BTP definition

BTP means Biotechnology Park as notified by DGFT on recommendation of Department of Biotechnology.
BTP means the Bureau Telecommunications and Post St. Maarten.
BTP means Xxxxx Tri-Plas Corporation, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, and its successors and assigns.

Examples of BTP in a sentence

  • BTP sensitivity: +10 bps parallel shift of BTP asset swap spreads has a –2.2 bps pre and –1.6 bps post tax impact on the fully loaded CET1 ratio as at 31 March 2020.

  • In 1Q20 CET1 ratio impact from FVOCI –13 bps, o/w –6 bps due to BTP.

  • Furthermore, the BTP holdings were reduced by more than €10 bn year on year; acceleration of the Non Core rundown, and UniCredit sold its old non-strategic assets such as a stake in Yapi, all holdings in Fineco and Mediobanca as well as real estate in Germany for a total of more than €7 bn.

  • The BTP should carry out its duties in accordance with its legislative powers.

  • If on any Interest Determination Date fewer than three or none of the Constant Maturity BTP Reference Banks provides the Calculation Agent with quotations for such prices as provided in the preceding paragraph, the Constant Maturity BTP Rate shall be determined by the Calculation Agent in good faith on such commercial basis as considered appropriate by the Calculation Agent in its discretion, in accordance with standard market practice.

More Definitions of BTP

BTP means the British Transport Police;
BTP means Biotechnology Park as notified by Director General of Foreign Trade on the recommendation of the
BTP means Brookside Technology Partners, Inc., a Texas corporation.
BTP. BTP Acquisition Corporation, formerly a Subsidiary of ACE which, in or about February, 1997, was merged into Arch Southeast with Arch Southeast as the survivor.
BTP means to introduce one hundred graduate students to farms, one thousand of college students to administration area, and ten thousands of students graduated from junior college or technical secondary schools to the reclamation area. However, according to interview, the duration of this project is not clear. Moreover, this strategy is mainly conveyed to employees by documents and meetings. Managers of HR department mainly take the HRM strategy as the organizational strategy. “BTP” helps to change the structure of agricultural human resources and improve the ability of college students (Table 2).
BTP means Brasil Telecom Participações S.A.