PURPOSE Clausole campione

PURPOSE. The primary purpose of non-EU mobility grants under bilateral agreements is to enable students to carry out part of their course abroad, replacing the educational activities provided for their study plan in Sapienza with educational activities of the chosen host University (compatible in terms of the number of activities and training objectives) or to carry out research aimed at writing their thesis 1. Students participating in this exchange programme have the opportunity to obtain recognition of the exams taken at the host University (in terms of grades and credits) if planned before departure with the Academics Supervisor for International Mobility (RAM) through Learning Agreement/Change form and in accordance with the "Regulations for Student Mobility and Recognition of Study and Training Period Abroad" (D.R. register no. 34218 of 13.05.2015). The student in mobility receives a financial contribution and can attend courses and take advantage of the facilities available at the host University without the payment of additional tuition fees 2. The grant awarded with this Call for proposals constitutes a refund of part of the costs of the selected candidate's stay abroad, who will have to provide for all expenses, including those for visa, travel, board and lodging and any fees for participation in international programmes imposed by the host University, as well as taking out a possible insurance policy for medical expenses at the time of departure. During the entire mobility abroad, students must be enrolled at Sapienza and can obtain the degree (degree, masters degree or PhD) only after the period of study abroad is completed.
PURPOSE. 2.1 These Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: "Contract Terms") govern the provision of the Service, by EVERY SWS to the companies, identified by means of data provided at the time of acceptance of the Contract Terms (hereinafter jointly, "Customers" and severally "Customer").
PURPOSE. A selection notice has been published to award 1 Research Grants for the research project entitled “Investimenti esteri e salute pubblica dopo la pandemia COVID-19. Prospettive e sfide/Foreign investment and public health in the aftermath of the COVID- 19 pandemic. Prospects and challenges” to be conducted at the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies under the supervision of Professor Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, the Research Supervisor. The Research Grant, which shall last for 12 months and shall entitle the Grant Holder to a gross remuneration of 19.456,35 Euro per annum, is issued in accordance with the current Regulations Governing Research Grant Awards pursuant to Art. 22 of Law 240/2010 for the aforementioned research project, in citato, nell’Area Scientifica di Ateneo n. 14 - Scienze Giuridiche, Settore Scientifico-Disciplinare IUS/13 – Diritto Internazionale. L’assegno di ricerca, finanziato dal fondo BIRD 2022 del Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche Giuridiche e Studi Internazionali SPGI sul progetto “MOVING FORWARD. Role of foreign investment in promoting sustainable and inclusive societies in fragile, violent and post-conflict countries in Africa”, ha per oggetto lo svolgimento dell’attività di ricerca di seguito specificata: i trattati in materia di investimenti stranieri sono tradizionalmente rudimentali, soprattutto per quanto riguarda l'esercizio dei poteri normativi per tutelare l'interesse pubblico. Negli ultimi anni, diversi Stati hanno ricalibrato questi trattati con l'obiettivo di trovare un migliore equilibrio tra gli interessi di tutte le parti interessate. La recente pandemia COVID 2019 ha reso questa riforma ancora più urgente e ha dimostrato la necessità di includere nei trattati di investimento disposizioni sulla protezione della salute pubblica, che devono essere rispettose dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale. L'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità ha formalmente dichiarato un'Emergenza Sanitaria Pubblica di Preoccupazione Internazionale il 30 gennaio 2020, per poi caratterizzare l'epidemia come pandemia l'11 marzo 2020. Secondo l'UNCTAD, dallo scoppio della pandemia gli Stati e le organizzazioni internazionali hanno concluso 53 trattati di investimento e più precisamente 22 trattati bilaterali di University Scientific Area no. 14 - Law and Scientific Sector and Discipline IUS/13 – International Law. The purpose of this Research Grant, which is funded by the BIRD 2022 fund of the Department of Political Science, La...
