24/7 coverage definition

24/7 coverage means that facilities that provide HME services must have a telephone number that is operational twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week that clients can call to seek assistance. The telephone line may be an answering service that is monitored on a regular basis by the HME provider and should also alert clients to contact 911 in an emergency.
24/7 coverage means that facilities that provide HME services must have a telephone number

Related to 24/7 coverage

  • Lot coverage means the portion or percentage of the area of a lot upon which buildings are erected.

  • Fraud Coverage During the period prior to the first anniversary of the Cut-Off Date, 2.00% of the aggregate principal balance of the Mortgage Loans as of the Cut-Off Date (the "Initial Fraud Coverage"), reduced by Fraud Losses allocated to the Certificates since the Cut-Off Date; during the period from the first anniversary of the Cut-Off Date to (but not including) the fifth anniversary of the Cut-Off Date, the amount of the Fraud Coverage on the most recent previous anniversary of the Cut-Off Date (calculated in accordance with the second sentence of this paragraph) reduced by Fraud Losses allocated to the Certificates since such anniversary; and during the period on and after the fifth anniversary of the Cut-Off Date, zero. On each anniversary of the Cut-Off Date, the Fraud Coverage shall be reduced to the lesser of (i) on the first, second, third and fourth anniversaries of the Cut-Off Date, 1.00% of the aggregate principal balance of the Mortgage Loans as of the Due Date in the preceding month and (ii) the excess of the Initial Fraud Coverage over cumulative Fraud Losses allocated to the Certificates since the Cut-Off Date. The Fraud Coverage may be reduced upon written confirmation from the Rating Agencies that such reduction will not adversely affect the then current ratings assigned to the Certificates by the Rating Agencies.

  • Coverage means the types of persons to be eligible as the beneficiaries of the Scheme to health services provided under the Scheme, subject to the terms, conditions and limitations.

  • Period of Coverage means the Plan Year, with the following exceptions: (a) for Employees who first become eligible to participate, it shall mean the portion of the Plan Year following the date on which participation commences, as described in Section 3.1; and (b) for Employees who terminate participation, it shall mean the portion of the Plan Year prior to the date on which participation terminates, as described in Section 3.2.

  • Asset Coverage means asset coverage, as determined in accordance with Section 18(h) of the 1940 Act, of at least 200% with respect to all outstanding senior securities of the Fund which are stock, including all Outstanding Series A Preferred Shares (or such other asset coverage as may in the future be specified in or under the 1940 Act as the minimum asset coverage for senior securities which are stock of a closed-end investment company as a condition of declaring dividends on its common stock), determined on the basis of values calculated as of a time within 48 hours (not including Saturdays, Sundays or holidays) next preceding the time of such determination.

  • Insurance Coverage Contractor shall, at Contractor’s sole expense, procure, maintain and keep in force for the duration of this Contract the following insurance conforming to the minimum requirements specified below. Unless specified herein or otherwise agreed to by the City, the required insurance shall be in effect prior to the commencement of work by Contractor and shall continue in force as appropriate until the latter of:

  • General Liability Insurance Subcontractor shall carry minimum primary General Liability Insurance for the following amounts:

  • Claims-made coverage means an insurance contract or provision limiting

  • Fidelity Insurance means insurance coverage with respect to employee errors, omissions, dishonesty, forgery, theft, disappearance and destruction, robbery and safe burglary, property (other than money and securities) and computer fraud in an aggregate amount acceptable to Seller’s regulators.

  • Site Coverage means ratio expressed in percentage between the area covered by the ground floor of building and the area of the site;

  • Continuation Coverage means coverage under a COBRA continuation provision or a similar state program. Coverage provided by a plan that is subject to a COBRA continuation provision or similar state program, but that does not satisfy all the requirements of that provision or program, will be deemed to be continuation coverage if it allows an individual to elect to continue coverage for a period of at least 18 months. Continuation coverage does not include coverage under a conversion policy required to be offered to an individual upon exhaustion of continuation coverage, nor does it include continuation coverage under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

