Class A utility definition

Class A utility means any gas, electric or water utility with annual total gross operating revenues of $2.5 million or more or any telecommunications utility with annual total gross operat- ing revenues of $1,600,000 or more on November 29, 1979.
Class A utility means any gas, electric or water
Class A utility means any gas, electric or water public utility with annual total gross operating revenues of

Examples of Class A utility in a sentence

  • A Class A utility is defined as an investor-owned water utility with over 10,000 service connections.

  • Requires PUC, in adopting rules relating to the information required in the application, to ensure that a utility can file a less burdensome and complex application than is required of a Class A utility.

  • A Class A utility shall include a statement of the dollar amount of total State taxes included in the current billing period charge.

  • For the purpose of this paragraph, a Class A utility shall also include a Class A telephone utility as defined under § 63.31 (relating to classification of public utilities).

  • The appeal must be initiated within 90 days after the date of notice of the final decision of the governing body, or within 30 days if the appeal relates to the rates of a Class A utility, by filing a petition for review with the commission and by serving a copy of the petition on all parties to the original rate proceeding.

  • Downstream service unbundling plan(a) No later than September 1, 1998, each Class A utility with 25,000 or more customers shall commence a collaborative process wherein a downstream unbundling plan shall be developed.

  • For an application filed by a Class A utility, the rate filing package, including each schedule, must be supported by pre-filed direct testimony.

  • Prior to the filing of the unbundling plan, the Commission desires that an informal collaborative process and dialogue commence between each Class A utility and potential competitive bidders, including but not limited to, amounts and volumes needed or available, interconnection points, requests for bids, engineering and operational issues, metering, eminent domain, and any other information which can be reasonably discussed prior to approval of the unbundling plan.

  • Four years for a utility that was a Class A utility at the time of the order.

  • Commission should be reticent to grant a CPCN to a Class D water utility for a new development.Here, Golden State is a well-established Class A utility.

Related to Class A utility

  • Class A operator means the individual who has primary responsibility to operate and maintain the UST system in accordance with applicable requirements. The Class A operator typically manages resources and personnel, such as establishing work assignments, to achieve and maintain compliance with regulatory requirements under this chapter.

  • Class C operator means the individual responsible for initially addressing emergencies presented by a spill or release from an UST system. The Class C operator typically controls or monitors the dispensing or sale of regulated substances.

  • Class B operator means an individual designated by an UST system owner or operator as having control of or responsibility for the day-to-day operation and maintenance of the system. The Class B operator typically performs or ensures the performance of operation and maintenance activities at a UST facility, maintains records of those activities, and reports those activities to the department.