Send-Out definition

Send-Out has the meaning referred to in the ATM Contract. Service : all Small-Scale LNG Carrier Loading operations carried out under the conditions described in this Contract Service Start Date: date indicated in the Small-Scale LNG Carrier Specific Conditions. Shipper: shipper that has signed this Contract with the Operator. Shippers: all shippers that have signed a Small-Scale LNG Carrier Loading Contract with the Operator. Small-Scale LNG Carrier: Vessel with a capacity inferior or equal to 40 000 m3. Small-Scale LNG Carrier Adjusted Arrival Slot: period rescheduled by the Operator for the arrival of the Small- Scale LNG Carrier at berth in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 3.2 of Appendix 1. Small-Scale LNG Carrier Annual Schedule: schedule drawn up by the Operator that stipulates the Small-Scale LNG Carrier Estimated Window of Arrival and the quantity to be loaded (for guidance only) for each Cargo over a Year.
Send-Out means “to throw with force”!

Examples of Send-Out in a sentence

  • For each Month M during which the Shipper is allocated the Uniform Send-Out Option, the price of the Uniform Send-Out Option, PQBM, is equal to the product of the TB rate of the Uniform Send-Out Option by the quantity QBM that is the subject of the Uniform Send-Out Option.

  • The Operator shall share the amount of the Negative Stock and Offsetting Guarantee that is available to it after being triggered, or, if applicable, the amount paid following the Operator’s injunction, among the shippers for which the Send-Out Ratio is not zero in the Month in which the Shipper's negative Shared Stock Level has no longer changed.

  • Distribution between the Shippers shall take place in proportion to their Send-Out Ratio for the Month in which the Shipper's negative Shared Stock Level has no longer changed.

  • In the event of a request being made to the change the Windows of Arrival or the scheduled Quantities Unloaded or Reloaded prior to provision of the last Monthly Schedule, this request shall be processed as a priority over the request to change the Reference Send-Out.

  • In the event of a critical lack of LNG, the Operator may decide to suspend Terminal Send-Out to save LNG.

  • The Operator shall allocate a Forecasted Daily Send-Out pursuant to Article 27, making reasonable efforts to take into account the Shipper's Monthly Schedule Request.

  • In the event of the inability to nominate a negative Send-Out as per Article 23.3.2 and the modification of the Terminal's Send-Out in accordance with Article 23.3.2, resulting in a modification to the Forecasted Daily Send-Out of the other Shippers ("Affected Shippers"), the Shipper behind this modification ("Responsible Shipper") shall accept that the following compensation mechanism shall apply.

  • The Reference Send-Out Ratio is a fixed value for the entire Month.

  • These evaporations are normally re- condensed according to the Terminal Send-Out rate.

  • The Operator shall distribute the amounts collected under Article 27.2.3 between all other Shippers in proportion to their Reference Send-Out Ratios for Month M.

Related to Send-Out

  • Cathode ray tube or “CRT” means a vacuum tube, composed primarily of glass, which is the visual or video display component of an electronic device. A “used, intact CRT” means a CRT whose vacuum has not been released. A “used, broken CRT” means glass removed from its housing or casing whose vacuum has been released.

  • Knock-out Barrier means the Knock-out Barrier as specified in § 1 of the Product and Underlying Data.A "Knock-out Event" has occurred if the price of the Underlying, as published by the Reference Market with continuous observation during the Knock-out Period at any time is on or above the Knock-out Barrier.

  • Planned Outage means the removal of equipment from service availability for inspection and/or general overhaul of one or more major equipment groups. To qualify as a Planned Outage, the maintenance (a) must actually be conducted during the Planned Outage, and in Seller’s sole discretion must be of the type that is necessary to reliably maintain the Project, (b) cannot be reasonably conducted during Project operations, and (c) causes the generation level of the Project to be reduced by at least ten percent (10%) of the Contract Capacity.

  • Forced Outage means any unplanned reduction or suspension of the electrical output from the Facility resulting in the unavailability of the Facility, in whole or in part, in response to a mechanical, electrical, or hydraulic control system trip or operator-initiated trip in response to an alarm or equipment malfunction and any other unavailability of the Facility for operation, in whole or in part, for maintenance or repair that is not a scheduled maintenance outage and not the result of Force Majeure.

  • Capacity Transmission Injection Rights means the rights to schedule energy and capacity deliveries at a Point of Interconnection of a Merchant Transmission Facility with the Transmission System. Capacity Transmission Injection Rights may be awarded only to a Merchant D.C. Transmission Facility and/or Controllable A.C. Merchant Transmission Facilities that connects the Transmission System to another control area. Deliveries scheduled using Capacity Transmission Injection Rights have rights similar to those under Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service or, if coupled with a generating unit external to the PJM Region that satisfies all applicable criteria specified in the PJM Manuals, similar to Capacity Interconnection Rights.