  • Family Coverage means coverage for you and your eligible spouse and/or dependents under this Certificate. FREESTANDING FACILITY……means an Outpatient services facility that is not covered under a Hospital's written agreement with Blue Cross and Blue Shield and has its own billing number and written agreement with Blue Cross and Blue Shield to provide services to participants in the benefit program at the time services are rendered. Freestanding Facilities may also be referred to as Outpatient Freestanding Facilities. GROUP POLICY or POLICY.....means the agreement between Blue Cross and Blue Shield and the Group, any addenda, this Certificate, the Group’s application and the Plan, as appropriate, along with any exhibits, appendices, addenda and/or other required information and the individual application(s) of the persons covered under the benefit program. HABILITATIVE SERVICES....means Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, and other services prescribed by a Physician pursuant to a treatment plan to enhance the ability of a child to function with a Congenital, Genetic, or Early Acquired Disorder. These services may include Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy, speech language pathology, and other services for a Covered Person with disabilities in a variety of Inpatient and/or Outpatient settings, with coverage as described in the Certificate. HEARING AID.....means any wearable non-disposable, non-experimental instrument or device designed to aid or compensate for impaired human hearing and any parts, attachments, or accessories for the instrument or device, including an ear mold. HEARING CARE PROFESSIONAL. means a person who is a licensed Hearing Aid dispenser, licensed audiologist, or licensed physician operating within the scope of such license. HOME INFUSION THERAPY PROVIDER. means a duly licensed home infusion therapy provider, when operating within the scope of such license. PARTICIPATING HOME INFUSION THERAPY PROVIDER… means a Home Infusion Therapy Provider who has a written agreement with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide Covered Services to participants in the benefit program at the time Covered Services are rendered. NON-PARTICIPATING HOME INFUSION THERAPY PROVIDER… means a Home Infusion Therapy Provider who does not have a written agreement with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide Covered Services to participants in the benefit program at the time Covered Services are rendered. HOSPICE CARE PROGRAM PROVIDER.....means an organization duly licensed to provide Hospice Care Program Service, when operating within the scope of such license. PARTICIPATING HOSPICE CARE PROGRAM PROVIDER… means a Hospice Care Program Provider that either: (i) has a written agreement with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide Covered Services to participants in the benefit program, or; (ii) a Hospice Care Program Provider that has been designated by any Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan as a Participating Provider in the benefit program. NON-PARTICIPATING HOSPICE CARE PROGRAM PROVIDER… means a Hospice Care Program Provider that either:

  • Property Insurance is defined in Section 6.10(a).

  • Liability Insurance means compulsory professional liability errors and omissions insurance required by a governing body;

  • D&O Liability Insurance Policies means all insurance policies (including any “tail policy”) of any of the Debtors for liability of any current or former directors, managers, officers, and members.

  • group insurance means insurance, other than creditor’s group insurance and family insurance, whereby the lives of a number of persons are insured severally under a single contract between an insurer and an employer or other person; (“assurance collective”)

  • Interest Coverage means as of the last day of any fiscal quarter, the quotient, expressed as a percentage (which may be in excess of 100%), determined by dividing EBITDA by Interest Expense; all of the foregoing calculated by reference to the immediately preceding four fiscal quarters of the Company ending on such date of determination.

  • Co-insurance means the percentage of the usual, reasonable, customary, and fair market value expense that a covered person must pay.

  • FHA Insurance The contractual obligation of FHA respecting the insurance of an FHA Loan pursuant to the National Housing Act, as amended.

  • Creditable coverage means, with respect to an individual, coverage of the individual provided under any of the following:

  • insurance period means a contribution period or an equivalent period;

  • Health Coverage means that if Key Employee elects to continue coverage for himself or his eligible dependents under the Company’s group health plans pursuant to the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, as amended (“COBRA”), during the twelve-month period commencing on the date of Key Employee’s termination of employment from the Company (the “Severance Period”), then throughout the Severance Period the Company shall promptly reimburse Key Employee on a monthly basis for the difference between the amount Key Employee pays to effect and continue such coverage and the employee contribution amount that active senior employees pay for the same or similar coverage under Company’s group health plans. Further, if after the Severance Period Key Employee continues his COBRA coverage and Key Employee’s COBRA coverage terminates at any time during the eighteen-month period commencing on the day immediately following the last day of the Severance Period (the “Extended Coverage Period”), then the Company shall provide Key Employee (and his eligible dependents) with health benefits substantially similar to those provided under its group health plans for active employees for the remainder of the Extended Coverage Period at a cost to Key Employee that is no greater than the cost of COBRA coverage; provided, however, that the Company shall use its reasonable efforts so that such health benefits are provided to Key Employee under one or more insurance policies (or such other manner) so that reimbursement or payment of benefits to Key Employee thereunder shall not result in taxable income to Key Employee. Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this paragraph, the Company’s obligation to reimburse Key Employee during the Severance Period and to provide health benefits to Key Employee during the Extended Coverage Period shall immediately end if and to the extent Key Employee becomes eligible to receive health plan coverage from a subsequent employer (with Key Employee being obligated hereunder to promptly report such eligibility to the Company).

  • Insurance means comprehensive insurance of the vehicle(s)/equipment and shall include insurance of the crew.

  • Professional liability insurance means insurance against legal liability incident to the practice of a profession and provision of a professional service.

  • Errors and Omissions Insurance Policy means an errors and omissions insurance policy maintained by the Master Servicer, the Special Servicer, the Trustee, the Custodian or the Certificate Administrator, as the case may be, in accordance with Section 8.2, Section 9.2 and Section 7.17, respectively.