AGGREGATE PAYOUT means the total sum payable under the Program to all Executives.


  • Aggregate Payments as defined in Section 7.2.

  • Actual Deferral Percentage means, for a specified group of Participants for a Plan Year, the average of the ratios (calculated separately for each Participant in the group) of (1) the amount of Employer contributions actually paid over to the Trust on behalf of the Participant for the Plan Year to (2) the Participant's Earnings for the Plan Year (or, provided that the Employer applies this method to all Employees for a Plan Year, the Participant's Earnings for that portion of the Plan Year during which he was eligible to participate in the Plan). Employer contributions on behalf of any Participant shall include: (i) his Elective Deferrals, including Excess Elective Deferrals of Highly Compensated Employees, but excluding (A) Excess Elective Deferrals of Non-Highly Compensated Employees that arise solely from Elective Deferrals made under the Plan or another plan maintained by an Affiliated Employer, and (B) Elective Deferrals that are taken into account in the Average Contribution Percentage test described in Section 5.10 (provided the ADP test is satisfied both with and without exclusion of these Elective Deferrals), and excluding Elective Deferrals returned to a Participant to reduce an Excess Amount as defined in Section 6.5(f); and (ii) if the Employer has elected to make Qualified Nonelective Contributions, such amount of Qualified Nonelective Contributions, if any, as shall be necessary to enable the Plan to satisfy the ADP test and not used to satisfy the ACP test; and (iii) if the Employer has elected to make Qualified Matching Contributions, such amount of Qualified Matching Contributions, if any, as shall be necessary to enable the Plan to satisfy the ADP test and not used to satisfy the ACP test. For purposes of computing Actual Deferral Percentages, an Employee who would be a Participant but for his failure to make Elective Deferrals shall be treated as a Participant on whose behalf no Elective Deferrals are made.

  • Aggregate Account means, with respect to each Participant, the value of all accounts maintained on behalf of a Participant, whether attributable to Employer or Employee contributions, subject to the provisions of Section 9.2.

  • Actual Contribution Percentage means the average of the Contribution Percentages of the Eligible Participants in a group.

  • Contribution Percentage means the percentage obtained by dividing (x) the Adjusted Net Worth (as defined below) of such Guarantor by (y) the aggregate Adjusted Net Worth of all Guarantors; (ii) the “Adjusted Net Worth” of each Guarantor shall mean the greater of (x) the Net Worth (as defined below) of such Guarantor and (y) zero; and (iii) the “Net Worth” of each Guarantor shall mean the amount by which the fair saleable value of such Guarantor’s assets on the date of any Relevant Payment exceeds its existing debts and other liabilities (including contingent liabilities, but without giving effect to any Guaranteed Obligations arising under this Guaranty or any guaranteed obligations arising under any guaranty of any Permitted Additional Indebtedness) on such date. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained above, any Guarantor that is released from this Guaranty pursuant to Section 17 hereof shall thereafter have no contribution obligations, or rights, pursuant to this Section 18, and at the time of any such release, if the released Guarantor had an Aggregate Excess Amount or an Aggregate Deficit Amount, same shall be deemed reduced to $0, and the contribution rights and obligations of the remaining Guarantors shall be recalculated on the respective date of release (as otherwise provided above) based on the payments made hereunder by the remaining Guarantors. All parties hereto recognize and agree that, except for any right of contribution arising pursuant to this Section 18, each Guarantor who makes any payment in respect of the Guaranteed Obligations shall have no right of contribution or subrogation against any other Guarantor in respect of such payment until the Termination Date. Each of the Guarantors recognizes and acknowledges that the rights to contribution arising hereunder shall constitute an asset in favor of the party entitled to such contribution. In this connection, each Guarantor has the right to waive its contribution right against any Guarantor to the extent that after giving effect to such waiver such Guarantor would remain solvent, in the determination of the Required Lenders.

  • Contribution Percentage Amounts means the sum of the Employee Contributions, Matching Contributions, and Qualified Matching Contributions (to the extent not taken into account for purposes of the ADP test) made under the Plan on behalf of the participant for the Plan Year. Such Contribution Percentage Amounts shall not include Matching Contributions that are forfeited either to correct Excess Aggregate Contributions or because the contributions to which they relate are Excess Deferrals, Excess Contributions, or Excess Aggregate Contributions. If so elected in the adoption agreement the Employer may include Qualified Nonelective Contributions in the Contribution Percentage Amounts. The Employer also may elect to use Elective Deferrals in the Contribution Percentage Amounts so long as the ADP test is met before the Elective Deferrals are used in the ACP test and continues to be met following the exclusion of those Elective Deferrals that are used to meet the ACP test.

