The licence rights Sample Clauses

The licence rights. With regard to granting the licence rights in respect of the use of the name ‘Xxxxxxxx’, we note the following. In connection with our letter of 25 July 2003, we had a discussion by telephone on 31 July 2003. The result of this discussion was that SBS could be granted a license right without corporate income tax being levied, provided that SBS would undertake to refrain from depreciating this right for tax purposes. Xxxxxxxx Holding BV will grant licences to SBS (TV and media activities), Sky (radio activities) and Vereniging Xxxxxxxx. Subsequently, the name will be contributed to Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx BV, a newly established company.
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The licence rights. We orally agreed that granting the licence to SBS can be effected free of tax, provided that SBS does not depreciate the licence for tax purposes. By signing this letter also on behalf of its tax representative, SBS conforms to this agreement. In closing, we draw your attention to the fact that, in our opinion, the contribution of the name by Xxxxxxxx Holding after granting the above-mentioned licences is a taxable transaction. We will consult you on the remaining value of the name. If you agree with the above, kindly date and sign this letter in witness of your approval and return it to us no later than Friday, 29 August in connection with the closing of the transaction on that date. Please fax your response to us on # +00 (0)00 000 0000. Yours sincerely, on behalf of Ernst & Young Tax advisors [signature] [signature] on behalf of Xxxxxxxx on behalf of SBS /s/ H. de Ruijter /s/ X.X. Xxxxxxx Mr. H. De Ruijter Xx. X.X. Xxxxxxx For approval, Mr. W.P.M. Xxxxx SCHEDULE 5 DOMAIN NAME The domain name is: Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx SCHEDULE 6 SIGNING For the purpose of this schedule Unanimous Consent Resolution means a resolution in writing by a company’s body (orgaan), adopted by unanimous consent of all members of such body and, in respect of a resolution by a general meeting, including the opportunity by the management board and supervisory board (if any) to have rendered their advice.

Related to The licence rights

  • The License Licensor owns, operates and licenses a system designed to provide a distinctive, high quality hotel service to the public under the name "Homewood Suites" (the "SYSTEM"). High standards established by Licensor are the essence of the System. Future investments may be required of Licensee under this License Agreement ("AGREEMENT"). Licensee has independently investigated the risks of the business to be operated hereunder, including current and potential market conditions, competitive factors and risks, has read Licensor's "Franchise Offering Circular," and has made an independent evaluation of all such facts. Aware of the relevant facts, Licensee desires to enter into this Agreement in order to obtain a license to use the System in the operation of a Homewood Suites hotel located at 00000 X. XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX, XXXXXX, XXXXXXXX 00000 (the "HOTEL") subject to the terms of this Agreement.

  • License Rights The rights granted herein in favor of each Service Recipient are in the nature of a license and shall not create any leasehold or other estate or possessory rights in Shared Real Property, and if the license granted under this Article III expires or is terminated, the Service Recipient shall vacate the Shared Real Property, and any occupancy or activity of the Service Recipient thereafter in the Shared Real Property shall be considered a trespass.

