Bridged Tap definition

Bridged Tap means the unused sections of a twisted pair subtending the Loop between the End User Customer and the Serving Wire Center or extending beyond the End User Customer's location.
Bridged Tap means a multiple appearance of the same cable pair at several distribution points or a section of a cable pair not on the direct electrical path between the central office and the [ user's customer's ] premises.
Bridged Tap means a multiple appearance of the same cable pair at several distribution points or a section of a cable pair not on the direct electrical path between the central office and the [ user's customer's ] premises.

Examples of Bridged Tap in a sentence

  • Cable or other plant identified as Bridged Tap in Qwest Loop make up records is not Stub Cable for purposes of this Amendment, unless Qwest promptly provides CLEC with mutually agreeable verifying documentation that demonstrates that the device is Stub Cable as described in this Section and is not Bridged Tap (i.e., the Loop make up records are inaccurate).

Related to Bridged Tap

  • Design Criteria Package means concise, performance-oriented drawings or specifications for a public construction project. The purpose of the Design Criteria Package is to furnish sufficient information to permit Design-Build Firms to prepare a bid or a response to the District’s Request for Proposals, or to permit the District to enter into a negotiated Design- Build Contract. The Design Criteria Package must specify performance- based criteria for the public construction project, including the legal description of the site, survey information concerning the site, interior space requirements, material quality standards, schematic layouts and conceptual design criteria of the project, cost or budget estimates, design and construction schedules, site development requirements, provisions for utilities, stormwater retention and disposal, and parking requirements applicable to the project. Design Criteria Packages shall require firms to submit information regarding the qualifications, availability, and past work of the firms, including the partners and members thereof.

  • Uniform business entity application means the current version of the NAIC Uniform Business Entity Application for resident and nonresident business entities.

  • Service Drop means a cable that, by its design, capacity and relationship to other cables of the Company, can be reasonably considered to be for the sole purpose of connecting backbone of the Equipment to not more than one individual customer or building point of presence or property;

  • Software Update means a release of Software, in object code form, or firmware, which provides minor fixes, improvements and modifications to the Software or Equipment. Kodak software releases that are designated as updates will be identified A.B.x where the x designates the release as a Software Update.

  • Bridged Tap" means the unused sections of a twisted pair subtending the Loop between the End User Customer and the Serving Wire Center or extending beyond the End User Customer's location. "Business Line" means a Qwest-owned switched access line used to serve a business customer, whether by Qwest itself or by CLEC that leases the line from Qwest. The number of Business Lines in a Wire Center shall equal the sum of all Qwest business switched access lines, plus the sum of all UNE loops connected to that Wire Center, including UNE loops provisioned in combination with other unbundled elements. Among these requirements, Business Line tallies (1) shall include only those access lines connecting End User Customers with Qwest end-offices for switched services; (2) shall not include non-switched special access lines; and (3) shall account for ISDN and other digital access lines by counting each 64 kbps- equivalent as one line. For example, a DS1 line corresponds to twenty-four (24) 64 kbps- equivalents, and therefore to twenty-four (24) Business Lines. "Busy Line Verify/Busy Line Interrupt" or "BLV/BLI Traffic" means a call to an operator service in which the caller inquires as to the busy status of or requests an interruption of a call on another End User Customer's Basic Exchange Telecommunications Service line.

  • Support Structure means an existing or new structure that supports or can support a mobile service facility, including a mobile service support structure, utility pole, water tower, building, or other structure.

  • Open type traction battery means a liquid type battery requiring refilling with water and generating hydrogen gas released to the atmosphere.

  • Integrated Digital Loop Carrier means a subscriber loop carrier system that is twenty-four (24) local Loop transmission paths combined into a 1.544 Mbps digital signal which integrates within the switch at a DS1 level.

  • Soft Target means a target that will suffer minimum damage and cause minimum damage to the subject vehicle in the event of a collision.

  • Motor-driven cycle means a motorcycle, including every motor

  • Wireless support structure means a freestanding structure designed to support or capable of supporting small cell wireless facilities. Wireless support structure does not include a utility pole.

  • Software Upgrade means a release of Software, in object code form, or firmware, which adds new functionality and feature enhancements to the Software or Equipment. Kodak software releases that are designated as Software Upgrade will be identified A.B.x where the A &B designates the release as a Software Upgrade.

  • Server Software means software that provides services or functionality on a computer acting as a server.

  • Patent Application means an application for patent protection for a CRADA Subject Invention with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“U.S.P.T.O.”) or the corresponding patent-issuing authority of another nation.

  • Reference man means a hypothetical aggregation of human physical and physiological characteristics determined by international consensus. These characteristics may be used by researchers and public health workers to standardize results of experiments and to relate biological insult to a common base.

  • Expiry Date (Data di Scadenza) means the Expiry Date as specified in § 1 of the Product and Underlying Data.

  • Digital Signal Level 0 (DS-0 means the lowest-level signal in the time division multiplex digital hierarchy, and represents a voice-grade channel operating at either the 56 Kbps or 64 Kbps transmission bit rates. There are twenty-four (24) DS-0 channels in a DS-1.