Refusal to deal Sample Clauses

Refusal to deal. The refusal by either party to license or --------------- sublicense, as applicable, a Site to the other party, for reasons unrelated to capacity, zoning, permits, licenses and other required approvals, or environmental issues with respect to a Site, shall be deemed a material breach under this Agreement.
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Refusal to deal. Unilateral refusing to sell, market or provide to certain individuals goods or services that are available and normally offered to third parties;

Related to Refusal to deal

  • Refusal to Transfer The Company shall not be required (i) to transfer on its books any Shares that have been sold or otherwise transferred in violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement or (ii) to treat as owner of such Shares or to accord the right to vote or pay dividends to any purchaser or other transferee to whom such Shares shall have been so transferred.

  • OPTION TO RENEW Provided Tenant is not, and has not been (more than two (2) times), in default under any of the terms and conditions contained herein, Tenant shall have two (2) additional consecutive five (5) year options to renew and extend the Rental Term as provided herein (“Option”). The Option shall only be exercised by Tenant delivering written notice thereof to Landlord no earlier than the date which is twelve (12) months prior to the expiration of the Rental Term and no later than the date which is nine (9) months prior to the expiration of the Rental Term (the “Option Notice”). The Base Monthly Rent during the first year of each extension periods shall be the lesser of: (i) the then current Fair Market Rate (as defined) for comparable space within the Project, and (ii) the Base Monthly Rent then in effect for the Leased Premises during the last month of the initial Rental Term (increasing each year thereafter by 3%, compounded). “Fair Market Rate” means the market rate for rent chargeable for the Leased Premises based upon the following factors applicable to the Leased Premises or any comparable premises: rent, escalation, term, size, expense stop, tenant allowance, existing tenant finishes, parking availability, and location and proximity to services. Within thirty (30) days of Option Notice, Tenant shall notify Landlord of Tenant’s option of Fair Market Rate for the applicable renewal period. If Landlord disagrees with Tenant’s opinion of the Fair Market Rate, Landlord shall notify Tenant of Landlord’s opinion of Fair Market Rate within fifteen (15) days after receipt of Tenant’s opinion of Fair Market Rate (“Landlord’s Value Notice”). If the parties are unable to resolve their differences within thirty (30) days thereafter, Landlord or Tenant, at its sole option, may terminate this Lease, effective as of the last day of the then-current Rental Term. Alternatively, Tenant and Landlord may mutually agree to submit the determination of Fair Market Rate to a “Market Assessment Process,” as provided in Exhibit “F” – Market Assessment Process.

  • Right of First Refusal to Purchase TENANT shall have the right of first refusal to purchase the demised premises as hereinafter set forth. If at any time during the term as extended, LANDLORD shall receive a bona fide offer from a third person for the purchase of the demised premises, which offer LANDLORD shall desire to accept, LANDLORD shall promptly deliver to TENANT a copy of such offer, and TENANT may, within fifteen (15) days thereafter, elect to purchase the demised premises on the same terms as those set forth in such offer, excepting that TENANT shall be credited against the purchase price to be paid by TENANT, with a sum equal to the amount of any brokerage commissions, if any, which LANDLORD shall save by a sale to TENANT. If LANDLORD shall receive an offer for the purchase of the demised premises, which is not consummated by delivering a deed to the offerer, the TENANT'S right of first refusal to purchase shall remain applicable to subsequent offers. If LANDLORD shall sell the demised premises after a failure of TENANT to exercise its right of first refusal, such shall be subject to the Lease and shall continue to be applicable to subsequent sales of the demised premises. Notwithstanding the foregoing, TENANT'S right of first refusal shall not apply or extend to any sales or transfers between LANDLORD and any affiliates in which the principals of the LANDLORD are the majority shareholders to any family trusts or to the heirs of the principals of LANDLORD. LANDLORD shall be entitled to net the same amount under any right of first refusal exercise.

