GRANT OF MORTGAGE INTEREST. To secure the Mortgagor's prompt, punctual, and faithful payment and performance of all and each of the Mortgagor's present and future Liabilities (as defined herein) to the Mortgagee and each of the Lenders arising under a certain Loan and Security Agreement of even date between, among others, the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee and Brown Brothers Haxxxxxn & Co. (ax xxxxxxd, modified or replaced, the "Credit Agreement"), (Family Bank, FSB, Brown Brothers Haxxxxxn & Co. anx xxxx xther lenders as may become parties to the Credit Agreement shall herein above and hereinafter be collectively referred to as the "Lenders") including , without limitation, (i) a certain Revolving Credit Note of even date made by, among others, the Mortgagor payable to Family Bank, FSB in the original principal amount of $10,000,000.00, (ii) a certain Revolving Credit Note of even date made by, among others, the Mortgagor payable to Brown Brothers Haxxxxxn and Co. xx xxx xriginal principal amount of $10,000,000.00, (iii) a certain Term Note of even date made by, among others, the Mortgagor payable to Family Bank, FSB in the original principal amount of $2,500,000.00, and (iv) a certain Term Note of even date made by, among others, the Mortgagor payable to Brown Brothers Haxxxxxn and Co. xx xxx xriginal principal amount of $5,000,000.00, and any extensions, renewals, substitutions, modifications, or replacements of any of the foregoing (hereinafter, singly and collectively, the "Notes"), the Mortgagor hereby grants, mortgages, assigns, and transfers to the Mortgagee with MORTGAGE COVENANTS, the Collateral (as defined herein). The Mortgagor intends to convey and hereby does convey to the Mortgagee with MORTGAGE COVENANTS (to be included within the Collateral), the premises conveyed to the Mortgagor by deed recorded with the Essex County Registry of Deeds to secure the Liabilities.
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GRANT OF MORTGAGE INTEREST. To secure the Mortgagor’s prompt, punctual, and faithful payment and performance of all and each of the Mortgagor’s present and future Liabilities (as that term is defined in Section 3-1 herein) to the Mortgagee, including, without limitation, those liabilities arising under a certain Commercial Real Estate Promissory Note of even date (as amended, restated, amended and restated or otherwise modified from time to time, the “Note”) made by the Mortgagor payable to the order of the Mortgagee in the original principal amount of Eight Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($800,000.00) (the “Loan”), and any extensions, renewals, substitutions, modifications, or replacements thereof, and any and all other liabilities of the Mortgagor to the Mortgagee hereunder, the Mortgagor hereby grants, mortgages, assigns, and transfers to the Mortgagee with MORTGAGE COVENANTS, the Collateral (as that term is defined in Section 3-3 herein). The Mortgagor intends to convey and hereby does convey to the Mortgagee with MORTGAGE COVENANTS (to be included within the Collateral), the premises conveyed to the Mortgagor by deed dated November 26, 2003 and filed with the Middlesex North Registry District of the Land Court as Document No. 221333; Certificate of Title No. 37077.
GRANT OF MORTGAGE INTEREST. To secure the Mortgagor's prompt, punctual, and faithful payment and performance of all and each of the Mortgagor's present and future Liabilities (as defined herein) to the Mortgagee and each of the Lenders arising under a certain Amended and Restated Loan Agreement of even date between, among others, the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, as Documentation Agent, Xxxxx Brothers Xxxxxxxx & Co., as Administrative Agent, and Key Corporate Capital Inc., as Syndication Agent (as amended, modified or replaced, the "Credit Agreement"), (Banknorth,


  • Assignment of Mortgage An assignment of the Mortgage, notice of transfer or equivalent instrument in recordable form, sufficient under the laws of the jurisdiction wherein the related Mortgaged Property is located to reflect the transfer of the Mortgage to the party indicated therein, which assignment, notice of transfer or equivalent instrument may be in the form of one or more blanket assignments covering the Mortgage Loans secured by Mortgaged Properties located in the same jurisdiction, if permitted by law. Best Efforts: Efforts determined to be reasonably diligent by the Seller or the Servicer, as the case may be, in its sole discretion. Such efforts do not require the Seller or the Servicer, as the case may be, to enter into any litigation, arbitration or other legal or quasi-legal proceeding, nor do they require the Seller or the Servicer, as the case may be, to advance or expend fees or sums of money in addition to those specifically set forth in this Agreement.

