Coded definition

Coded means that a number, letter, symbol, or combination thereof (i.e. the code) has replaced identifying individual information (such as name or national registered identification number); and
Coded means identifiable only through the use of a system of encryption that links a DNA sample or genetic information to an individual or the individual’s blood relative. A coded DNA sample or genetic information is supplied by a repository to an investigator with a system of encryption.
Coded means that:

Examples of Coded in a sentence

  • The Sponsor may use your Coded Information, biological samples, images and/or audio/video recordings, if collected as part of the study, to support and advance other scientific research projects, including improving the quality, design, and safety of other research studies, research supporting public health aims, and developing medicines, vaccines, diagnostic products, and tools.

  • Before the study staff transfers your personal information outside the CRU, the study staff will: • Replace your name with a unique code • Remove information that directly identifies you This is called "Coded Information".

  • If biological samples are taken during the study, those samples will be handled in the same way as your Coded Information.

  • However, information that could directly identify you will not be made available to other researchers • Publishing summaries of the study results: o In medical journals o On the internet o At educational meetings of other researchers You will not be directly identified in any publication or report of the study, but some journal representatives may need access to your Coded Information to verify the study results and ensure the research meets the journal's quality standards.

More Definitions of Coded

Coded means identifiable only through the use of a system of encryption that links a DNA
Coded means that any identifying information (such as name or social security number) that would enable the investigator to readily ascertain the identity of the individual to whom the private information or specimens pertain has been replaced with a number, letter, symbol, or combination thereof (i.e., the code); and a key to decipher the code exists, enabling linkage of the identifying information to the private information or specimens. From
Coded means covered by the Personnel Code.
Coded means any process by which an Image is translated into a bibliographical index of the document or capturing of bibliographical information about the document.
Coded means that a number, letter, symbol, or combination thereof (i.e. the code) has replaced
Coded means that the individual from whom a biological specimen or health information was obtained cannot be identified without using a code or other encryption that is kept separately from the specimen or information. Researchers do not have access to the individual identifiers without special permission from an IRB.
Coded means that a living individual’s identifiable information such as name or social security number has been replaced by a code, such as a number, letter, or combination thereof, and that there is a key exists that links the code to that person’s identifiable information. Coded data are considered “identifiable” under the Common Rule.