  • Notice to Allow Exercise by Holder If (A) the Company shall declare a dividend (or any other distribution in whatever form) on the Common Stock, (B) the Company shall declare a special nonrecurring cash dividend on or a redemption of the Common Stock, (C) the Company shall authorize the granting to all holders of the Common Stock rights or warrants to subscribe for or purchase any shares of capital stock of any class or of any rights, (D) the approval of any stockholders of the Company shall be required in connection with any reclassification of the Common Stock, any consolidation or merger to which the Company is a party, any sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company, or any compulsory share exchange whereby the Common Stock is converted into other securities, cash or property, or (E) the Company shall authorize the voluntary or involuntary dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the affairs of the Company, then, in each case, the Company shall cause to be delivered by facsimile or email to the Holder at its last facsimile number or email address as it shall appear upon the Warrant Register of the Company, at least 20 calendar days prior to the applicable record or effective date hereinafter specified, a notice stating (x) the date on which a record is to be taken for the purpose of such dividend, distribution, redemption, rights or warrants, or if a record is not to be taken, the date as of which the holders of the Common Stock of record to be entitled to such dividend, distributions, redemption, rights or warrants are to be determined or (y) the date on which such reclassification, consolidation, merger, sale, transfer or share exchange is expected to become effective or close, and the date as of which it is expected that holders of the Common Stock of record shall be entitled to exchange their shares of the Common Stock for securities, cash or other property deliverable upon such reclassification, consolidation, merger, sale, transfer or share exchange; provided that the failure to deliver such notice or any defect therein or in the delivery thereof shall not affect the validity of the corporate action required to be specified in such notice. To the extent that any notice provided in this Warrant constitutes, or contains, material, non-public information regarding the Company or any of the Subsidiaries, the Company shall simultaneously file such notice with the Commission pursuant to a Current Report on Form 8-K. The Holder shall remain entitled to exercise this Warrant during the period commencing on the date of such notice to the effective date of the event triggering such notice except as may otherwise be expressly set forth herein.

  • Option to Extend Upon expiration of the primary term of this Lease, Tenant is granted an option to extend the term of this Lease for one (1) additional sixty (60) month period, with the same terms and conditions as are included in this Lease, subject, however, to renegotiation of the rent provided in paragraph 4 of this Lease. The primary term and the extension terms will be collectively referred to in this Lease as the “term.” Tenant shall notify Landlord within not less than one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the expiration of the primary term of this Lease or prior to the expiration of each extension term of Tenant’s exercise of its option to extend this Lease, provided that in the circumstances described in paragraph 13, the options to extend the term may be exercised earlier as provided in paragraph 13, and if the option to extend is exercised earlier as provided in paragraph 13, nevertheless, the rental payable as provided in paragraph 4 shall be determined at the time and in the manner provided in paragraph 4 and this paragraph 3. During the following sixty (60) day period, Tenant and Landlord shall negotiate and arrive at an agreement or disagreement of the amount of rent to be paid during the applicable extension term. If Landlord and Tenant agree upon the rent to be paid during the applicable extension term, Landlord and Tenant shall at the end of the sixty (60) day period enter into a new written lease or an amendment agreement setting forth the amount of rental Tenant shall be required to pay pursuant paragraph 4 for the applicable extension term and any other additional terms to which Landlord and Tenant have agreed. If Tenant and Landlord fail to agree upon the rent to be paid during the applicable extension term during the sixty (60) day period of negotiations, a fair market appraisal comparison of comparable properties will be completed by an independent party upon which the Landlord and Tenant may use to negotiate the amount of rent to be paid during the applicable extension term. If Tenant and Landlord fail to agree upon the rent to be paid during the applicable extension term during the sixty (60) day period of negotiations, either Landlord or Tenant may, by written notice to the other party given within the ensuing thirty (30) day period, elect to invoke the arbitration provisions of this Lease to determine the rent Tenant shall be required to pay pursuant to paragraph 4 for the applicable extension term.

  • Notice to Allow Exercise by Xxxxxx If (A) the Company shall declare a dividend (or any other distribution in whatever form) on the Common Stock, (B) the Company shall declare a special nonrecurring cash dividend on or a redemption of the Common Stock, (C) the Company shall authorize the granting to all holders of the Common Stock rights or warrants to subscribe for or purchase any shares of capital stock of any class or of any rights, (D) the approval of any stockholders of the Company shall be required in connection with any reclassification of the Common Stock, any consolidation or merger to which the Company is a party, any sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company, or any compulsory share exchange whereby the Common Stock is converted into other securities, cash or property, or (E) the Company shall authorize the voluntary or involuntary dissolution, liquidation or winding up of the affairs of the Company, then, in each case, the Company shall cause to be delivered by facsimile or email to the Holder at its last facsimile number or email address as it shall appear upon the Warrant Register of the Company, at least 20 calendar days prior to the applicable record or effective date hereinafter specified, a notice stating (x) the date on which a record is to be taken for the purpose of such dividend, distribution, redemption, rights or warrants, or if a record is not to be taken, the date as of which the holders of the Common Stock of record to be entitled to such dividend, distributions, redemption, rights or warrants are to be determined or (y) the date on which such reclassification, consolidation, merger, sale, transfer or share exchange is expected to become effective or close, and the date as of which it is expected that holders of the Common Stock of record shall be entitled to exchange their shares of the Common Stock for securities, cash or other property deliverable upon such reclassification, consolidation, merger, sale, transfer or share exchange; provided that the failure to deliver such notice or any defect therein or in the delivery thereof shall not affect the validity of the corporate action required to be specified in such notice. To the extent that any notice provided in this Warrant constitutes, or contains, material, non-public information regarding the Company or any of the Subsidiaries, the Company shall simultaneously file such notice with the Commission pursuant to a Current Report on Form 8-K. The Holder shall remain entitled to exercise this Warrant during the period commencing on the date of such notice to the effective date of the event triggering such notice except as may otherwise be expressly set forth herein.

