Buy-Out Agreements definition

Buy-Out Agreements means (a) the CTRL Buy-out Agreements, (b) the CTL Buy-out Agreements and (c) the CTSL Buy-out Agreements;
Buy-Out Agreements has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.
Buy-Out Agreements means that certain Termination Agreement dated as of the date of the Second Amendment, executed by the Partnership and the General Partner and that certain Termination Agreement dated as of the October 25, 1998, executed by H. Fred Xxxxxx xxx Cogex Xxxhnologies Capital Company, L.P., copies of which are attached to the Amendment as Exhibits A and B, respectively.

Examples of Buy-Out Agreements in a sentence

  • All payments made by Southern California Edison Company (SCE) for electricity and renewable energy credits procured pursuant to the five Buy-Out Agreements and the Letter Agreement (including broker fees with respect to such transactions) are fully recoverable in rates over the life of these agreements, subject to Commission review of SCE’s administration of these agreements.

  • The Transaction Shareholders shall cause the transactions provided for in the Buy-Out Agreements to be consummated on the terms and conditions of the Buy-Out Agreement (as they exist on the date of this Agreement) such that, immediately prior to the Closing, the Transaction Shareholders own 100% of the issued and outstanding shares of TPB Common Stock.

  • None of the Non-Solicitation Agreements, the Claims Letters, the Retention Bonus Agreements, the TPB Leases or the Buy-Out Agreements required to be executed and delivered pursuant to Sections 7.16, 7.17, 7.18, 7.21 and 7.25 shall have been amended, revoked or terminated by any party thereto (other than by a non-breaching party due to a material breach by Parent or FUSB).

  • Bulger informed that guests are welcomed to the meetings, and they’re allowed 5 minutes to speak at the meeting; however, they don’t have voting power.

  • This section is impractical, especially from a business perspective.

  • SCE asks that we find:Any electric energy sold or dedicated to SCE pursuant to the Letter Agreement and the Buy-Out Agreements constitutes procurement by SCE from an ERR for the purpose of determining SCE’s compliance with any obligation that it may have to procure from ERRs pursuant to the RPS Legislation or other applicable law concerning the procurement of electric energy from renewable energy resources.

  • Southern California Edison Company may acquire the unbundled renewable energy credits pursuant to the five Buy-Out Agreements and the Letter Agreement separately from the energy conveyed under the contracts, but receive credit for compliance with the California renewables portfolio standard as though the energy and the renewable energy credits had been purchased together.

  • The Transplantation Act, Federal Act on the Transplantation of Organs, Tissues and Cells), which has been in force since 2007, provides the legal foundations for transplantation medicine in Switzerland.

  • Most of the Factoring Agreements in use are decent, but I continue to see many poorly drafted ancillary documents – Buy-Out Agreements, Participation Agreements, Co-Factoring Agreements, Guarantees, and especially, Validity Indemnifications.

  • During the time period beginning immediately following the Closing and ending at the time the Check-the Box Elections for the Specified Chinese Entities become effective, Purchaser shall not take or permit to be taken any action or transaction by or with respect to the Specified Chinese Entities outside of the ordinary course of business consistent with past practice, other than actions or transactions expressly contemplated by the China JV Buy-Out Agreements.

More Definitions of Buy-Out Agreements

Buy-Out Agreements has the meaning set forth in Section 6.12(a)(i).
Buy-Out Agreements means such buy out agreements prepared by the Company to redeem Shares held by the DeMinimus Shareholders, which Agreements shall be approved by the Parent prior to their distribution (if any) to the DeMinimus Shareholders and any execution thereof by the Company, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

Related to Buy-Out Agreements

  • VIE Agreements means the Exclusive Service Agreement, the Exclusive Call Option Agreement, the Shareholder Voting Rights Proxy Agreement and the Equity Pledge Agreement entered into by and among some or all of the Parties hereto on the same day this agreement is entered, including any supplemental agreements or amendments to such agreements, and any other agreements, contracts or legal documents executed or issued by one or more Parties and/or Party C’s affiliated enterprises from time to time to ensure the performance of the aforesaid agreements, signed or accepted by Party A in writing.