  • Sublicense Rights Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Astellas shall have the right to grant sublicenses of the rights granted to it under Section 3.1.1 and 2.5.3(c) through multiple tiers to its Affiliates, provided that Astellas shall be and remain responsible for performance of all its obligations under this Agreement, and any action by an Affiliate shall be deemed an action by Astellas for which it is responsible. Astellas and its Affiliates may grant sublicenses through multiple tiers to Third Parties (a) whose primary business is contract manufacturing, solely for manufacturing and supplying Licensed Compound or Product to Astellas or any Related Party or (b) to a subcontractor to perform Astellas’s assigned responsibilities under this Agreement or any Research Plan, Development Plan or Co-Promotion Plan. All other sublicenses to be granted by Astellas or any Astellas Affiliate in the Joint Development Territory prior to […***…] will require prior written approval from Ambit, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, provided that in the event such sublicense is to all of Astellas’s rights in the U.S. or the Joint Development Territory to a Person who is not an Astellas Affiliate such approval shall be at Ambit’s sole discretion. In the case of sublicenses pursuant to the immediately preceding sentence above, Astellas shall provide to Ambit, upon Ambit’ written request, a copy of all executed agreements in which rights granted by Ambit under this Agreement are sublicensed (and Astellas shall have the right to make reasonable redactions prior to providing such agreements(s)). Ambit shall treat all such sublicense agreements as Astellas’s Confidential Information. Astellas or its Affiliates may grant sublicenses (i) in the Joint Development Territory at any time after the first NDA Submission in the Joint Development Territory, provided that, with respect to each applicable Product in the U.S., the Required Exercise Date has occurred and Ambit has not exercised the Co-Promotion Option or the Co-Promotion Term has expired or terminated and (ii) outside the Joint Development Territory, in each case ((i) and (ii)) through multiple tiers of Sublicensees without Ambit’s approval. Each sublicense granted by Astellas pursuant to this Section 3.1.2 shall be subject and subordinate to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Any sublicense granted by Astellas shall impose on the Sublicensee obligations consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, with each Sublicensee being required to comply with the obligations under this Agreement applicable to Sublicensees, and also to comply with the generally-applicable obligations of this Agreement that are appropriate for application to Sublicensees. Astellas shall ensure that all Persons to which it (or its Affiliate) grants sublicenses comply with all applicable terms and conditions of this Agreement, and Astellas shall be responsible for any failure of any such Sublicensee to comply with such terms or conditions, with the further understanding that any action or omission by any such Sublicensee that, if committed by Astellas would be a breach of this Agreement (with respect to those country(ies)) in which such Sublicensee is sublicensed), will be deemed a breach by Astellas of this Agreement (with respect to those country(ies) in which such Sublicensee is sublicensed) for which Astellas is responsible. Without limiting the foregoing, no sublicense shall modify Ambit’s rights or obligations under this Agreement (including Ambit’s Co-Promotion rights). Without limiting the foregoing, any sublicense agreement shall contain the following provisions, as applicable: (i) a requirement that such Sublicensee submit applicable Net Sales or other reports consistent with those required hereunder; (ii) audit requirements similar to those set forth in this Agreement; and (iii) a requirement that such Sublicensee comply with the confidentiality provisions of Article 6 with respect to Ambit’s Confidential Information.

  • Grant of License to Use Intellectual Property Collateral For the purpose of enabling Agent to exercise rights and remedies under Section 7 hereof (including, without limiting the terms of Section 7 hereof, in order to take possession of, hold, preserve, process, assemble, prepare for sale, market for sale, sell or otherwise dispose of Collateral) at such time as Agent shall be lawfully entitled to exercise such rights and remedies, each Grantor hereby grants to Agent, for the benefit of Agent and Lenders, an irrevocable, nonexclusive license (exercisable without payment of royalty or other compensation to such Grantor) to use, license or sublicense any Intellectual Property now owned or hereafter acquired by such Grantor, and wherever the same may be located, and including in such license access to all media in which any of the licensed items may be recorded or stored and to all computer software and programs used for the compilation or printout thereof.

  • Grant of License to Use Intellectual Property For the purpose of enabling the Collateral Agent to exercise rights and remedies under this Article at such time as the Collateral Agent shall be lawfully entitled to exercise such rights and remedies, each Grantor hereby grants to the Collateral Agent an irrevocable, non-exclusive license (exercisable without payment of royalty or other compensation to the Grantors) to use, license or sub-license any of the Collateral consisting of Intellectual Property now owned or hereafter acquired by such Grantor, and wherever the same may be located, and including in such license reasonable access to all media in which any of the licensed items may be recorded or stored and to all computer software and programs used for the compilation or printout thereof. The use of such license by the Collateral Agent shall be exercised, at the option of the Collateral Agent, upon the occurrence and during the continuation of an Event of Default; provided that any license, sub-license or other transaction entered into by the Collateral Agent in accordance herewith shall be binding upon the Grantors notwithstanding any subsequent cure of an Event of Default.

