Active Power definition

Active Power the product of voltage and the in-phase component of alternating current measured in units of Xxxxx and standard multiples thereof i.e. 1000 Xxxxx = 1kW, 1000 kW = 1MW, 1000 MW = 1GW, 1000 GW = 1TW;
Active Power has the meaning given to it in the Grid Code;
Active Power means the real component of the apparent power at fundamental frequency, expressed in watts or multiples thereof such as kilowatts ('kW') or megawatts ('MW');

Examples of Active Power in a sentence

  • This adjustment corresponds with the Active Power that is taken or injected in addition by [ARP] for the purpose of being able to comply with his obligations stated in the agreement to provide ancillary services.

  • This allocation to the Balancing Perimeter of [ARP] will be made on the basis of the measured Active Power, except for Injection at the Access Points of the Generation Units supplying the Strategic Generation Reserve whose measure is replaced by the value 0.

  • Nominations will contain an Active Power value for each Hour of the day with regard to the corresponding Physical Transmission Right of [ARP].

More Definitions of Active Power

Active Power means the product of voltage and the in-phase component of alternating current measured in units of watts and standard multiples thereof.
Active Power means the electrical power, being the product of root mean square (rms) voltage, root mean square (rms) current and cosine of the phase angle between the voltage and current vectors and measured in units of ‘Watt’ (W) or in standard multiples thereof;
Active Power means the useful component of the product of voltage and current, which the Plant shall provide to or absorb from the Purchaser Grid System and which is measured in Megawatt (MW).
Active Power. The capacity of the circuit for performing work in a particular time.
Active Power means the product of voltage (Volts) and the in phase component of alternating current (Amperes), measured in unit of xxxxx or standard multiples thereof.
Active Power the electrical power that can be converted into any other forms of power, such as, for instance, mechanical, thermal and acoustic power. The value of Active Power is equal to 3xUxI cosinus φ (phi), whereby U and I are the effective values of the fundamental components of the voltage wave (between a phase and the earth) and the power wave (in that phase) and where φ represents the phase difference (angle) between the fundamental components of voltage wave and power wave;
Active Power is equal to IV cos φ where φ is the phase angle between current and voltage;