Επικοινωνία - Ρρόςβαςθ Sample Clauses

Επικοινωνία - Ρρόςβαςθ ςτα ζγγραφα τθσ Σφμβαςθσ Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι μποροφν να ζχουν δωρεάν πρόςβαςθ ςτα ζγγραφα τθσ ςφμβαςθσ μζςω τθσ ιςτοςελίδασ xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx Τα ζγγραφα τθσ ςφμβαςθσ διατίκενται και ςτα γραφεία τθσ ανακζτουςασ αρχισ κατά τισ εργάςιμεσ θμζρεσ και ϊρεσ. Για τθν παραλαβι των τευχϊν οι ενδιαφερόμενοι καταβάλλουν τθ δαπάνθ αναπαραγωγισ τουσ, εκτόσ αν ο ενδιαφερόμενοσ αναλάβει με δαπάνθ και επιμζλειά του τθν αναπαραγωγι. Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι μποροφν να παραλάβουν τα παραπάνω ςτοιχεία και ταχυδρομικά, εφόςον τα ηθτιςουν ζγκαιρα και εμβάςουν, κατόπιν ςυνεννόθςθσ με τθν ανακζτουςα αρχι, πζραν τθσ αναφερομζνθσ ςτο πρϊτο εδάφιο δαπάνθσ και τθ δαπάνθ τθσ ταχυδρομικισ αποςτολισ τουσ. Θ ανακζτουςα αρχι αποςτζλλει τα ηθτθκζντα ςτοιχεία μζςω των Ελλθνικϊν Ταχυδρομείων ι ιδιωτικϊν εταιρειϊν μεταφοράσ αλλθλογραφίασ και χωρίσ να φζρει ευκφνθ για τθν ζγκαιρθ άφιξθ τουσ ςτον ενδιαφερόμενο. Επιβάλλονται ςτουσ οικονομικοφσ φορείσ οι κάτωκι απαιτιςεισ με ςκοπό τθν προςταςία του εμπιςτευτικοφ χαρακτιρα των πλθροφοριϊν των ανωτζρω εγγράφων τθσ ςφμβαςθσ : Ο οικονομικόσ φορζασ αναλαμβάνει τθν υποχρζωςθ να τθριςει εμπιςτευτικά και να μθ γνωςτοποιιςει ςε τρίτουσ (ςυμπεριλαμβανομζνων των εκπροςϊπων του ελλθνικοφ και διεκνοφσ Τφπου), χωρίσ τθν προθγοφμενθ ζγγραφθ ςυγκατάκεςθ τθσ Ανακζτουςασ Αρχισ, τα ανωτζρω ζγγραφα ι πλθροφορίεσ που προκφπτουν από αυτά. Οι οικονομικοί φορείσ διαςφαλίηουν τθν τιρθςθ των απαιτιςεων αυτϊν από το προςωπικό τουσ, τουσ υπεργολάβουσ τουσ και κάκε άλλο τρίτο πρόςωπο που χρθςιμοποιοφν κατά τθν ανάκεςθ ι εκτζλεςθ τθσ ςφμβαςθσ. Για το ςκοπό κατά τθν παραλαβι των εγγράφων τθσ ςφμβαςθσ υποβάλλει υπεφκυνθ διλωςθ του ν. 1599/1986 με τθν οποία δθλϊνει τα ανωτζρω.
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Related to Επικοινωνία - Ρρόςβαςθ

  • Workday The length of the workday shall be designated by the District for each classified assignment in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Agreement. Each bargaining unit employee shall be assigned a fixed, regular, and ascertainable minimum number of hours.

  • Contract As used in this document, “Contract” (whether or not capitalized) shall, unless the context requires otherwise, include this document and all incorporated Exhibits, which set forth the entire understanding of the Parties and supersedes all prior agreements. All modifications to this Contract must be in writing and signed by all Parties. All Contract Exhibits listed below are incorporated in their entirety into, and form part of, this Contract. The Contract document and Exhibits shall have priority in the following order:

  • CONTRACTOR AND TERMS BID CONTRACT NO.: RS901512-3 OAKS Vendor ID: 0000150062 Xxxx Mechanical Contractors DELIVERY: AS OFFERED 000 Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxx Muldraugh, KY 40155 PAYMENT TERMS: Net 30 Days CONTRACTOR'S CONTACT: Xxxxx Xxxxx Office: (000) 000-0000 Mobile: (000) 000-0000 FAX: (000) 000-0000 E-mail: xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx OAKS ITEM IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 19199 – Repair and Maintenance Service CONTRACTOR INDEX CONTRACTOR AND TERMS: BID CONTRACT NO.: RS901512-4 OAKS Vendor ID: 0000154338 R & K Electric, Ltd. DELIVERY: AS OFFERED 000 Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xx. Louisville, OH 44641 PAYMENT TERMS: Net 30 Days CONTRACTOR'S CONTACT: Xxxx Xxxx Office: (000) 000-0000 Mobile: (000) 000-0000 FAX: (000) 000-0000 E-mail: xxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx CONTRACTOR AND TERMS: BID CONTRACT NO.: RS901512-5 OAKS Vendor ID: 0000073510 The K Company, Inc. DELIVERY: AS OFFERED 0000 X. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxx, XX 00000 PAYMENT TERMS: Net 30 Days CONTRACTOR'S CONTACT: Xxxx Xxxx Office: (000) 000-0000 Mobile: N/A FAX: (000) 000-0000 E-mail: Xxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx

  • Workday/Workweek A. The normal workweek for each full-time employee shall be forty (40) hours.

  • Contract Time The period of time established for completion of the Project by the Contract Documents. Contract Time commences upon the date specified in the Proceed Order and ends upon the Material Completion and Occupancy Date, as it may be amended.

  • Workweek and Workday 1. The normal workweek shall consist of not more than five (5) consecutive days and not more than forty (40) hours per week, Sunday through Saturday. The regular workday shall consist of not more than eight (8) hours per day. Nothing in this Article shall be deemed to restrict the extension of the regular workday or workweek on an overtime basis when such is necessary to carry on the business of the District.

  • Workday and Workweek The District and the Association recognize the principle of an eight (8) hour unit member workday, and a forty (40) hour workweek for persons employed on a full-time basis during the regular school year.

  • Rosters 8.1 As far as practically possible, the Employer will draw up a roster 1 week in advance. Changes to rosters may occur with 24 hours notice or, subject to the availability of the Employee, with less notice if by mutual consent.

  • THE CONTRACT The Contract Documents form the contract for construction. This contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. The contract may only be amended by Change Order. The Contract Documents shall not be construed to create any contractual relationship of any kind between the Architect and the Contractor, but the Architect shall be entitled to performance of obligations intended for his benefit, and to enforcement thereof. Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relationship between the State or the Architect and any Subcontractor or Sub-subcontractor.

  • Languages 20.1 The Proclamation of Sale, these conditions of sale and the Memorandum may have been translated and published in different forms and languages. In the event of any discrepancy, misstatement, omission or error appearing in the various forms or languages, this English version shall prevail.

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