UNEP definition

UNEP means United Nations Environmental Programme;
UNEP means the United Nations Environment Programme;
UNEP means United Nations Environment Programme.

Examples of UNEP in a sentence

  • Recognizing the environmental uniqueness of the coastal and marine environment of the region, the threats and the necessity for action, the countries of the Western Indian Ocean region requested UNEP to create a regional seas programme for the region.

  • UNEP – Nairobi Convention and IOC (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Parties”) share common goals and objectives with regard to the conservation, protection, enhancement and support of nature and natural resources, including biological diversity worldwide and wish to collaborate to further these common goals and objectives within their respective mandates and governing rules and regulations.

  • UNEP Group of Legal Experts to Examine the Implications of the “Common Concern of Mankind” Concept on Global Environmental Issues, 13 REVISTA IIDH 247 (1991); II Meeting of the UNEP Group of Legal Experts to Examine the Implications of the “Common Concern of Mankind” Concept on Global Environmental Issues, 13 REVISTA IIDH 253 (1991); United Nations Decade of International Law Symposium on Developing Countries and International Environmental Law, 13 REVISTA IIDH 259 (1991).

  • The billing and compensation of UNE-P ABS calls exchanged between CLEC and SBC are governed by a separate 13-state UNE-P ABS Agreement (“ABS Agreement”).

  • The Parties agree that Alternately Billed Services (ABS) shall mean local and intraLATA collect calls, calling card calls and bill to third number calls, when those calls are originated from or terminated to end user customers served via the SBC ILLINOIS’s Lawful unbundled Local Switching (ULS) or UNE-P, further defined in the 13 State ABS Agreement.

  • UNE-P Alternate Billed Service (“ABS”) is a service that allows end-users to bill calls to accounts that may not be associated with the originating line.

  • Subsequent to the 8th session of the Governing Council of 1980, UNEP supported the development of the Eastern African Action Plan, and a Convention on the Protection , Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Eastern African Region (Nairobi Convention).

  • The Parties recognise the importance of the United Nations Environment Assembly (hereinafter referred to as "UNEA") of the United Nations Environment Programme (hereinafter referred to as "UNEP") and multilateral environmental governance and agreements as a response of the international community to global or regional environmental challenges and stress the need to enhance the mutual supportiveness between investment and environment policies.

  • UNEP’s Governing Council decision 8/13C of 29 April 1980 created the Eastern African Regional Seas Programme and further requested UNEP to assist the Governments of the region to formulate and implement a programme for the proper management and conservation of marine and coastal resources.

More Definitions of UNEP

UNEP means United Nations Environmental Programme; "UNESCO" means the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation;
UNEP means the body designated as responsible for carrying out secretariat functions pursuant to Article 17 of the Barcelona Convention and referred to as the Secretariat;
UNEP in this context means the UNEP secretariat.

Related to UNEP

  • UNESCO refers to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

  • Nonambulatory means a person who immediately and without the aid of another is not physically and mentally capable of traveling a normal path to safety, including the ascent and descent of stairs.

  • Salvaging means the lawful and controlled removal of reusable materials from solid waste.

  • Pruning means the appropriate removal of not more than one-third of the live branches or limbs of a Tree or more than one-third of the live branches or limbs on a Tree as part of a consistent annual pruning program.

  • Taximeter means any device for calculating the fare to be charged in respect of any journey in a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle by reference to the distance travelled or time elapsed since the start of the journey, or a combination of both; and

  • SF1-4 Intrinsic Loss Estimate means total losses under this Single Family Shared-Loss Agreement in the amount of eighteen million dollars ($18,000,000.00).

  • Carport - means a roofed structure used for storing or parking of not more than two private vehicles which has not less than 40% of its total perimeter open and unobstructed;

  • Snowmobile means a self-propelled vehicle designed to travel on snow or ice, steered by skis or

  • Spoil means excavated material which is unsuitable for use as material in the construction works or is material which is surplus to the requirements of the construction works;

  • TELRIC means Total Element Long-Run Incremental Cost.

  • Subloop shall have the meaning set forth in Section

  • Extreme Vetting means data mining, threat modeling, predictive risk analysis, or other similar services." Extreme Vetting does not include:

  • Intrinsic Loss Estimate means total losses under the shared loss agreements in the amount of One hundred Sixty-eight million dollars ($168,000,000.00).

  • Gasohol means a blended fuel composed of gasoline and fuel grade ethanol.

  • Marihuana means that term as defined in section 7106 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.7106.