Alchemy Sample Clauses

Alchemy. Terminology: ⮚ game alchemy – is a combination of mixing components and witchcraft. For successful roleplay containers to mix the components are required; ⮚ because mixing components will be possible in the field where is no sturdy surfaces or lab equipment, it is recommended to use plastic containers to avoid injuries and fractured glass; ⮚ drinking a potion can be imitated by spilling the potion on the ground and saying “USED!”. Supplies: ⮚ supplies for one-time use can be found in the Gloomwood or can be purchased in Cleric’s Guild, multi-use supplies can only be found in Gloomwood; ⮚ bandage – one-time supply for healing. Bandage is considered used if the sign was detached. Must be discarded after healing process ends; ⮚ power-up – one-time supply looking like a small scroll needed for several abilities. Is considered used if the sign was detached. Must be discarded after use of skill; ⮚ recipe – multi-use supply containing instructions for creation of certain potion or using an ability;
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