Artal Permitted Transfer definition

Artal Permitted Transfer means (i) a member of the Artal Group that is a limited partnership or limited liability company Transferring to its members or former members or partners or former partners in accordance with its interest in the limited liability company or limited partnership and (ii) any Transfer to an Affiliate of Artal.

Examples of Artal Permitted Transfer in a sentence

  • Neither party to this Agreement shall assign all or any part of this Agreement, unless in connection with an Artal Permitted Transfer or OW Permitted Transfer, as the case may be, without the prior written consent of the other party to this Agreement.

Related to Artal Permitted Transfer

  • Permitted Transfer has the meaning set forth in Section 10.02.

  • Permitted Transfers has the meaning set forth in Section 4.2.17(d).

  • Permitted Transaction means any transaction involving (i) a Swap that is not a Required Transaction or (ii) a Required Transaction that is a component of a Covered Package Transaction.

  • Non-Permitted Transferee A Person other than a Permitted Transferee.

  • Permitted Transactions has the meaning set forth in Section 13(B).

  • Permitted Transferee Any Transferee of a Residual Certificate other than a Disqualified Organization or Non-United States Person.

  • Permitted Transferees means any person or entity to whom a Holder of Registrable Securities is permitted to transfer such Registrable Securities prior to the expiration of the Founder Shares Lock-up Period or Private Placement Lock-up Period, as the case may be, under the Insider Letter, this Agreement and any other applicable agreement between such Holder and the Company, and to any transferee thereafter.

  • excepted transfer means, in relation to any shares held by a member:

  • Restricted Transfer a transfer of Personal Data which is undergoing processing or which is intended to be processed after transfer, to a country or territory to which such transfer is prohibited or subject to any requirement to take additional steps to adequately protect the Personal Data processed under this Agreement for the transfer to be lawful under the Data Protection Legislation;

  • Exempt Transfer means, in relation to shares held by a member:

  • Excluded Transfer means any transfer of VRDP Shares (1) to a TOB Trust in which BANA and/or its Affiliates collectively own all of the residual interests, (2) in connection with a distribution in-kind to the holders of securities of or receipts representing an ownership interest in any TOB Trust in which BANA and/or its Affiliates collectively own all of the residual interests, (3) in connection with a repurchase financing transaction or (4) relating to a collateral pledge arrangement.

  • Non-Permitted Holder The meaning specified in Section 2.11(b).

  • Permitted Trust means a bona fide trust where each trustee is (i) a Qualified Stockholder, (ii) a Family Member, or (iii) a professional in the business of providing trustee services, including private professional fiduciaries, trust companies and bank trust departments.

  • PAL permit means the major NSR permit, the minor NSR permit, or the State operating permit under a pro- gram that is approved into the State Implementation Plan, or the title V permit issued by the Administrator that establishes a PAL for a major sta- tionary source or a GHG-only source.

  • Restricted Transaction means any of the following transactions or transmit- tals involving any credit, funds, instru- ment, or proceeds that the Act pro- hibits any person engaged in the busi- ness of betting or wagering (which does not include the activities of a financial transaction provider, or any inter- active computer service or tele- communications service) from know- ingly accepting, in connection with the participation of another person in un- lawful Internet gambling—

  • Material Permitted Acquisition means a Permitted Acquisition involving consideration of $300.0 million or greater.

  • Existing Transfer Restrictions means Transfer Restrictions existing with respect to any securities by virtue of the fact that Counterparty may be an “affiliate” of the Issuer (as such term is defined in Rule 144 under the Securities Act).

  • Shareholder-Initiated Transfer Redemption means a transaction that is initiated or directed by a Shareholder that results in a transfer of assets within a Contract out of a Fund, but does not include transactions that are executed: (i) automatically pursuant to a contractual or systematic program or enrollments such as transfers of assets within a Contract out of a Fund as a result of annuity payouts, loans, systematic withdrawal programs, insurance company approved asset allocation programs and automatic rebalancing programs; (ii) as a result of any deduction of charges or fees under a Contract; (iii) within a Contract out of a Fund as a result of scheduled withdrawals or surrenders from a Contract; or (iv) as a result of payment of a death benefit from a Contract.

  • Membership Rights means all of the rights of a Member in the Company, including a Member’s: (a) Interest; (b) right to inspect the Company’s books and records; (c) right to participate in the management of and vote on matters coming before the Company; and (d) unless this Operating Agreement or the Certificate of Formation provide to the contrary, right to act as an agent of the Company.

  • Exempt Transaction means an increase in the percentage of the outstanding shares of Common Stock or the percentage of the combined voting power of the outstanding Voting Stock of the Company beneficially owned by any Person solely as a result of a reduction in the number of shares of Common Stock then outstanding due to the repurchase of Common Stock or Voting Stock by the Company, unless and until such time as (a) such Person or any Affiliate or Associate of such Person shall purchase or otherwise become the Beneficial Owner of additional shares of Common Stock constituting 1% or more of the then outstanding shares of Common Stock or additional Voting Stock representing 1% or more of the combined voting power of the then outstanding Voting Stock, or (b) any other Person (or Persons) who is (or collectively are) the Beneficial Owner of shares of Common Stock constituting 1% or more of the then outstanding shares of Common Stock or Voting Stock representing 1% or more of the combined voting power of the then outstanding Voting Stock shall become an Affiliate or Associate of such Person.

  • Stockholders Agreement means the Stockholders Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, by and among the Company and the other parties thereto.

  • Stockholder Shares means the shares of common stock of the Company issued to Stockholder in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Reorganization Agreement, including such shares of common stock of the Company transferred from Stockholder to The Cendant Charitable Foundation, and any securities of the Company issued as a dividend on or other distribution with respect to, or in exchange for or replacement of, such common stock.

  • Qualified Transferee means an “accredited investor” as defined in Rule 501 promulgated under the Securities Act.

  • Public Sale means any sale pursuant to a registered public offering under the Securities Act or any sale to the public pursuant to Rule 144 promulgated under the Securities Act effected through a broker, dealer or market maker.

  • Management Stockholder’s Agreement means that certain Management Stockholder’s Agreement between the Optionee and the Company.

  • Termination of parental rights means the permanent elimination of all parental rights and duties, including residual parental rights and duties, by court order.