Secret or Confidential Information Sample Clauses

Secret or Confidential Information. Neither the Company nor any of its officers or employees have at any time disclosed or permitted to be disclosed to any person other than Atlas or pursuant to any confidentiality or secrecy agreement which has been Disclosed to Atlas:
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Secret or Confidential Information. During the Term and for ten (l0) years thereafter, you will not directly or indirectly divulge to anyone (other than the Company's directors and persons designated by its Board of Directors) or use for your personal benefit, or the benefit of any other person, confidential or proprietary information of the Company, including, without limitation, any trade secrets, inventions, discoveries, improvements, devices, practices, processes, methods or products, whether or not patented or patentable, as to which at any time during the Term you become aware except that which (i) shall be generally known to the public or recognized as standard practice, (ii) becomes available to you on a non-confidential basis from a source other than the Company, unless disclosed in breach of agreement or applicable law, (iii) was already known to you on the date of this Agreement, or (iv) must be disclosed, as determined by the Company on advice of counsel, to comply with applicable law.
Secret or Confidential Information. At no time will the Key Employee disclose to anyone, other than the Company or persons designated by the Company, or use for the Key Employee's own benefit, any trade secrets or other confidential information, or any inventions, discoveries, improvements, tools, machines, compounds, formulae, methods or products, whether or not patented or patentable, which are directly or indirectly useful in or relating to any aspect of the business of the Company or any of its affiliates as conducted from time to 3 time, as to which the Key Employee at any time during the term of his employment shall become informed, which shall not be generally known to the public or recognized as standard practice. This Section shall not be violated by disclosure required, in the reasonable judgment of the Key Employee by governmental authorities, provided that (i) to the extent permitted by law, notice of the requirement for such disclosure is given to the Board of Directors prior to making any disclosure, and (ii) the Key Employee requests confidential treatment in connection with such disclosure. This Section shall not be violated by any disclosure of such information by the Key Employee required in the proper course of his duties as Chief Financial Officer in good faith, including without limitation during discussions with analysts, stockholders, investors and underwriters conducted in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Secret or Confidential Information. 8.1 The Vendor has not at any time disclosed to any person other than the Purchaser: (a) any of the Intellectual Property or other confidential information or property (including, without limitation, secret processes, financial and technical information, designs, drawings, plans, models, prototypes, statistics, documents, files, records and papers); nor
Secret or Confidential Information. The Company has not knowingly at any time (save in the ordinary course of business or to its professional advisers) disclosed to any person other than the Purchaser:
Secret or Confidential Information. So far as the Covenantors are aware, none of the Group Companies have at any time (except in the ordinary course of business or to persons under duties to it to maintain confidentiality or to its professional advisers) disclosed to any person other than Xxxxxxxx:

Related to Secret or Confidential Information

  • Protection of Confidential Information The Servicer shall keep confidential and shall not divulge to any party, without the Seller’s prior written consent, any nonpublic information pertaining to the Mortgage Loans or any borrower thereunder, except to the extent that it is appropriate for the Servicer to do so in working with legal counsel, auditors, taxing authorities or other governmental agencies or it is otherwise in accordance with Accepted Servicing Practices.

  • Trade Secrets and Confidential Information The Executive represents and warrants that: (i) the Executive is not subject to any legal or contractual duty or agreement that would prevent or prohibit the Executive from performing the Executive’s Duties for the Company or otherwise complying with this Agreement, and (ii) the Executive is not in breach of any legal or contractual duty or agreement, including any agreement concerning trade secrets or confidential information owned by any other party. The Executive agrees that the Executive will not: (1) use, disclose, or reverse engineer the Trade Secrets or the Confidential Information for any purpose other than the Company’s Business, except as authorized in writing by the Company; (2) during the Executive’s employment with the Company, use, disclose, or reverse engineer (a) any confidential information or trade secrets of any former employer or third party, or (b) any works of authorship developed in whole or in part by the Executive during any former employment or for any other party, unless authorized in writing by the former employer or third party; or (3) upon the Executive’s resignation or termination (a) retain Trade Secrets or Confidential Information, including any copies existing in any form (including electronic form), which are in the Executive’s possession or control, or (b) destroy, delete, or alter the Trade Secrets or Confidential Information without the Company’s written consent. The obligations under this subsection A shall: (I) with regard to the Trade Secrets, remain in effect as long as the information constitutes a trade secret under applicable law, and (II) with regard to the Confidential Information, remain in effect during the Restricted Period. The confidentiality, property, and proprietary rights protections available in this Agreement are in addition to, and not exclusive of, any and all other rights to which the Company is entitled under federal and state law, including, but not limited to, rights provided under copyright laws, trade secret and confidential information laws, and laws concerning fiduciary duties.

