Brand name drug definition

Brand name drug means a Prescription Drug that has been given a name by a manufacturer or distributor to distinguish it as produced or sold by a specific manufacturer or distributor and may be used and protected by a trademark.
Brand name drug means a drug marketed under a proprietary, trademark-protected name.
Brand name drug means a drug with a proprietary name assigned to it by the manufacturer or distributor.

Examples of Brand name drug in a sentence

  • If HMO grants the exception request, any difference between the Allowable Amount for the Brand Name Drug and the Generic Drug equivalent will be waived.

  • Your Health Care Practitioner can submit a request to waive the difference in cost between the Allowable Amount of the Brand Name Drug and Allowable Amount of the Generic Drug.

  • You will pay no more than the applicable Brand Name Drug Copayment if the prescription has no generic equivalent.

  • You may not be required to pay the difference in cost between the Allowable Amount of the Brand Name Drug and the Allowable Amount of the Generic Drug if there is a medical reason (e.g., adverse event) You need to take the Brand Name Drug and certain criteria are met.

  • A documented treatment with a generic or brand therapeutic alternative medication may be required for continued coverage of the Brand Name Drug.

More Definitions of Brand name drug

Brand name drug means a drug that is produced or distributed in
Brand name drug means a prescription drug approved under 21 U.S.C. § 355(b) or 42 U.S.C.
Brand name drug means a drug that is produced or distributed pursuant to:
Brand name drug means a drug for which an application is approved under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Section 505(c).
Brand name drug means a drug or product manufactured by a single manufacturer as defined by a nationally recognized Provider of drug product database information. There may be some cases where two manufacturers will produce the same product under one license, known as a co-licensed product, which would also be considered as a Brand Name Drug. There may also be situations where a drug’s classification changes from generic to brand name due to a change in the market resulting in the generic being a single source, or the drug product database information changing, which would also result in a corresponding change in Copayment obligations from generic to brand name. Copayment or Copay means the dollar amount or percentage amount paid by the Member for each Prescription Order filled or refilled through a Participating Pharmacy. Covered Drug(s) means any Legend Drug:
Brand name drug means a Prescription Drug that has no Generic Drug equivalent or a Prescription Drug that is the innovator or original formulation for which a Generic Drug equivalent exists.
Brand name drug means drugs produced and marketed exclusively by a particular manufacturer. These names are usually registered as trademarks with the Patent Office and confer upon the registrant certain legal rights with respect to their use.