URGE definition

URGE shall have the meaning given to such term in Section 9.1(b)(xi).
URGE as used in Art. XI, Sec. 4 means to promote, take a position favorable or opposed to a particular candidate or proposition, or openly and publicly seek the election or defeat of a particular candidate, or the passage or defeat of a proposition submitted to the electorate.
URGE means the Uniform Rating of Generating Equipment procedure as set forth in the XXXX Agreement.

Examples of URGE in a sentence

  • Urge or incite others to commit any of the acts herein prohibited.

  • Urge the employee to drink up to 40 ounces of fluid, distributed reasonably through a period of up to three hours, or until the individual has provided a sufficient urine specimen, whichever occurs first.

  • Chris Johnson, “DOD Will Urge China to Conduct Joint Search and Rescue Exercise,” Inside the Navy, March 13, 2006.

  • Urge the party (author or university unit) entitled to the copyright of university sponsored material promptly to copyright the material; to maintain copyright; and, as soon as appropriate, to register the copyright.

  • Urge faculty to acquire and maintain copyright on all appropriate material which they create independently of the University and, when appropriate, to register the copyright.

  • Urge or incite another to commit a violation of division (A)(1) of this section.

  • Urge the new member and spouse to attend the district conference with the sponsor.

  • Urge students to abide by the morals, principles and doctrines required by Islam In line with the vision and philosophy of the AU, the DSS arranges a series of developmental, educational and cultural courses for student leaders, with the aim of improving their performance and developing their leadership skills.

  • United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, USCCB President, Vice President and Committee Chairmen Denounce Administration’s Decision to End DACA and Strongly Urge Congress to Find Legislative Solution, http://www.usccb.org/news/2017/17-157.cfm (Sept.

  • Joe Gould, “U.S. Lawmakers Urge Obama to Punish Russia Over Missle Treaty Breach,” Defense News, October 19, 2016, http://www.defensenews.com/articles/us-lawmakers-urge-obama-to-punish-russia-missile-treaty-breach.

More Definitions of URGE

URGE means the Uniform Rating of Generating Equipment procedure as set forth in the MAPP Agreement.

Related to URGE

  • Coerce means to compel or attempt to compel a person to act in a given manner or to refrain from acting in a given manner by pressure, intimidation, or threat of harm, damage, breach of contract, or other adverse consequences, including, but not limited to, the loss of any benefit available to other new motor vehicle dealers of the same line make in this state. The term does not include any of the following actions by a manufacturer:

  • Recruit means any full-time or part-time law enforcement

  • intervener ’ shall mean a person who files a petition to be made an in- tervener pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section and whose petition is ap- proved.

  • Opportunity has the meaning set forth in Section 8.1(a).

  • Plaintiff means Xxxxxx Xxxxx.

  • Protective proceeding means a judicial proceeding in which a protective order is sought or has been issued.

  • Challenge means to appeal a ruling of the Chair.

  • Defense shall include investigations of any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding as well as appeals thereof and shall also include any defensive assertion of a cross-claim or counterclaim;

  • Youth court means the court established pursuant to this chapter to hear all proceedings in

  • Intimidate means to cause in the mind of a person a reasonable apprehension of injury to him or to any member of his family or to any of his dependants or of violence or damage to any person or property.

  • Assist means to act, or offer or agree to act, in such a way as to help, represent, aid, advise, furnish information to, or otherwise provide assistance to a person or business entity, believing that such action is of help, aid, advice, or assistance to such person or business entity and with the intent to assist such person or business entity.

  • Knowingly means that a person, with respect to information: (1) has actual knowledge of the information; (2) acts in deliberate ignorance of the truth or falsity of the information; or (3) acts in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the information, and no proof of specific intent to defraud is required.

  • Initiate means, with respect to any Clinical Trial, first dosing in such Clinical Trial of the first human subject with the disease or condition for which the Product in such Clinical Trial is intended.

  • Lawsuit means any lawsuit, arbitration or other dispute resolution filed by either party herein pertaining to any of this Warrant, the Facility Agreement and the Registration Rights Agreement.

  • Yourself means any person/s (end user) being of the legal age of eighteen (18) years.

  • Therapeutic court personnel means the staff of a mental

  • Opposing Party means the third party that owes Borrower Miscellaneous Proceeds or the party against whom Xxxxxxxx has a right of action in regard to Miscellaneous Proceeds. Borrower shall be in default if any action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that, in Xxxxxx’s judgment, could result in forfeiture of the Property or other material impairment of Xxxxxx’s interest in the Property or rights under this Security Instrument. Borrower can cure such a default and, if acceleration has occurred, reinstate as provided in Section 19, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Xxxxxx’s judgment, precludes forfeiture of the Property or other material impairment of Xxxxxx’s interest in the Property or rights under this Security Instrument. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages that are attributable to the impairment of Xxxxxx’s interest in the Property are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender. All Miscellaneous Proceeds that are not applied to restoration or repair of the Property shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2.

  • Informed choice means that the consumer is presented with complete and unbiased information on his or her long-term care options, including, but not limited to, the benefits, shortcomings, and potential consequences of those options, upon which he or she can base his or her decision.

  • Consult or "Consultation" means to provide:

  • Motion means a formal proposition to be discussed and voted on during the course of a meeting.

  • Coercion means—(1) Threats of serious harm to or physical restraint against any person; (2) Any scheme, plan, or pattern intended to cause a person to believe that failure to perform an act would result in serious harm to or physical restraint against any person; or (3) The abuse or threatened abuse of the legal process.

  • Forum means any federal, state, local, municipal, or foreign court, governmental agency, administrative body or agency, tribunal, private alternative dispute resolution system, or arbitration panel.

  • Defendant means any party named as a defendant in the Action at any time up to and including the date when the Court has entered a final order certifying the Settlement Class described in Paragraph 12 and approving this Agreement under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure (“Rule”) 23(e).

  • Employ means to engage, suffer, or permit to work.

  • Participate in an entity means (1) to be a partner, shareholder, owner, member, or employee of such entity, or (2) to provide services, agree to provide services, or offer to provide services, to a payor through such entity. This definition applies to all tenses and forms of the word “participate,” including, but not limited to, “participating,” “participated,” and “participation.”

  • Venue means the premises as delineated and shown edged red in Annex A.