  • Non-Confidential Information The obligations set forth in Section 6.1 shall not apply to any particular portion of any Confidential Information that: (i) row or subsequently becomes generally known or available through no act or omission of the Receiving Party; (ii) is known to the Receiving Party at the time of receipt of the same from the Disclosing Party; (iii) is provided by the Disclosing Party to a Third Party without restriction on disclosure; (iv) is subsequently rightfully provided to the Receiving Party by a Third Party without restriction on disclosure; or (v) is independently developed by the Receiving Party, as can be demonstrated from the Receiving Party's business records and documentation, provided the person or persons developing the same had not had access to the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party prior to such independent development. ARTICLE VII

  • Secret Processes and Confidential Information For the Employment Term and thereafter (a) the Employee will not divulge, transmit or otherwise disclose (except as legally compelled by court order, and then only to the extent required, after prompt notice to both the Company and the Subsidiary of any such order), directly or indirectly, other than in the regular and proper course of business of the Company and/or the Subsidiary, any confidential knowledge or information with respect to the operations or finances of the Subsidiary or the Company or any of their subsidiaries or Affiliates, or with respect to confidential or secret processes, services, techniques, customers or plans with respect to the Company and/or the Subsidiary, and (b) the Employee will not use, directly or indirectly, any confidential information for the benefit of anyone other than the Company and/or the Subsidiary; provided, however, that the Employee has no obligation, express or implied, to refrain from using or disclosing to others any such knowledge or information which is or hereafter shall become available to the public other than through disclosure by the Employee. To the greatest extent possible, any Work Product (as hereinafter defined) shall be deemed to be "work made for hire" (as defined in the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C.A. ss. 101 et seq., as amended) and owned exclusively by the Subsidiary. The Employee hereby unconditionally and irrevocably transfers and assigns to the Subsidiary all right, title and interest the Employee may currently have or in the future may have by operation of law or otherwise in or to any Work Product, including, without limitation, all patents, copyrights, trademarks, service marks and other intellectual property rights. The Employee agrees to execute and deliver to the Subsidiary any transfers, assignments, documents or other instruments which the Company may deem necessary or appropriate to vest complete title and ownership of any Work Product, and all rights therein, exclusively in the Subsidiary. During the term of this Agreement and thereafter, Employee shall not take any action to disparage or criticize to any third parties any of the services of the Company and/or the Subsidiary or to commit any other action that injures or hinders the business relationships of the Company and/or the Subsidiary. All files, records, documents, memorandums, notes or other documents relating to the business of Company and/or the Subsidiary, whether prepared by Employee or otherwise coming into his possession in the course of the performance of his services under this Agreement, shall be the exclusive property of Company and shall be delivered to Company and not retained by Employee upon termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever.

  • Confidential Information The Executive shall hold in a fiduciary capacity for the benefit of the Company all secret or confidential information, knowledge or data relating to the Company or any of its affiliated companies, and their respective businesses, which shall have been obtained by the Executive during the Executive's employment by the Company or any of its affiliated companies and which shall not be or become public knowledge (other than by acts by the Executive or representatives of the Executive in violation of this Agreement). After termination of the Executive's employment with the Company, the Executive shall not, without the prior written consent of the Company or as may otherwise be required by law or legal process, communicate or divulge any such information, knowledge or data to anyone other than the Company and those designated by it. In no event shall an asserted violation of the provisions of this Section 10 constitute a basis for deferring or withholding any amounts otherwise payable to the Executive under this Agreement.

  • Company Confidential Information The Subscriber acknowledges that the Company is engaged in business development including programs of research and development and the marketing of products and services. The Subscriber also recognizes the importance of protecting the Company’s trade secrets, confidential information and other proprietary information and related rights acquired through such Company’s expenditure of time, effort and money. Therefore, in consideration of the Company permitting the Subscriber to submit this subscription and have access to the Company’s information and/or Company’s confidential information otherwise coming to the Subscriber, the Subscriber agrees to be bound by the following terms and conditions with respect to the Company:

  • Inventions and Confidential Information The parties hereto recognize that a major need of the Company is to preserve its specialized knowledge, trade secrets, and confidential information. The strength and good will of the Company is derived from the specialized knowledge, trade secrets, and confidential information generated from experience with the activities undertaken by the Company and its subsidiaries. The disclosure of this information and knowledge to competitors would be beneficial to them and detrimental to the Company, as would the disclosure of information about the marketing practices, pricing practices, costs, profit margins, design specifications, analytical techniques, and similar items of the Company and its subsidiaries. The Employee acknowledges that the proprietary information, observations and data obtained by him while employed by the Company concerning the business or affairs of the Company are the property of the Company. By reason of his being a senior executive of the Company, the Employee has or will have access to, and has obtained or will obtain, specialized knowledge, trade secrets and confidential information about the Company’s operations and the operations of its subsidiaries, which operations extend throughout the United States. Therefore, subject to the provisions of Section 14 hereof, the Employee hereby agrees as follows, recognizing that the Company is relying on these agreements in entering into this Agreement:

