  • Insurance Commissioner means the Insurance Commissioner

  • Deputy Commissioner means the Deputy Commissioner of the district;

  • Executive commissioner means the executive

  • National Commissioner means the National Commissioner of the South African Police Service, appointed in terms of section 207(1) of the Constitution;

  • Corporations Law means the Corporations Law of the Commonwealth of Australia as applying in each State and Territory of Australia;

  • the Companies Acts means every statute (including any orders, regulations or other subordinate legislation made under it) from time to time in force concerning companies in so far as it applies to the company;

  • Information Commissioner means the UK Information Commissioner and any successor;

  • Companies Acts means the Companies Acts (as defined in section 2 of the Companies Act 2006), in so far as they apply to the company;

  • the Companies Act means the Companies Act 1981 of Bermuda as may from time to time be amended;

  • Chief Commissioner means the chief administrative officer of the County, or delegate;

  • application for international protection means a request made by a third country national or a stateless person for protection from a Member State, who can be understood to seek refugee status or subsidiary protection status, and who does not explicitly request another kind of protection, outside the scope of this Directive, that can be applied for separately;

  • Companies Act means the Companies Act, 71 of 2008;

  • Companies Law means the Companies Law (2018 Revision) of the Cayman Islands, as amended from time to time.

  • Board of Commissioners means a county board of commissioners.

  • Commissioners Court means Travis County Commissioners Court.

  • Director of Public Works means the Director of the Department of Public Works, or his or her designee.

  • Public Service Commission means the Public Service Commission constituted under this Constitution;

  • County authority means the board of county commissioners,

  • The Attorney General has counseled that a contractually imposed obligation of indemnity creates a "debt" in the constitutional sense. Tex. Att'y Gen. Op. No. MW-475 (1982). Contract clauses which require the System or institutions to

  • Attorney General means the Attorney General of the State.