2003D Bonds definition

2003D Bonds means the Gas Supply Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 2003D (The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company Project) issued in the aggregate principal amount of $51,000,000 for the purpose of refunding all of the outstanding 1993B Bonds and $24,000,000 aggregate principal amount of the 2000D Bonds.

Examples of 2003D Bonds in a sentence

  • Not less than 60 days before the end of any Term Rate Period (including the initial Term Rate Period with respect to the Series 2003C Bonds, the Series 2003D Bonds and the Series 2003E Bonds) or 60 days before the end of any Auction Rate Period with respect to the Bonds of any Series, the Borrower shall appoint a Remarketing Agent with the consent of the Issuer.

  • Neither Xx. Xxxxxx, nor any affiliated employees or subcontractors, shall be the agent(s) or employee(s) of the Company or the Company Bank under the meaning or application of any federal or state laws, including but not limited to unemployment insurance or worker’s compensation laws.

  • Except as provided in Section 2.08 hereof, the total principal amount of Bonds that may be issued hereunder is hereby expressly limited to $165,000,000, consisting of Series 2003A Bonds in an amount not to exceed $50,000,000, Series 2003B Bonds in an amount not to exceed $50,000,000, Series 2003C Bonds in an amount not to exceed $30,000,000, Series 2003D Bonds in an amount not to exceed $20,000,000, and Series 2003E Bonds in an amount not to exceed $15,000,000.

  • Upon such deposit, the Issuer will be deemed to have made five loans to the Borrower, one in an amount equal to the principal amount of the Series 2003A Bonds, one in an amount equal to the principal amount of the Series 2003B Bonds, one in an amount equal to the principal amount of the Series 2003C Bonds, one in an amount equal to the principal amount of the Series 2003D Bonds and one in an amount equal to the principal amount of the Series 2003E Bonds.

  • The Bonds shall be issued as fully registered bonds, without coupons, in Authorized Denominations and shall be dated the Dated Date and shall mature, subject to prior redemption or purchase upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, on the following dates: the Series 2003A Bonds, on March 1, 2038; the Series 2003B Bonds, on March 1, 2038; the Series 2003C Bonds, on March 1, 2038; the Series 2003D Bonds, on March 1, 2038 and the Series 2003E Bonds, on March 1, 2038.

  • The rights to receive payments under the T&D for the Series 2003D Bonds were released in 2009 as the Series 2003D Bonds are held as Treasury Bonds.

  • Any amounts remaining in any account within the Costs of Issuance Fund six months following the date of issuance of the Series 2003D Bonds and the Series 2003E Bonds shall be transferred to the Construction Fund.

Related to 2003D Bonds

  • Covered Bonds means any and all the covered bonds (obbligazioni bancarie garantite) issued or to be issued by the Issuer pursuant to the terms and subject to the conditions of the Programme Agreement.

  • Prior Bonds means the assessment bonds that are refunded in part or in whole by refunding assessment bonds.

  • Series 2020 Bonds means the West Virginia Hospital Finance Authority Refunding Revenue Bonds (Thomas Health System, Inc.), Series 2020 A to be issued as a combination of tax-exempt and taxable non-rated fixed rate bonds by the Issuer, subject to its authority and discretion, in the aggregate principal amount of $60,100,000, to (i) refund and retire the Series 2008 Bonds at a discount to the current par amount outstanding, (ii) fund a debt service reserve fund for the Series 2020 Bonds, (iii) fund the Operating Reserve Fund, if necessary, as described in Article IV.C.1 of the Plan and (iv) finance costs of issuance of the Series 2020 Bonds.

  • Series 2019 Bonds means, collectively, the Series 2019A Bonds and the Series 2019B Bonds.

  • Senior Bonds means all Bonds issued as Senior Bonds in compliance with the provisions of the Indenture.

  • Series 2017 Bonds means, collectively, the Series 2017A Bonds and the Series 2017B Bonds.

  • Bank Bonds means any Bonds purchased with moneys received under the Letter of Credit in connection with a Liquidity Drawing and held by the Tender Agent, or its agent, in each case, for the account of the Issuing Bank.

  • Refunded Bonds means the portion of the $205,000 of the Series K Bonds now outstanding that are stated to mature on December 1 in each of the years 2021 and 2022 that is to be refunded by the Bonds, as determined by the Fiscal Officer and specified in the Certificate of Award at the time of the sale of the Bonds in accordance with Section 2.

  • School Bonds means School Obligations issued as Bonds.

  • Existing Bonds means the following obligations of Seller:

  • Escrowed Bonds means Municipal Obligations that (i) have been determined to be legally defeased in accordance with S&P’s legal defeasance criteria, (ii) have been determined to be economically defeased in accordance with S&P’s economic defeasance criteria and assigned a rating of AAA by S&P, (iii) are not rated by S&P but have been determined to be legally defeased by S&P or (iv) have been determined to be economically defeased by S&P and assigned a rating no lower than the rating that is S&P equivalent of S&P’s AAA rating. In the event that a defeased obligation which is an S&P Eligible Asset does not meet the criteria of an Escrowed Bond, such Municipal Obligation will be deemed to remain in the Issue Type Category into which it fell prior to such defeasance.

  • Initial Bonds means the Bonds issued on the First Issue Date.

  • Refunding Bonds means Bonds issued pursuant to provisions of this Master Indenture, the proceeds of which are used to refund one or more Series of Outstanding Bonds.

  • Series A Bonds means the Series A Senior Secured Nuclear Asset-Recovery Bonds issued by the Issuer on June 22, 2016.

  • 2011 Notes means those certain notes issued pursuant to the Note Purchase Agreement dated as of March 22, 2011 among the Company and the purchasers named in Schedule A thereto.

  • 2028 Notes means those 6.500% Senior Notes due 2028 issued by the Borrower in an aggregate principal amount of $400,000,000 pursuant to the 2028 Notes Documents.

  • Term Bonds means Bonds that mature on one date and that are subject to mandatory redemption from Amortization Installments or are subject to extraordinary mandatory or mandatory redemption upon receipt of unscheduled Pledged Revenues.

  • Additional Bonds means the debt instruments issued under a Tap Issue, including any Temporary Bonds.

  • Outstanding Bonds means any Bonds not redeemed or otherwise discharged.

  • 2014 Notes means (i) the 4.850% Senior Secured Notes due 2024 issued by the Issuer on March 18, 2014 and (ii) the 4.45% Senior Secured Notes due 2025 and the 5.45% Senior Secured Notes due 2034 issued by the Issuer on August 21, 2014.

  • Serial Bonds means Bonds (other than Term Bonds) that mature in annual or semi-annual installments.

  • Option Bonds means Current Interest Bonds, which may be either Serial or Term Bonds, which by their terms may be tendered by and at the option of the Owner for purchase prior to the stated maturity thereof.