  • Sublicense to Use the Xxxxxxx Trademarks As exclusive licensee of the rights to use and sublicense the use of the "Xxxxxxx," "Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Investments, Inc." and "Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx & Xxxxx, Inc." trademarks (together, the "Xxxxxxx Marks"), you hereby grant the Trust a nonexclusive right and sublicense to use (i) the "Xxxxxxx" name and xxxx as part of the Trust's name (the "Fund Name"), and (ii) the Xxxxxxx Marks in connection with the Trust's investment products and services, in each case only for so long as this Agreement, any other investment management agreement between you and the Trust, or any extension, renewal or amendment hereof or thereof remains in effect, and only for so long as you are a licensee of the Xxxxxxx Marks, provided however, that you agree to use your best efforts to maintain your license to use and sublicense the Xxxxxxx Marks. The Trust agrees that it shall have no right to sublicense or assign rights to use the Xxxxxxx Marks, shall acquire no interest in the Xxxxxxx Marks other than the rights granted herein, that all of the Trust's uses of the Xxxxxxx Marks shall inure to the benefit of Xxxxxxx Trust Company as owner and licensor of the Xxxxxxx Marks (the "Trademark Owner"), and that the Trust shall not challenge the validity of the Xxxxxxx Marks or the Trademark Owner's ownership thereof. The Trust further agrees that all services and products it offers in connection with the Xxxxxxx Marks shall meet commercially reasonable standards of quality, as may be determined by you or the Trademark Owner from time to time, provided that you acknowledge that the services and products the Trust rendered during the one-year period preceding the date of this Agreement are acceptable. At your reasonable request, the Trust shall cooperate with you and the Trademark Owner and shall execute and deliver any and all documents necessary to maintain and protect (including but not limited to in connection with any trademark infringement action) the Xxxxxxx Marks and/or enter the Trust as a registered user thereof. At such time as this Agreement or any other investment management agreement shall no longer be in effect between you (or your successor) and the Trust, or you no longer are a licensee of the Xxxxxxx Marks, the Trust shall (to the extent that, and as soon as, it lawfully can) cease to use the Fund Name or any other name indicating that it is advised by, managed by or otherwise connected with you (or any organization which shall have succeeded to your business as investment manager) or the Trademark Owner. In no event shall the Trust use the Xxxxxxx Marks or any other name or xxxx confusingly similar thereto (including, but not limited to, any name or xxxx that includes the name "Xxxxxxx") if this Agreement or any other investment advisory agreement between you (or your successor) and the Fund is terminated.

  • Sublicenses Merck shall have the right to sublicense ([…***…]) any or all of the licenses granted to Merck hereunder, including in connection with the performance of tasks and obligations with respect to the Research, Development and Commercialization of Program Nanobody(ies), Compound(s) and Product(s) as Merck deems appropriate and without the prior written consent of Ablynx. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any such sublicense granted to a Third Party that encompasses material Commercialization of Program Nanobody(ies), Compound(s) and Product(s) for the U.S. or any Primary Country shall require prior written notification to Ablynx. Merck shall be responsible for ensuring that the performance by any of its sublicensees hereunder that are exercising rights under a sublicense hereunder is in accordance with the applicable terms of this Agreement (to the extent applicable to sublicensees), and the grant of any such sublicense shall not relieve Merck of its obligations under this Agreement (except to the extent they are performed by any such sublicensee(s) in accordance with this Agreement). In all cases, the rights granted to any sublicensee shall be subject and subordinate to the applicable terms and conditions of this Agreement. Where a sublicensee of Merck that is not an Affiliate is to perform any Research Program activities during the Research Program Term for the applicable Research Program, the grant of such a sublicense shall require the prior written consent of Ablynx (not to be unreasonably withheld), and Merck shall oversee the performance by such sublicensee of the relevant activities by the sublicensee in a manner that would be reasonably expected to result in their timely and successful completion of such activities in accordance with this Agreement, and Merck shall remain responsible and primarily and fully liable for the performance of such activities in accordance with this Agreement. Merck hereby expressly waives any requirement that Ablynx exhaust any right, power or remedy, or proceed against such sublicensee for any obligation or performance hereunder, prior to proceeding directly against Merck with respect to the sublicense. Merck shall ensure compliance with the applicable terms of this Agreement (to the extent applicable to sublicensees) by its sublicensee, including with respect to provisions on confidentiality, intellectual property ownership and compliance with Applicable Laws. Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that Merck grants a sublicense so as to enable said sublicensee to perform Research Program activities, Merck shall ensure that its sublicensee is obligated to assign rights to any Program Know-How made by such Third Party sublicensee so that such rights can be conveyed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including Section 7.1.

  • Assignment of Rights to Intellectual Property The Executive shall promptly and fully disclose all Intellectual Property to the Company. The Executive hereby assigns and agrees to assign to the Company (or as otherwise directed by the Company) the Executive’s full right, title and interest in and to all Intellectual Property. The Executive agrees to execute any and all applications for domestic and foreign patents, copyrights or other proprietary rights and to do such other acts (including without limitation the execution and delivery of instruments of further assurance or confirmation) requested by the Company to assign the Intellectual Property to the Company and to permit the Company to enforce any patents, copyrights or other proprietary rights to the Intellectual Property. The Executive will not charge the Company for time spent in complying with these obligations. All copyrightable works that the Executive creates shall be considered “work made for hire”.

  • Licensed Intellectual Property Section 3.17(h)(vi)...................................29

  • Compulsory Licenses If a compulsory license is granted to a Third Party with respect to Compound or Product in any country in the Territory with a royalty rate lower than the royalty rate provided by Section 5.4.1, then the royalty rate to be paid by Merck on Net Sales in that country under Section 5.4.1 shall be reduced to the rate paid by the compulsory licensee.

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