  • Transfer of Mortgage Loans The Assignment of Mortgage is in recordable form and is acceptable for recording under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Mortgaged Property is located;

  • Whole Loan; Ownership of Mortgage Loans Except with respect to a Mortgage Loan that is part of a Whole Loan, each Mortgage Loan is a whole loan and not a participation interest in a mortgage loan. At the time of the sale, transfer and assignment to the Depositor, no Mortgage Note or Mortgage was subject to any assignment (other than assignments to the Mortgage Loan Seller or (with respect to any Non-Serviced Mortgage Loan) to the related Non-Serviced Trustee for the related Non-Serviced Trust), participation (it being understood that a Mortgage Loan that is part of a Whole Loan does not constitute a participation) or pledge, and the Mortgage Loan Seller had good title to, and was the sole owner of, each Mortgage Loan free and clear of any and all liens, charges, pledges, encumbrances, participations (other than with respect to agreements among noteholders with respect to a Whole Loan), any other ownership interests and other interests on, in or to such Mortgage Loan other than any servicing rights appointment, subservicing or similar agreement. The Mortgage Loan Seller has full right and authority to sell, assign and transfer each Mortgage Loan, and the assignment to the Depositor constitutes a legal, valid and binding assignment of such Mortgage Loan free and clear of any and all liens, pledges, charges or security interests of any nature encumbering such Mortgage Loan.

  • Acknowledgment of Transfer of Mortgage Pool Assets The Trustee hereby acknowledges and accepts on behalf of the Trust the transfer and assignment pursuant to Section 2.04 to the Trust of the Mortgage Pool Assets, but without having made the review required to be made within 45 days pursuant to Section 2.07, and declares that as of the Closing Date it (or the Custodian on behalf of the Trustee) holds and shall hold any documents constituting a part of the Mortgage Pool Assets, and the Mortgage Pool Assets, as Trustee in trust, upon the trust herein set forth, for the use and benefit of all present and future Holders of the Certificates.

  • Recording of Mortgage, Etc Borrower forthwith upon the execution and delivery of the Mortgage and thereafter, from time to time, will cause the Mortgage and any of the other Loan Documents creating a lien or security interest or evidencing the lien hereof upon the Property and each instrument of further assurance to be filed, registered or recorded in such manner and in such places as may be required by any present or future law in order to publish notice of and fully to protect and perfect the lien or security interest hereof upon, and the interest of Lender in, the Property. Borrower will pay all taxes, filing, registration or recording fees, and all expenses incident to the preparation, execution, acknowledgment and/or recording of the Note, the Mortgage, the other Loan Documents, any note, deed of trust or mortgage supplemental hereto, any security instrument with respect to the Property and any instrument of further assurance, and any modification or amendment of the foregoing documents, and all federal, state, county and municipal taxes, duties, imposts, assessments and charges arising out of or in connection with the execution and delivery of the Mortgage, any deed of trust or mortgage supplemental hereto, any security instrument with respect to the Property or any instrument of further assurance, and any modification or amendment of the foregoing documents, except where prohibited by law so to do.

  • Ownership of Mortgage Loans Immediately prior to the transfer of the Mortgage Loans to the Purchaser, the Seller had good title to, and was the sole owner of, each Mortgage Loan. The Seller has full right, power and authority to transfer and assign each Mortgage Loan to or at the direction of the Purchaser free and clear of any and all pledges, liens, charges, security interests, participation interests and/or other interests and encumbrances (except for certain servicing rights as provided in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement, any permitted subservicing agreements and servicing rights purchase agreements pertaining thereto). The Seller has validly and effectively conveyed to the Purchaser all legal and beneficial interest in and to each Mortgage Loan free and clear of any pledge, lien, charge, security interest or other encumbrance (except for certain servicing rights as provided in the Pooling and Servicing Agreement, any permitted subservicing agreements and servicing rights purchase agreements pertaining thereto); provided that recording and/or filing of various transfer documents are to be completed after the Closing Date as contemplated hereby and by the Pooling and Servicing Agreement. The sale of the Mortgage Loans to the Purchaser or its designee does not require the Seller to obtain any governmental or regulatory approval or consent that has not been obtained. Each Mortgage Note is, or shall be as of the Closing Date, properly endorsed to the Purchaser or its designee and each such endorsement is, or shall be as of the Closing Date, genuine.

