Adverse impacts definition

Adverse impacts means adverse public health impacts and/or adverse
Adverse impacts means a control activity exposure or disturbance to a site or organism that may result in any of the following:
Adverse impacts means the negative effect of the proposed STAR bond project on existing businesses and units of local government within the market area and includes, but is not limited to, any negative effects on local, regional and State employment, including displacement; any negative effect on the local, regional and State economies; any negative effect on sales and income tax revenue; any negative effect on local vacancy rates for all property in the market area similar to property that is proposed to be developed in the STAR bonds district; and any negative environmental impact.

Examples of Adverse impacts in a sentence

  • Adverse impacts to individual visual resources or the addition of structures or developed areas may or may not adversely affect the vista.

  • Adverse impacts should not be allowed except where necessary to achieve the objectives of the Shoreline Management Act, and then only when mitigated as necessary to assure no net loss of ecological functions.

  • Adverse impacts on water quality of rivers crossing or running parallel to the proposed alignments in the form of silt deposition and runoff during construction are expected.

  • Adverse impacts such as localized disruption of vehicle traffic and pedestrian movements in areas along the alignment, and elevated CAC and fugitive dust emissions in proximity to work sites, elevated noise and vibration levels and visual impacts will occur during construction.

  • Adverse impacts may include direct (i.e. contamination, physical disruption), indirect (i.e. loss of prey), site specific or habitat wide impacts including individual, cumulative, or synergistic consequences of actions.

  • Adverse impacts indicators are accounted for, and for all of the underlying securities based on the data availability, coverage and quality which allows for setting measurable or quantifi- able thresholds, or where there is sufficient information to make a qualitative assessment of adverse impacts.

  • Adverse impacts on Affected Communities of Indigenous Peoples should be avoided where possible.

  • Adverse impacts remaining after practicable design modifications have been made may be offset by mitigation as described in sections 10.3 through 10.3.8, below.

  • Adverse impacts related to waste management are not expected to arise, provided that good site practices are strictly followed.

  • Adverse impacts may arise internally through human error, technology, or infrastructure changes, or through external events such as third party failures or crisis events.

More Definitions of Adverse impacts

Adverse impacts is used in the NEPA context. With respect to AQRVs, it does not refer to a formal determination of “adverse AQRV impacts” under the CAA.
Adverse impacts means the permanent loss, reduction or transformation of resource access, ecosystem services, cultural or recreational values, or other means of livelihood and health, as well as permanent loss of land or property.

Related to Adverse impacts

  • Adverse System Impact means a negative effect that compromises the safety or reliability of the electric distribution system or materially affects the quality of electric service provided by the electric distribution company (EDC) to other customers.

  • Environmental Harm means serious or material environmental harm or environmental nuisance as defined in the Environmental Protection Xxx 0000 (Qld);