Act of Insolvency definition

Act of Insolvency means any act as such as defined by the Presidency Towns Insolvency Act or in Provincial Insolvency act or any amending status.
Act of Insolvency means any act of insolvency as desired by the Presidency Towns Insolvency Act or the Provincial Insolvency Act or any amending statutes.
Act of Insolvency means as it is designed by Presidency Town Insolvency Act or Provincial Insolvency Act or any act amending such originals.

Examples of Act of Insolvency in a sentence

  • Except as disclosed in writing to Buyer, there are no judgments against Seller that are unsatisfied of record or docketed in any court located in the United States of America or any non-U.S. jurisdiction and no Act of Insolvency has ever occurred with respect to Seller.

More Definitions of Act of Insolvency

Act of Insolvency means any act of Insolvency defined by the Presidency Towns Insolvency Act, or the Provincial Insolvency Act or any Act amending such original act/s.
Act of Insolvency means, with respect to any party, (a) the commencement by such party as debtor of any case or proceeding under any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, liquidation, moratorium, dissolution, delinquency or similar law, or such party’s seeking the appointment or election of a receiver, conservator, trustee, custodian or similar official for such party or any substantial part of its property, or the convening of any meeting of creditors for purposes of commencing any such case or proceeding or seeking such an appointment or election, (b) the commencement of any such case or proceeding against such party, or another seeking such an appointment or election, or the filing against a party of an application for a protective decree under the provisions of the Securities Investor Protection Act of 1970, which (i) is consented to or not timely contested by such party, (ii) results in the entry of an order for relief, such an appointment or election, the issuance of such a protective decree or the entry of an order having a similar effect, or (iii) is not dismissed within 15 days, (c) the making by such party of a general assignment for the benefit of creditors, or (d) the admission in writing by such party of such party’s inability to pay such party’s debts as they become due.
Act of Insolvency means any Act of insolvency as defined by the
Act of Insolvency means, with respect to any Person or its Affiliates, (i) the filing of a petition, commencing, or authorizing the commencement of any case or proceeding, or the voluntary joining of any case or proceeding under any bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization, liquidation, dissolution or similar law relating to the protection of creditors, or suffering any such petition or proceeding to be commenced by another which is consented to, not timely contested or results in entry of an order for relief; (ii) the seeking of the appointment of a receiver, trustee, custodian or similar official for such party or an Affiliate or any substantial part of the property of either; (iii) the appointment of a receiver, conservator, or manager for such party or an Affiliate by any governmental agency or authority having the jurisdiction to do so; (iv) the making or offering by such party or an Affiliate of a composition with its creditors or a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; (v) the admission by such party or an Affiliate of such party of its inability to pay its debts or discharge its obligations as they become due or mature; or (vi) that any governmental authority or agency or any person, agency or entity acting or purporting to act under governmental authority shall have taken any action to condemn, seize or appropriate, or to assume custody or control of, all or any substantial part of the property of such party or of any of its Affiliates, or shall have taken any action to displace the management of such party or of any of its Affiliates or to curtail its authority in the conduct of the business of such party or of any of its Affiliates.
Act of Insolvency means in relation to either Party
Act of Insolvency means any act as defined by the Presidency Town Insolvency Act, 1909, or in the Provincial Insolvency Act, 1920 (enactments) or any amending statutes.
Act of Insolvency means any Act of Insolvency as defined by the provincial Insolvency Act or any Act amending such original.