  • Lock-Up Agreements means the lock-up agreements that are delivered on the date hereof by each of the Company’s officers and directors and each holder of Common Stock and Common Stock Equivalents holding, on a fully diluted basis, more than 5% of the Company’s issued and outstanding Common Stock, in the form of Exhibit A attached hereto.

  • Acquisition Agreements means the Nexstar Acquisition Agreement and the Mission Acquisition Agreement, and “Acquisition Agreement” means the applicable agreement in the context used.

  • Settlement Agreements means any settlement reached in the U.S. Litigation with any of the Settling Defendants.

  • Existing Agreements has the meaning as set forth in Section 3.2 hereof.

  • Exchange Agreements means the GSK Exchange Agreement, the Pfizer Exchange Agreement and the SLP Exchange Agreement;

  • Shareholder Agreements has the meaning set forth in the recitals to this Agreement.

  • Equity Agreements has the meaning set forth in Section 5.1.

  • Support Agreements has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

  • Investment Agreements or “Flow-Through Agreements” means written agreements pursuant to which the Partnership will subscribe for Flow-Through Shares (including Flow-Through Shares issued as part of a unit) or agreements by the Partnership to otherwise invest in or purchase securities of a Resource Issuer, and in respect of Flow-Through Shares comprised of units, the Resource Issuer will covenant and agree:

  • Consulting Agreements means the consulting agreements to be entered into between the Purchaser (or an Affiliate thereof) and each of Xxxx X. Xxxxxx and Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, in a form acceptable to the Parties, acting reasonably;

  • PJM Agreements means the PJM OATT, PJM Operating Agreement, PJM RAA and any other applicable PJM manuals or documents, or any successor, superseding or amended versions thereof that may take effect from time to time.

  • Interconnection Agreements means, collectively, (a) an agreement by and among Owner, TransÉnergie and ISO-NE that sets forth such parties’ respective rights and obligations following the interconnection at the U.S. Border of the NECEC Transmission Line with the Québec Line and (b) an agreement by and between Owner and ISO-NE that sets forth such parties’ respective rights and obligations following the interconnection at the Delivery Point of the NECEC Transmission Line with certain transmission facilities operated by ISO-NE. The Interconnection Agreements shall address cost responsibilities among entities other than the Distribution Company and the other RFP Sponsors and shall include provisions, both technical and otherwise, for safe and reliable interconnected operations of the HVDC Transmission Project following Commercial Operation (including use of the HVDC Transmission Project for the delivery of electric power in emergency circumstances).

  • Lock-Up Agreement means the Lock-Up Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, by and among the Company and the directors, officers and 5% stockholders of the Company, in the form of Exhibit C attached hereto.

  • Construction Agreements means agreements to which Tenant is a party for Construction Work, rehabilitation, alteration, repair, replacement or demolition performed pursuant to this Lease.

  • Stock Purchase Agreements the meaning set forth in the recitals to this Agreement.

  • Escrow Agreements means one or more of the agreements between the Company, the Partnership and one or more of the Performance Investors, dated as of the closing of the date of the initial public offering of the common stock of the General Partner, pursuant to which the Performance Investors have deposited their Performance Shares in escrow for possible transfer to the General Partner or the Partnership (as applicable).

  • Subordination Agreements means all subordination agreements executed by a holder of Subordinated Debt in favor of the Administrative Agent and the Lenders from time to time after the Closing Date.

  • Retention Agreements has the meaning set forth in Section 5.11(e).

  • Voting Agreements has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

  • Restructuring Agreement shall have the meaning set forth in the recitals.

  • Seller Agreements means those agreements between Seller and third parties, including Artists and/or PRO, wherein Seller is entitled to receive the Percentage Interest of all Assets.

  • Subscription Agreements has the meaning specified in the Recitals hereto.

  • Intercompany Agreements has the meaning set forth in Section 2.03(a).

  • Existing Management Agreement means that certain management agreement between the Seller and the Existing Manager for the operation and management of the Hotel.

  • Athlete Agreement means the agreement that must be completed by any Athlete wishing to be considered for nomination and selection to the Games Team in accordance with clause8.4 of the NZOC Nomination and Selection Regulation.