Yield on Cost definition

Yield on Cost means annual net operating income (including Tax Increment), divided by the total development costs.
Yield on Cost means Net Operating Income divided by the Total Development Costs less any grants, calculated as set forth in the sample lookback calculations attached hereto as EXHIBIT H.
Yield on Cost means, as of the date of determination, an amount equal to the trailing twelve months of EBITDAM, divided by the Total Investment in Gaming Facility, each as of such date; provided, however, if a Major Capital Project was completed during any such trailing twelve-month period, EBITDAM for purposes of this definition shall be calculated based on annualizing actual EBITDAM achieved from and after the completion date of such Major Capital Project until the applicable date of such determination (with adjustments for seasonality based on historic performance of the Casino).

Examples of Yield on Cost in a sentence

  • Strategic Economics considered Yield on Cost because it is a more accurate measure of feasibility for rental housing than Return on Cost.

  • The minimum Yield on Cost required for feasibility in their analysis was 6.5% reflecting the higher interest rate environment in 2016.

  • Projects earning less than a 4.5% yield we considered “infeasible.” For ownership projects, the Yield on Cost cannot be calculated so we used a different measure of profitability: Profit as a percent of development cost, also called Return on Cost.

  • We estimate that under current conditions, rental projects that choose to pay Berkeley’s Affordable Housing Mitigation Fee (AHMF) earn a Yield on Cost of 5.08% - just barely above the feasibility threshold.

  • Using a four-story model that is almost identical to the BAE model, they estimated the Yield on Cost at six fee levels between $0 and $84,391.

  • Sheet Growth(2) Total NPA / NCO / Gross Total Total Multifamily Yield on Cost of NIE / Avg.

  • NOI Yield on Cost by Set-aside and Affordability Set-Aside AMI Figure 9.

  • For the purposes of this analysis, a range of 7.50 percent to 8.00 percent was used as a target hurdle rate for the single family and townhome development types.• Yield on Cost (YOC): YOC is calculated by dividing the net operating income (NOI) by the total construction cost.

  • The TIC is expected to be €60 Mn with an estimated Yield on Cost of circa 6%, and an opening date in H1-2024.

  • Figure 2: Comparison of Returns - Rental For ownership projects, there is no Yield on Cost metric; feasibility is generally evaluated based on the profit from sales as a percent of the total development cost.

Related to Yield on Cost

  • Construction Cost means and includes the cost of the entire construction of the Project, including all supervision, materials, supplies, labor, tools, equipment, transportation and/or other facilities furnished, used or consumed, without deduction on account of penalties, liquidated damages or other amounts withheld from payment to the contractor or contractors, but such cost shall not include the Consulting Engineer/Architect's fee, or other payments to the Consulting Engineer/Architect and shall not include cost of land or Rights-of-Way and Easement acquisition.

  • Acquisition Cost means the cost to acquire a tangible capital asset including the purchase price of the asset and costs necessary to prepare the asset for use. Costs necessary to prepare the asset for use include the cost of placing the asset in location and bringing the asset to a condition necessary for normal or expected use.

  • Restoration Cost has the meaning set forth in Section 5.06.

  • Formation Cost means preliminary expenses relating to regulatory and registration fees of the Scheme, flotation expenses of the Scheme, expenses relating to authorization of the Scheme, execution and registration of the Constitutive Documents, legal costs, printing, circulation and publication of this Offering Document, announcements describing the Scheme and all other expenses incurred until the end of the Initial Period.

  • Net cost means the Contractor’s actual cost after deducting all permitted cash and trade discounts, rebates, allowances, credits, sales taxes, commissions, and refunds (whether or not any or all of the same shall have been taken by the Contractor) of all parts and materials purchased by the Contractor solely for the use in performing its obligation hereunder provided, where such purchase has received the prior written approval of the Manager as required herein. The Contractor shall promptly furnish to the Manager such bills of sale and other instruments as the Manger may require, executed, acknowledged and delivered, assuring to the Manager title to such materials, supplies, equipment, parts, and tools free of encumbrances.

  • Direct Cost means a cost not to exceed the cost of labor, material, travel and other expenditures to the extent the costs are directly incurred to provide the relevant assistance or service. “Direct Cost” to the Acquirer for its use of any of a Respondent’s employees’ labor shall not exceed the average hourly wage rate for such employee;

  • Estimated Construction Cost or “ECC” means the amount calculated by Contractor for the total cost of all elements of the Work based on this Agreement available at the time(s) that the ECC is prepared. The ECC shall be based on current market rates with reasonable allowance for overhead, profit and price escalation and shall include and consider, without limitation, all alternates and contingencies, designed and specified by A/E and the cost of labor and materials necessary for installation of Owner furnished equipment. The ECC shall include all the cost elements included in the AACC, as defined above, and shall represent Contractor’s best current estimate of the Guaranteed Maximum Price it will propose for the Project based on the information then available. The ECC shall not include Contractor’s Pre-Construction Phase Fee, A/E’s Fees, the cost of the land and rights-of-way, or any other costs that are the direct responsibility of Owner.