  • Kick-Out Level for each relevant year means the average of the closing levels of the FTSE 100 for the 5 Business Days up to and including the relevant Kick-Out Date.

  • Injection Point means the Electric Interconnection Point.

  • Connection Point means an exit point or an entry point or a bidirectional point identified or to be identified as such in an access contract.

  • LOCKHEED XXXXXX Procurement Representative means a person authorized by LOCKHEED XXXXXX'x cognizant procurement organization to administer and/or execute this Contract.

  • Loop Concentrator/Multiplexer or "LCM" is the Network Element that does one or more of the following: aggregates lower bit rate or bandwidth signals to higher bit rate or bandwidth signals (multiplexing); disaggregates higher bit rate or bandwidth signals to lower bit rate or bandwidth signals (demultiplexing); aggregates a specified number of signals or channels to fewer channels (concentrating); performs signal conversion, including encoding of signals (e.g., analog to digital and digital to analog signal conversion); or in some instances performs electrical to optical (E/O) conversion. LCM includes DLC, and D4 channel banks and may be located in Remote Terminals or Central Offices.

  • Suction outlet means the opening or fitting through which the water under negative pressure is drawn from the pool or spa.

  • Unplanned Outage refers to the unavailable status of the units of the Power Plant other than Planned Outage. Based on the urgency of the needs of outage, the Unplanned Outage can be classified into five categories: (1) immediate outage; (2) the outage which could be delayed for a short while but the units must exit within six hours; (3) the outage which could be postponed over six hours but the units must exit within seventy-two hours; (4) the outage which could be deferred over seventy-two hours but the units must exit before the next Planned Outage; and (5) the prolonged outage which is beyond the period of the Planned Outage.

  • Excused Outage means any disruption to or unavailability of Services caused by or due to (i) Scheduled Maintenance,

  • Cold Weather Alert means the notice that PJM provides to PJM Members, Transmission Owners, resource owners and operators, customers, and regulators to prepare personnel and facilities for expected extreme cold weather conditions.

  • Transmission Injection Rights means Capacity Transmission Injection Rights and Energy Transmission Injection Rights. Transmission Interconnection Customer:

  • Lockdown means the period between 23H59 on 26 March 2020, until 23H59 on 30 April 2020;

  • Reference evapotranspiration or “ETo” means a standard measurement of environmental parameters which affect the water use of plants. ETo is given expressed in inches per day, month, or year as represented in Appendix C of these Guidelines, and is an estimate of the evapotranspiration of a large field of four to seven-inch tall, cool-season grass that is well watered. Reference evapotranspiration is used as the basis of determining the Maximum Applied Water Allowances.

  • NOC means Network and Support Operating Centre.

  • Unscheduled Outage means any outage that is not a “Scheduled Outage”. “Committed Time” shall mean, as to each Business Day, one hour before the trading session for that day is scheduled to open on the NYSE and one hour after the trading session on the NYSE for that day finally closes, but excluding the following periods of Scheduled Outage (defined below). A “Scheduled Outage” shall mean (1) those time periods from 12 AM Saturday to 6:00 AM Sunday each week and 11:00 PM to 12:00 AM daily, during which Computershare’s System maybe unavailable due to routine maintenance; and (2) any time period as to which Company has received prior notice. ≥99.5% <99.5% to ≥98% <98%

  • Generator Planned Outage means the scheduled removal from service, in whole or in part, of a generating unit for inspection, maintenance or repair with the approval of the Office of the Interconnection in accordance with the PJM Manuals.

  • Ethernet means a family of computer networking technologies for LANs.

  • Uptime means the time period when specified services are available with specified technical and service standards as mentioned in section titled WARRANTY SUPPORT” "%Uptime" means ratio of 'up time' (in minutes) as mentioned in section titled “Warranty support”

  • Demarcation Point means the point where Qwest owned or controlled facilities cease, and CLEC, End User Customer, premises owner or landlord ownership or control of facilities begin. "Designed, Verified and Assigned Date" or "DVA" means the date on which implementation groups are to report that all documents and materials have been received and are complete.

  • Produced water means water extracted from the earth from an oil or natural gas production well, or that is separated from oil or natural gas after extraction.

  • Generator Forced Outage means an immediate reduction in output or capacity or removal from service, in whole or in part, of a generating unit by reason of an Emergency or threatened Emergency, unanticipated failure, or other cause beyond the control of the owner or operator of the facility, as specified in the relevant portions of the PJM Manuals. A reduction in output or removal from service of a generating unit in response to changes in market conditions shall not constitute a Generator Forced Outage.

  • Rack means a mechanism for delivering motor vehicle fuel or diesel from a refinery or terminal into a truck, trailer, railroad car, or other means of non-bulk transfer.