  • Transfers of Mortgaged Property The Company shall use its best efforts to enforce any "due-on-sale" provision contained in any Mortgage or Mortgage Note and to deny assumption by the Person to whom the Mortgaged Property has been or is about to be sold whether by absolute conveyance or by contract of sale, and whether or not the Mortgagor remains liable on the Mortgage and the Mortgage Note. When the Mortgaged Property has been conveyed by the Mortgagor, the Company shall, to the extent it has knowledge of such conveyance, exercise its rights to accelerate the maturity of such Mortgage Loan under the "due-on-sale" clause applicable thereto, provided, however, that the Company shall not exercise such rights if prohibited by law from doing so or if the exercise of such rights would impair or threaten to impair any recovery under the related PMI Policy, if any. If the Company reasonably believes it is unable under applicable law to enforce such "due-on-sale" clause, the Company shall enter into (i) an assumption and modification agreement with the Person to whom such property has been conveyed, pursuant to which such Person becomes liable under the Mortgage Note and the original Mortgagor remains liable thereon or (ii) in the event the Company is unable under applicable law to require that the original Mortgagor remain liable under the Mortgage Note and the Company has the prior consent of the primary mortgage guaranty insurer, a substitution of liability agreement with the purchaser of the Mortgaged Property pursuant to which the original Mortgagor is released from liability and the purchaser of the Mortgaged Property is substituted as Mortgagor and becomes liable under the Mortgage Note. If an assumption fee is collected by the Company for entering into an assumption agreement the fee will be retained by the Company as additional servicing compensation. In connection with any such assumption, neither the Mortgage Interest Rate borne by the related Mortgage Note, the term of the Mortgage Loan, the outstanding principal amount of the Mortgage Loan nor any other material terms shall be changed without Purchaser's consent. To the extent that any Mortgage Loan is assumable, the Company shall inquire diligently into the credit worthiness of the proposed transferee, and shall use the underwriting criteria for approving the credit of the proposed transferee which are used with respect to underwriting mortgage loans of the same type as the Mortgage Loan. If the credit worthiness of the proposed transferee does not meet such underwriting criteria, the Company diligently shall, to the extent permitted by the Mortgage or the Mortgage Note and by applicable law, accelerate the maturity of the Mortgage Loan.