PURPOSE. 2.1 Il Promotore/CRO affida all’Ente l’esecuzione della Sperimentazione alle condizioni indicate nel presente Contratto, in accordo col Protocollo, con gli eventuali successivi emendamenti, nonché con le modifiche al presente Contratto/budget da questi derivanti e formalizzate mediante i necessari atti di modificatempestivamente sottoscritti. 2.1 The Sponsor/CRO entrusts the Hospital with the conduct of the Trial under the conditions indicated in this Agreement, in accordance with the Protocol, with any subsequent amendments, as well as with any amendments to this Agreement/budget deriving from and formalized through the necessary amendmentspromptly signed.
PURPOSE. These Terms of Sale apply to all Sales of Products. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions under these Terms of Sale and the terms and conditions agreed in the single Sale, the latter shall prevail. NR COVIS shall not be bound by general terms and conditions of purchase of the Customer (hereinafter "GTCP") , including in the event they are referenced in full or in part, or these are contained in the orders or any other Customer document, without the prior written approval of NR COVIS. The GTCP shall not be binding on NR COVIS not even as a result of tacit consent.
PURPOSE. (Hereinafter, the clause will be formulated for the three distinct events of sale: with immediate transfer of title, sale with deferred transfer of title and sale of future property) Immediate transfer: By signing this Contract, the Seller transfers the title to the Buyer, who accepts. Deferred transfer: By signing this Contract, the Buyer undertakes to transfer the title, by the date of... to the Buyer. Sale of future property: By entering into this Contract, the Seller sells to the Buyer (specify the quantity and type of the Property subject to sale, e.g.: 8 quintals of hay, of apples, of...), the title of which shall be physically transferred upon the Property coming into existence (e.g. from the trees).
PURPOSE. 2.1 The Sponsor/CRO entrusts the Institution with conducting the Trial under the conditions set forth in this Agreement, in accordance with the Protocol and with any of its subsequent amendments as well in compliance with any changes to this Agreement/budget derived from these amendments and formalised by a timely exchange of the necessary signed documents.
PURPOSE. The purpose of this Consortium Agreement is to specify with respect to the Project the relationship among the Parties, in particular concerning the organisation of the work between the Parties, the management of the Project and the rights and obligations of the Parties concerning inter alia liability, Access Rights and dispute resolution.
PURPOSE. The IMS scheme is an international and multilateral cooperation scheme in which Participants work cooperatively to boost industrial competitiveness, solve problems facing manufacturing worldwide, and develop advanced manufacturing technologies and systems to benefit humanity. Its purposes are to: — enhance knowledge-based manufacturing in industry to improve the quality of life and citizens and improve the global environment, — share manufacturing knowledge and to transfer it to future generations, — increase the participation of SMEs in international collaborative activities, — adapt educational and training activities to support the knowledge-based manufacturing industries, and — contribute to establishing common, global norms and standards.
PURPOSE. A selection announcement has been published to award 1 research grants for the research project entitled "Research problems related to the scaling of Gallium Nitride High Electron Mobility Transistors for radiofrequency applications" to be conducted at the Department of.Information Engineering under the supervision of Professor Xxxxxx XXXXXX, who is the Research Project Supervisor. L’assegno di ricerca, di durata 12 mesi e di importo annuo, lordo percipiente, di Euro 24,000 è bandito ai sensi del vigente Regolamento per il conferimento di assegni di ricerca ai sensi dell’art. 22 della Legge 240/2010 nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca sopra citato, nell’Area Scientifica di Ateneo n. 11-Ingegneria dell’Informazione Settore Scientifico-Disciplinare ING-INF/01 ELETTRONICA. L’assegno di ricerca, finanziato da progetto GaN4AP (CUP G55F21000730007), ha per oggetto lo svolgimento dell’attività di ricerca di seguito specificata "Il progetto si propone di confrontare diverse alternative per il progetto degli HEMT dal punto di vista degli effetti di canale corto, degli effetti dovuti a livelli profondi, della affidabilità. Il candidato deve dimostrare, anche attraverso la discussione della propria tesi di laurea, specifica esperienza relativa alle tecnologie HEMT e alle relative tecniche di misura in continua e in regime transiente"