Accessible to children definition

Accessible to children means areas of the facility and materials that the children can easily get to on their own.
Accessible to children means items, areas or materials of an early learning program that a child can reasonably reach, enter, use, or get to on their own.
Accessible to children means items, areas, or materials of a school-age program that a child can reasonably reach, enter, use, or get to on their own.

More Definitions of Accessible to children

Accessible to children means items, areas, or materials of an outdoor nature-based program (ONB) that a child can reasonably reach, enter, use, or get to on their own.
Accessible to children means areas of the facility and materials that the children can easily get to on their own. "Agency" as used in this chapter, has the same meaning as in RCW 43.215.010 (1)(c).
Accessible to children means capable of being entered, reached or utilized by children under six years of age, without assistance from an adult.‌
Accessible to children means loose or capable of becoming detached from the toy under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use by children, even if originally contained, encapsulated, recessed or collared in the toy.

Related to Accessible to children

  • Accessible surface means surface of equipment or of an equipment part that can be easily or accidentally touched by persons without the use of a tool.

  • Accessible Letter(s) means the correspondence used to communicate pertinent information regarding AT&T- 21STATE to the CLEC community and is (are) provided via posting to the AT&T CLEC Online website.

  • Status with regard to public assistance means the condition of being a recipient of federal, state, or local assistance, including medical assistance, or of being a tenant receiving federal, state, or local subsidies, including rental assistance or rent supplements.

  • Privacy Statements means, collectively, any and all of the Company’s privacy statements and policies published on Company websites or products or otherwise made available by the Company regarding the collection, retention, use and distribution of the personal information of individuals, including, without limitation, from visitors or users of any Company websites or products (“Individuals”);

  • Public land means land owned by the federal government, the state, or political subdivisions of the state and land acquired or developed for public recreation pursuant to section 321I.8.

  • Accessible as used in this Agreement, means a person with a disability is afforded the opportunity to acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services as a person without a disability in an equally effective and equally integrated manner, with substantially equivalent ease of use. A person with a disability must be able to obtain the information as fully, equally, and independently as a person without a disability. Although this might not result in identical ease of use compared to that of persons without disabilities, it still must ensure equal opportunity to the educational benefits and opportunities afforded by the technology and equal treatment in the use of such technology. The District agrees to take the following actions:

  • Public lands ’ means (A) all lands under the cus- tody and control of the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture, except Indian lands, (B) lands under the custody and control of the Tennessee Valley Authority that are situated in western Ken- tucky and Tennessee and are designated as ‘‘Land Be- tween the Lakes,’’ and (C) lands under the custody and control of the Secretary of Defense;

  • XXXXX Administrator’s Website means the Bank of England’s website, currently at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx, or any successor source for the Sterling Overnight Index Average identified as such by the XXXXX Administrator from time to time.

  • Student Personal Information means information collected through a school service that personally identifies an individual student or other information collected and maintained about an individual student that is linked to information that identifies an individual student, as identified by Washington Compact Provision 28A.604.010. For purposes of this DPA, Student Personal Information is referred to as Student Data.

  • Non-Public Personal Information about a Shareholder shall mean (i) personally identifiable financial information; (ii) any list, description, or other grouping of consumers that is derived from using any personally identifiable information that is not publicly available; and (iii) any other information that the Transfer Agent is prohibited from using or disclosing pursuant to Regulation S-P under Section 504 of the Gramm Xxxxx Xxxxxx Act.

  • Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility Standards means the accessibility standards for electronic and information resources contained in 1 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 213.

  • Statement of Compliance means the statement forming part of a Tender indicating the Bidders compliance with the Specification.

  • Distinguishable from background means that the detectable concentration of a radionuclide is statistically different from the background concentration of that radionuclide in the vicinity of the site or, in the case of structures, in similar materials using adequate measurement technology, survey, and statistical techniques.

  • Covered contractor information system means an information system that is owned or operated by a contractor that processes, stores, or transmits Federal contract information.

  • Environmental Information Regulations means the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 and any guidance and/or codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner or relevant government department in relation to such regulations.

  • Community Accountability Planning Submission means the HSP Board approved planning document submitted by the HSP to the Funder. The form, content and scheduling of the Planning Submission will be identified by the Funder;

  • Private information means **personal information in combination with any one or more of the following data elements, when either the personal information or the data element is not encrypted or encrypted with an encryption key that has also been acquired:

  • Verbal abuse means, but is not limited to, the use of derogatory terms or names, undue voice volume and rude comments, orders or responses to residents.

  • Inside Information means non-published information which is likely to have a noticeable effect on the pricing of a Contract if it was made public;

  • Sadomasochistic abuse means actual or explicitly simulated flagellation or torture by or upon a person who is nude or clad in undergarments, a mask or bizarre costume, or the condition of being fettered, bound or otherwise physically restrained on the part of one so clothed.