  • Option to Extend Lease Term At the expiration of the original Lease Term, Tenant may extend this Lease as to the entire Premises or a portion of the Premises for two (2) extended terms of five (5) years each (each an “Extended Term”) by giving Landlord written notice (the “Option Notice”) of its intention to do so not later than twelve (12) months prior to the expiration of the original Lease Term, and thereafter twelve (12) months prior to the expiration of the applicable Extended Term; provided, however, that Tenant is not in material default beyond any applicable notice and cure period under the Lease on the date of giving such notice or on the date of commencement of such Extended Term. The Option Notice shall set forth Tenant’s election to extend the Lease for all or a portion of the Premises. If Tenant elects to extend the Lease for only a portion of the Premises, the portion of the Premises for which Tenant elects not to extend the Lease shall be: (i) either located entirely on one floor of the Premises or located on one entire floor and a portion of the other floor; (ii) a minimum of 15,000 RSF; (iii) adjacent to a window line and easily accessible; and (iv) shall be in a readily marketable and leasable location. Landlord shall be responsible for any and all costs to separate the portion of the Premises for which Tenant elects not to extend the Lease from the remainder of the Premises such that the space is a separate easily accessible and readily marketable space promptly following the commencement of the applicable Extended Term. Any termination of the entire Lease shall result in automatic termination of this option. Tenant’s right to extend the Lease Term provided herein is personal to Tenant and may not be assigned or otherwise transferred except in connection with a permitted assignment of this Lease, including to a Tenant’s Affiliate. The Extended Term shall be upon all of the terms and conditions of this Lease, except that the following rights of Tenant during the original Lease Term shall not apply during such Extended Term unless granted as part of the Fair Market Rental: (a) any right to rent-free possession; (b) any right to further extension of the Lease Term beyond the Extended Terms set forth herein above; (c) any right to continue to pay the same Base Rent; (d) any right to additional Tenant Allowance; (e) any right to terminate the Extended Term early; (f) any right to continue to exclude HVAC Capital Expenditures; (g) cost of security for the Building; and (h) the right to the continuation of any cap on Controllable Operating Expenses from the previous year (it being understood that the Operating Expenses for the first twelve (12) months of each new Extended Term shall be the actual Operating Expenses without any cap and thereafter the cap set forth in Section 4.2(e) shall apply). Landlord and Tenant hereby acknowledge and agree that the Base Rent during each Extended Term shall be equal to ninety-five (95%) of the Base Rent component of the “Fair Market Rental” and one hundred percent (100%) of the economic concessions, including without limitation, free rent, improvement allowance, base year and other monetary concessions, component of the Fair Market Rental for the Premises, as determined by as follows:

  • Renewal Option This Contract may be renewed under the same terms and conditions, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of the Department of Administration and the State Budget Director in compliance with IC § 5-22-17-4. The term of the renewed contract may not be longer than the term of the original Contract.