  • Substitution of Mortgage Loans Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, in lieu of purchasing a Mortgage Loan pursuant to the Mortgage Loan Purchase Agreement or Sections 2.02 or 2.03 of this Agreement, the Seller may, no later than the date by which such purchase by the Seller would otherwise be required, tender to the Trustee a Substitute Mortgage Loan accompanied by a certificate of an authorized officer of the Seller that such Substitute Mortgage Loan conforms to the requirements set forth in the definition of "Substitute Mortgage Loan" in this Agreement; provided, however, that substitution pursuant to the Mortgage Loan Purchase Agreement or Section 2.04 of this Agreement, as applicable, in lieu of purchase shall not be permitted after the termination of the two-year period beginning on the Startup Day; provided, further, that if the breach would cause the Mortgage Loan to be other than a "qualified mortgage" as defined in Section 860G(a)(3) of the Code, any such cure or substitution must occur within 90 days from the date the breach was discovered. The Custodian, as agent for the Trustee, shall examine the Mortgage File for any Substitute Mortgage Loan in the manner set forth in Section 2.02(a) and the Trustee or the Custodian, as its agent, shall notify the Seller, in writing, within five Business Days after receipt, whether or not the documents relating to the Substitute Mortgage Loan satisfy the requirements of the fifth sentence of Subsection 2.02(a). Within two Business Days after such notification, the Seller shall provide to the Trustee for deposit in the Distribution Account the amount, if any, by which the Outstanding Principal Balance as of the next preceding Due Date of the Mortgage Loan for which substitution is being made, after giving effect to the Scheduled Principal due on such date, exceeds the Outstanding Principal Balance as of such date of the Substitute Mortgage Loan, after giving effect to Scheduled Principal due on such date, which amount shall be treated for the purposes of this Agreement as if it were the payment by the Seller of the Repurchase Price for the purchase of a Mortgage Loan by the Seller. After such notification to the Seller and, if any such excess exists, upon receipt of such deposit, the Trustee shall accept such Substitute Mortgage Loan which shall thereafter be deemed to be a Mortgage Loan hereunder. In the event of such a substitution, accrued interest on the Substitute Mortgage Loan for the month in which the substitution occurs and any Principal Prepayments made thereon during such month shall be the property of the Trust Fund and accrued interest for such month on the Mortgage Loan for which the substitution is made and any Principal Prepayments made thereon during such month shall be the property of the Seller. The Scheduled Principal on a Substitute Mortgage Loan due on the Due Date in the month of substitution shall be the property of the Seller and the Scheduled Principal on the Mortgage Loan for which the substitution is made due on such Due Date shall be the property of the Trust Fund. Upon acceptance of the Substitute Mortgage Loan (and delivery to the Custodian of a Request for Release for such Mortgage Loan), the Custodian, as agent for the Trustee, shall release to the Seller the related Mortgage File related to any Mortgage Loan released pursuant to the Mortgage Loan Purchase Agreement or Section 2.04 of this Agreement, as applicable, and shall execute and deliver all instruments of transfer or assignment, without recourse, representation or warranty in form as provided to it as are necessary to vest in the Seller title to and rights under any Mortgage Loan released pursuant to the Mortgage Loan Purchase Agreement or Section 2.04 of this Agreement, as applicable. The Seller shall deliver to the Custodian the documents related to the Substitute Mortgage Loan in accordance with the provisions of the Mortgage Loan Purchase Agreement or Subsections 2.01(b) and 2.02(b) of this Agreement, as applicable, with the date of acceptance of the Substitute Mortgage Loan deemed to be the Closing Date for purposes of the time periods set forth in those Subsections. The representations and warranties set forth in the Mortgage Loan Purchase Agreement shall be deemed to have been made by the Seller with respect to each Substitute Mortgage Loan as of the date of acceptance of such Mortgage Loan by the Trustee. The Master Servicer shall amend the Mortgage Loan Schedule to reflect such substitution and shall provide a copy of such amended Mortgage Loan Schedule to the Trustee and the Rating Agencies.

  • Review of Mortgage Loans From the related Closing Date until the date 30 days after the related Closing Date, the Purchaser shall have the right to review the Mortgage Files and obtain BPOs on the Mortgaged Properties relating to the Mortgage Loans purchased on the related Closing Date, with the results of such BPO reviews to be communicated to the Company for a period up to 30 days after the related Closing Date. In addition, the Purchaser shall have the right to reject any Mortgage Loan which in the Purchaser's sole determination (i) fails to conform to Underwriting Guidelines, (ii) is underwritten without verification of the Mortgagor's income and assets and there is no credit report or FICO Score, (iii) the Purchaser deems the Mortgage Loan to not be an acceptable credit risk, or (iv) the value of the Mortgaged Property pursuant to any BPO varies by more than plus or minus 15% from the lesser of (A) the original appraised value of the Mortgaged Property or (B) the purchase price of the Mortgaged Property as of the date of origination. In the event that the Purchaser so rejects any Mortgage Loan, the Company shall repurchase the rejected Mortgage Loan at the Repurchase Price in the manner prescribed in Section 8(a) upon receipt of notice from the Purchaser of the rejection of such Mortgage Loan. Any rejected Mortgage Loan shall be removed from the terms of this Agreement. The Company shall make available all files required by Purchaser in order to complete its review, including all CRA/HMDA required data fields. To the extent that during the course of the Purchaser's initial review, the Purchaser discovers that the Mortgage Loans do not otherwise meet the Seller's Underwriting Guidelines or the terms of the Purchase Transaction, the Purchase shall have the right to carry out additional due diligence reviews, which additional due diligence shall be at the expense of the Company. Purchaser's decision to increase its due diligence review or obtain additional BPO's or other property evaluations is at its sole discretion. The additional review may be for any reason including but not limited to credit quality, property valuations, and data integrity. Any review performed by the Purchaser prior to the Closing Date does not limit the Purchaser's rights or the Company's obligations under this section.

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