  • Elective Deferral Account means the account established hereunder to which Elective Deferrals (including a separate accounting for Catch-Up Contributions) are allocated. Amounts in the Participant's Elective Deferral Account are nonforfeitable when made and are subject to the distribution restrictions of Section 12.2(e). The Elective Deferral Account may consist of the

  • Group II Allocation Percentage With respect to any Distribution Date, the percentage equivalent of a fraction, the numerator of which is (i) the Group II Principal Remittance Amount for such Distribution Date, and the denominator of which is (ii) the Principal Remittance Amount for such Distribution Date.

  • Group I Allocation Percentage With respect to any Distribution Date, the percentage equivalent of a fraction, the numerator of which is (i) the Group I Principal Remittance Amount for such Distribution Date, and the denominator of which is (ii) the Principal Remittance Amount for such Distribution Date.

  • Aggregate Value means, with respect to any block of Equity Stock, the sum of the products of (i) the number of shares of each class of Equity Stock within such block multiplied by (ii) the corresponding Market Price of one share of Equity Stock of such class.

  • Deferral Percentage means the percentage (which, unless the Administrator, in his or her sole discretion, determines otherwise, shall be in whole percentage increments and not more than 90%) specified by the Participant to be the percentage of each payment of Compensation he or she wishes to defer under the Plan.

  • Qualified Matching Contributions means Matching Contributions which are immediately nonforfeitable when made, and which would be nonforfeitable, regardless of the age or service of the Employee or whether the Employee is employed on a certain date, and which may not be distributed, except upon one of the events described under Section 401(k)(2)(B) of the Code and the regulations thereunder.

  • Safe Harbor Amount means 2.99 times the Executive’s “base amount,” within the meaning of Section 280G(b)(3) of the Code.

  • Average Contribution Percentage means the average of the Contribution Percentages of the Eligible Participants in a group.

  • Average Actual Deferral Percentage means the average (expressed as a percentage) of the Actual Deferral Percentages of the Eligible Participants in a group.

  • Payout Percentage means the percentage (between 0% and 200%) determined by the Committee in accordance with the procedures set forth in Paragraph 2, which shall be used to determine the value of each Performance Unit.

  • Aggregate Planned Balance With respect to any group of Planned Principal Classes or Components and any Distribution Date, the amount set forth for such group for such Distribution Date in Schedule V hereto.

  • Matching Contribution Account means the separate, individual account established on behalf of a Participant to which the Matching Contributions made on such Participant's behalf are credited, together with all earnings and appreciation thereon, and against which are charged any withdrawals, loans and other distributions made from such account and any losses, depreciation or expenses allocable to amounts credited to such account.

  • Participant’s Account means an account maintained for each Participant’s participation in DSUs and/or RSUs under the Plan;

  • Qualified Matching Contribution means any employer contribution allocated to an Eligible Employee’s account under any plan of an Employer or a Related Company solely on account of “elective contributions” made on his behalf or “employee contributions” made by him that is a qualified matching contribution as defined in regulations issued under Code Section 401(k), is nonforfeitable when made, and is distributable only as permitted in regulations issued under Code Section 401(k).

  • Specified Reserve Account Balance means, for any Payment Date, an amount equal to 1.00% of the Pool Balance as of the Cut-Off Date; provided, however, on any Payment Date after the Notes are no longer Outstanding following payment in full of the principal and interest on the Notes, the “Specified Reserve Account Balance” shall be $0.

  • Grandfathered Percentage means, with respect to any Grandfathered Person, the percentage of the outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company that such Grandfathered Person, together with all Affiliates and Associates of such Grandfathered Person, Beneficially Owns as of the Grandfathered Time, plus an additional 1/2%; provided, however, that, in the event any Grandfathered Person shall sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of any outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company after the Grandfathered Time, the Grandfathered Percentage shall, subsequent to such sale, transfer or disposition, mean, with respect to such Grandfathered Person, the lesser of (i) the Grandfathered Percentage as in effect immediately prior to such sale, transfer or disposition or (ii) the percentage of outstanding shares of Common Stock of the Company that such Grandfathered Person Beneficially Owns immediately following such sale, transfer or disposition, plus an additional 1/2%.

  • Aggregate Net Losses means, with respect to a Collection Period, an amount equal to the aggregate Principal Balance of all Receivables that became Defaulted Receivables during such Collection Period minus all Net Liquidation Proceeds collected during such Collection Period with respect to all Defaulted Receivables.

  • Maximum Benefit Amount means the maximum amount payable for coverage provided to You as shown in the Schedule of Benefits.

  • Elective Deferrals are all Salary Reduction Contributions and that portion of any Cash or Deferred Contribution which the Employer contributes to the Trust at the election of an Eligible Employee. Any portion of a Cash or Deferred Contribution contributed to the Trust because of the Employee's failure to make a cash election is an elective deferral. However, any portion of a Cash or Deferred Contribution over which the Employee does not have a cash election is not an elective deferral. Elective deferrals do not include amounts which have become currently available to the Employee prior to the election nor amounts designated as nondeductible contributions at the time of deferral or contribution.

  • Target Bonus Percentage means, with respect to any Executive, the target bonus percentage specified for such Executive in his or her Employment Agreement.