  • Redemption at the Option of the Partnership The Partnership may not redeem any of the Series 1 Preferred Limited Partnership Units prior to June 30, 2020. On June 30, 2020 and on June 30 every five years thereafter (each, a “Series 1 Reclassification Date”), the Partnership may, subject to applicable law and to the provisions described under Section 6 below, upon giving notice as hereinafter provided, at its option, without the consent of the Holders redeem all, or any part, of the then Outstanding Series 1 Preferred Limited Partnership Units by the payment of an amount in cash for each Series 1 Preferred Limited Partnership Unit so redeemed equal to C$25.00 per Series 1 Preferred Limited Partnership Unit, together with all accrued and unpaid Series 1 Distributions up to but excluding the date of payment or distribution (less any tax required to be deducted and withheld by the Partnership) (the “Redemption Price”). If less than all of the then Outstanding Series 1 Preferred Limited Partnership Units are at any time to be redeemed, then the particular Series 1 Preferred Limited Partnership Units to be redeemed shall be selected on a pro rata basis disregarding fractions or, if the Series 1 Preferred Limited Partnership Units are at such time listed on such exchange, with the consent of the Toronto Stock Exchange, in such manner as the Managing General Partner in its sole discretion may, by resolution determine. The Partnership shall give notice in writing not less than 25 days nor more than 60 days prior to the applicable Series 1 Reclassification Date of its intention to redeem such Series 1 Preferred Limited Partnership Units to each person who at the date of giving such notice is the Holder of Series 1 Preferred Limited Partnership Units to be redeemed. Any such notice shall be validly and effectively given on the date on which it is sent and such notice shall be given and sent by posting the same in a postage paid envelope addressed to each Holder of Series 1 Preferred Limited Partnership Units to be redeemed at the last address of such Holder as it appears on the securities register of the Partnership, or in the case of joint Holders, to the address of that one whose name appears first in the securities register of the Partnership as one of such joint Holders or, in the event of the address of any Holder not so appearing, then to the address of such Holder last known to the Partnership, provided that the accidental failure or omission to give any such notices as aforesaid to one or more of such Holders shall not affect the validity of the redemption as to the other Holders to be redeemed. Such notice shall set out the number of such Series 1 Preferred Limited Partnership Units held by the person to whom it is addressed which are to be redeemed and the Redemption Price and shall also set out the date on which the redemption is to take place. On and after the date so specified for redemption, the Partnership shall pay or cause to be paid to the Holders to be redeemed the Redemption Price on presentation and surrender, at any place within Canada designated by such notice, of the certificate or certificates for such Series 1 Preferred Limited Partnership Units so called for redemption. Such payment shall be made by cheque payable at par at any branch in Canada of the Partnership’s bankers for the time being or by any other reasonable means the Partnership deems desirable and shall be a full and complete discharge of the Partnership’s obligation to pay the Redemption Price owed to the Holders of Series 1 Preferred Limited Partnership Units so called for redemption unless the cheque is not honoured when presented for payment. From and after the date specified in any such notice, the Series 1 Preferred Limited Partnership Units called for redemption shall cease to be entitled to Series 1 Distributions and the Holders thereof shall not be entitled to exercise any of the rights of unitholders in respect thereof, except to receive the Redemption Price therefor, provided that if payment of the Redemption Price shall not be duly made by the Partnership on or before the redemption date, the Partnership shall forthwith thereafter return the Holder’s deposited unit certificate or certificates to the Holder. At any time after notice of redemption is given as aforesaid, the Partnership shall have the right to deposit the Redemption Price of any or all Series 1 Preferred Limited Partnership Units called for redemption (less any tax required to be deducted and withheld by the Partnership), or such part thereof as at the time of deposit has not been claimed by the Holders entitled thereto, with any chartered bank or banks or with any trust company or trust companies in Canada named in the notice of redemption to the credit of a special account or accounts in trust for the respective Holders of such units, to be paid to them respectively upon surrender to such bank or banks or trust company or trust companies of the certificate or certificates representing the same. Upon such deposit or deposits being made, such units shall be deemed to be redeemed on the redemption date specified in the notice of redemption. After the Partnership has made a deposit as aforesaid with respect to any units, the Holders thereof shall not, from and after the redemption date, be entitled to exercise any of the rights of unitholders in respect thereof and the rights of the Holders thereof shall be limited to receiving a proportion of the amounts so deposited applicable to such units, without interest. Any interest allowed on such deposit shall belong to the Partnership. Subject to applicable law, redemption monies that are represented by a cheque which has not been presented to the Partnership’s bankers for payment or that otherwise remain unclaimed (including monies held in deposit as provided for above) for a period of two years from the date specified for redemption shall be forfeited to the Partnership.

  • Covenant to Deliver Borrower agrees to deliver to Bank each item required to be delivered to Bank under this Agreement as a condition precedent to any Credit Extension. Borrower expressly agrees that a Credit Extension made prior to the receipt by Bank of any such item shall not constitute a waiver by Bank of Borrower’s obligation to deliver such item, and the making of any Credit Extension in the absence of a required item shall be in Bank’s sole discretion.

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