  • Scope of Confidential Information Executive acknowledges that the Company has developed, and will during the term of Executive’s employment continue to develop, substantial, confidential, competitively valuable information and other intangible or “intellectual property” in connection with its business, some or all of which is proprietary to the Company, (collectively, the “Confidential Information”). Without limiting the generality of the preceding sentence, Executive expressly recognizes and agrees that, subject to the remainder of this Section 5.2, the following items, and all copies, summaries, extracts or derivative works thereof, are entitled to trade secret protection and constitute Confidential Information under this Agreement, whether developed prior to the date hereof or thereafter, and whether with the assistance of Executive or otherwise: (i) the Company’s proprietary computer software, databases and lists of customers, prospects, candidates, and employees; employee applications; skills inventory sheets and similar summaries of employee qualifications, as well as employee compensation; customer ordering habits, billing rates, buying preferences, and short term needs; sales reports and analysis; (ii) employee reports and analysis; customer job orders and profit margin data; businesses processes, methods of operation and sales techniques; (iii) statistical information regarding the Company; (iv) financial information of the Company and its customers that is not publicly available; (v) specially negotiated terms and pricing with vendors and customers; (vi) research and development, business projects, strategic business plans, and strategies; products and solution services offered to customers; and (vii) any other non-public information of the Company that gives the Company a competitive advantage by virtue of it not being generally known. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Confidential Information shall not include (a) any information which is or becomes publicly available, other than as a result of the wrongful action of Executive or his agents; (b) any information independently developed by Executive subsequent to the Date of Termination; (c) any information made available to Executive following the termination of Executive’s employment from a third party not known by Executive to be under binder of confidentiality to the Company with regard thereto or (d) any information as to which the Company specifically waives its rights hereunder pursuant to an instrument in writing.

  • Use of Confidential Information The parties agree that during the term of this Agreement and thereafter, Confidential Information is to be used solely in connection with satisfying their obligations pursuant to this Agreement, and that a party shall neither disclose Confidential Information to any third party, nor use Confidential Information for its own benefit, except as may be necessary to perform its obligations pursuant to this Agreement or as expressly authorized in writing by the other party, as the case may be. Neither party shall disclose any Confidential Information to any other persons or entities, except on a “need to know” basis and then only: (i) to their own employees and Agents (as defined below); (ii) to their own accountants and legal representatives, provided that any such representatives shall be subject to subsection(iv) below; (iii) to their own affiliates, provided that such affiliates shall be restricted in use and redisclosure of the Confidential Information to the same extent as the parties hereto. “Agents”, for purposes of this Section, mean each of the parties’ advisors, directors, officers, employees, contractors, consultants affiliated entities (i.e., an entity controlling, controlled by, or under common control with a party), or other agents. If and to the extent any Agent of the recipient receive Confidential Information, such recipient party shall be responsible for such Agent’s full compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and shall be liable for any such Agent’s non-compliance.

  • Covenant Not to Disclose Confidential Information The Employee ------------------------------------------------- acknowledges that during the course of his employment with the Company he has or will have access to and knowledge of certain information and data which the Company or any subsidiary, parent or affiliate of the Company considers confidential and that the release of such information or data to unauthorized persons would be extremely detrimental to the Company. As a consequence, the Employee hereby agrees and acknowledges that he owes a duty to the Company not to disclose, and agrees that, during or after the term of his employment, without the prior written consent of the Company, he will not communicate, publish or disclose, to any person anywhere or use any Confidential Information (as hereinafter defined) for any purpose other than carrying out his duties as contemplated by this Agreement. The Employee will use his best efforts at all times to hold in confidence and to safeguard any Confidential Information from falling into the hands of any unauthorized person and, in particular, will not permit any Confidential Information to be read, duplicated or copied. The Employee will return to the Company all Confidential Information in the Employee's possession or under the Employee's control when the duties of the Employee no longer require the Employee's possession thereof, or whenever the Company shall so request, and in any event will promptly return all such Confidential Information if the Employee's relationship with the Company is terminated for any or no reason and will not retain any copies thereof. For purposes hereof the term "Confidential Information" shall mean any information or data used by or belonging or relating to the Company or any subsidiary, parent or affiliate of the Company that is not known generally to the industry in which the Company or any subsidiary, parent or affiliate of the Company is or may be engaged, including without limitation, any and all trade secrets, proprietary data and information relating to the Company's or any subsidiary, parent or affiliate of the Company's past, present or future business and products, price lists, customer lists, processes, procedures or standards, know- how, manuals, business strategies, records, drawings, specifications, designs, financial information, whether or not reduced to writing, or information or data which the Company or any subsidiary, parent or affiliate of the Company advises the Employee should be treated as confidential information.

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