  • Trip Cost means the dollar amount of Trip payments or deposits paid by the Insured prior the Insured’s Trip Departure Date and shown on any required application which is subject to cancellation penalties or restrictions. Trip cost will also include the cost of any subsequent pre-paid payments or deposits paid by the Insured for the same Trip, after application for coverage under this plan provided the Insured amends the Application to add such subsequent payments or deposits and pays any required additional plan cost prior to the Insured’s Departure Date.

  • book cost means the total amount paid to purchase a security, including any transaction charges related to the purchase, adjusted for reinvested distributions, returns of capital and corporate reorganizations;

  • Salvage value means the amount received for property retired, less any expenses incurred in connection with the sale or in preparing the property for sale, or, if retained, the amount at which the material recoverable is chargeable to materials and supplies, or other appropriate account.

  • Construction Costs means land costs, all costs paid to construct and complete the Improvements, as specified on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof.

  • Project Cost means the price payable to Service Provider over the entire period of Agreement (i.e. Rs. <in words>) for the full and proper performance of its contractual obligations.

  • Indirect cost means any cost not directly identified with a single final cost objective, but identified with two or more final cost objectives or with at least one intermediate cost objective.

  • Indirect Cost Rate means a device for determining in a reasonable manner the proportion of indirect costs each Program should bear. It is a ratio (expressed as a percentage) of the Indirect Costs to a Direct Cost base. If reimbursement of Indirect Costs is allowable under an Award, Grantor will not reimburse those Indirect Costs unless Grantee has established an Indirect Cost Rate covering the applicable activities and period of time, unless Indirect Costs are reimbursed at a fixed rate.

  • Direct Construction Cost means the sum of the amounts that the Construction Manager actually and necessarily incurs for General Conditions Costs, Cost of the Work and Construction Manager’s Contingency during the Construction Phase as allowed by this Agreement. Direct Construction Cost does not include Pre-Construction Phase Fees or Construction Phase Fees.

  • Collection Costs means an amount that the Municipality can charge with regard to the enforcement of a consumer’s monetary obligations;

  • Net salvage value means the salvage value of property retired less the cost of removal.

  • Total cost means the total annual cost of benefits and related costs including but not limited to claims, administration expenses, insurance premiums, consulting, auditing and advisory fees and all other costs and taxes, as reported on the insurance carrier’s most recent yearly statement, and if any, premium costs on other district school area board or public school authority statements, for the year ending no later than August 31, 2015. The aforementioned statements are to be provided to the Ministry of Education. Total Cost excludes retiree costs. The average number of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions in the bargaining unit as at October 31st and March 31st for the period consistent with this clause.

  • Fully Loaded Cost means the direct cost of good or service plus all applicable indirect charges and overheads.

  • Gross Calorific Value of “GCV” shall mean that quantity of heat expressed in Kilowatt- hour produced by the complete combustion of one (1) normal cubic metre of Natural Gas at twenty-five (25) degrees Celsius and an absolute pressure of one decimal zero one three two five (1.01325) bar with excess air at the same temperature and pressure as the Natural Gas when the products of combustion are cooled to twenty-five (25) degrees Celsius and when the water formed by combustion is condensed to the liquid state and the products of combustion contain the same total mass of water vapor as the Natural Gas and air before combustion.

  • Contract Cost means the Contract Sum plus Price Variation. This cost shall be included in the letter of acceptance.

  • Improvement Costs means any additional expenditure on a fixed asset that materially increases the capacity of the asset or materially improves its functioning or represents more than 10% of the initial depreciation base of the asset;

  • Estimated Project Cost means Benchmark cost of MNRE which is Rs 8.00 Crore/MWp as per MNRE letter no. 03/20/2014-15/GCRT/11.12.14 at the time of Bid Due date.

  • Operating Cost means the costs associated with operating a multifamily development once the project is placed in service.

  • Normal cost means the annual cost attributable, under the actuarial cost method in use, to current and future years as of a particular valuation date, excluding any payment in respect of an unfunded actuarial liability.

  • Litigation Costs means all reasonable costs, charges, expenses, including attorneys', accountants' and expert witnesses' fees, and obligations paid or incurred in connection with investigating, defending (including affirmative defenses and counterclaims), obtaining or attempting to obtain a settlement, being a witness in, or participating in or preparing to defend, be a witness in, or participate in, any Proceeding and any appeal therefrom and the cost of appeal, attachment and similar bonds.