Cimbria definition

Cimbria means A/S Cimbria, Xxxxxxxxxxx 00, X.X. Xxx 00, 7700 Thisted Demark, a Danish-headquartered manufacturer of equipment and processing lines for seed and grain.
Cimbria means A/S Cimbria, Faartoftvej 22,P.O. Box 40, 7700 ThistedDemark, a Danish-headquartered manufacturer of equipment and processing lines for seed and grain. "Third Party" for the purposes of § 10 (1) means:

Examples of Cimbria in a sentence

  • Thanks to this order Cimbria Unigrain has hired 30 employees in 2010 (EKF, 2009b).

  • However, the Ukrainian buyer´s constraint was that they had to borrow at a high interest rate in Ukraine to pay Cimbria Unigrain.

  • At Cimbria Academy we hold both general courses and individu- ally designed courses that are customised to quality personnel for the commissioning, operation and maintenance of systems where it is important that special climatic and cultural conditions are taken into consideration.

  • Cimbria has been a market leader in the seed corn segment for many years, and together with GSI we now hold a global leader position as the world's largest supplier of equipment, complete solutions and technologies for the grain and seed market.

  • A separate laminated copy of the ‘as-built’ shall be submitted to the Parks Maintenance Department for their records.

  • In its submissions the Plaintiff relied on the case of Cimbria East Africa Limited vs.

  • A’s health care provider submits a treatment plan for ap- proval, but it is not approved by the plan, so coverage for the 31st visit is not preauthorized.

  • The 2017 amendments require that donations to parties or candidates on their lists over a certain amount be reported and made public.

  • Cimbria’s expertise within agricultural production and processing is part of the service we provide in order to optimize plant perfor- mance and to ensure that the operators are trained to exploit the full potential of Cimbria products or solutions.

  • The main Cimbria machines supplied included a cleaner type 143, dryer type BLG-13, GT400 belt conveyors and EC6 bucket elevators.

Related to Cimbria

  • POPIA means the Protection of Personal Information Act, No 4 of 2013;

  • AASHTO means the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

  • DCM means a contract market or designated contract market as defined in CFTC Regulation 1.3(h).

  • POPI means the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013, as amended from time to time, together with any regulations issued from time to time in terms thereof;

  • Cropland means land used for the production of adapted crops for harvest, alone or in a rotation with grasses and legumes, and includes row crops, small grain crops, hay crops, nursery crops, orchard crops, and other similar specialty crops.

  • MREL means the Minimum Requirement for own funds and Eligible Liabilities as defined in Directive 2014/59/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 establishing a framework for the recovery and resolution of credit institutions and investment firms (as amended from time to time).

  • RCPSC means the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

  • BEO means a written order issued by the Contractor to the Judicial Council that confirms the Judicial Council’s specific instructions and orders with respect to the Program on any one or more of the following, but does not alter any of the Agreement’s terms and conditions: (i) meeting and/or function room(s) and set-up requirements and/or rental charges; (ii) meal menus and prices and set-up requirements; and/or (iii) audio-visual equipment and set-up requirements and/or rental charges. BEO’s will be approved and signed by the Judicial Council’s representative, as set forth in Exhibit B.

  • DfE means Department for Education;

  • Microenterprise means an enterprise which employs fewer than 10 persons and whose annual turnover and/or annual balance sheet total does not exceed EUR 2 million;

  • ATO means the Australian Taxation Office;

  • LHSIA means the Local Health System Integration Act, 2006, and the regulations made under it, as it and they may be amended from time to time;

  • biofuels means liquid or gaseous fuel for transport produced from biomass;

  • PSEA means the employers' association that is established for post-secondary institutions under the Public Sector Employers' Act and that is the employer bargaining agent for all institutions.

  • Catechumen means a member of the catechumenate of a Catholic Church. This will normally be evidenced by a certificate of reception into the order of catechumens.

  • Topping means the severing of main trunks or stems of vegetation at any place above 25 percent of the vegetation height.

  • Field of vision means the section of the tri-dimensional space above ground level which is monitored with the help of a device for indirect vision. Unless otherwise stated, this is based on the view offered by a device and/or devices other than mirrors. This may be limited by the relevant detection distance corresponding to the test object.

  • aeroplane means a power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight;

  • DS Electric generation service that is provided at retail pursuant to the Applicable Legal Authorities under the Company’s retail electric tariffs and under any other agreements or arrangements between the Company and Customers, to any Customer that is not being served by an EGS. Default Allocation Assessment – shall have the meaning ascribed to it under the PJM Agreements. Delivery Period – The delivery period specified in an Appendix C Transaction Confirmation. Delivery Point – Means the applicable zone of the Company as designated by PJM. DS Customer(s) – Retail customers who are provided Default Service pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the Applicable Legal Authorities and the Company’s retail tariffs.

  • WARO means "weeks after the effective date for award of the contractual action".

  • B-BBEE means broad-based black economic empowerment as defined in section 1 of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act;

  • KENAS wherever appearing means the Kenya National Accreditation Service or its successor(s) and assign(s) where the context so admits

  • Growler means any refillable, resealable container complying with federal law.

  • Ditto means the whole of the preceding description in which it occurs. Where it occurs in description of succeeding item it shall mean the same as in the first description of the series in which it occurs except as qualified in the description concerned. Where it occurs in brackets it shall mean the whole of the preceding description which is contained within the appropriate brackets.

  • EUMA means the “SAP Delivered Support Agreement” which sets out the terms and conditions under which SAP provides support to End Users and which will be provided by SAP on a deal by deal basis.

  • SAM means the federal System for Award Management (SAM); which is the federal repository into which an entity must provide information required for the conduct of business as a recipient. 2 CFR 25 Appendix A (1)(C)(1).