Transferred Fixtures, Equipment and Tangible Personal Property definition

Transferred Fixtures, Equipment and Tangible Personal Property means all Fixtures, Equipment and Tangible Personal Property that is located at the Business Real Property and exclusively related to the Business, including that listed on Schedule 10.1(q), and any vehicles exclusively related to the Business even if not located at the Business Real Property.

Related to Transferred Fixtures, Equipment and Tangible Personal Property

  • Tangible Personal Property means, in respect of any Person, all machinery, equipment, tools, furniture, office equipment, supplies, materials, vehicles and other items of tangible personal or movable property (other than Inventories and IT Assets) of every kind and wherever located that are owned or leased by the Person, together with any express or implied warranty by the manufacturers, sellers or lessors of any item or component part thereof and all maintenance Records and other documents relating thereto.

  • Personal Property means any machinery, equipment, tools, vehicles, furniture, leasehold improvements, office equipment, plant, parts and other tangible personal property.

  • Excluded Personal Property means the following:

  • Fixtures and Equipment means all of the furniture, fixtures, furnishings, machinery, automobiles, trucks, spare parts, supplies, equipment, tooling, molds, patterns, dies and other tangible personal property owned by the Company, wherever located and including any such Fixtures and Equipment in the possession of any supplier of the Company, including all warranty rights with respect thereto.

  • Intangible Personal Property means incorporeal personal property including, but not limited to, deposits in banks, negotiable instruments, mortgages, debts, receivables, shares of stock, bonds, notes, credits, evidences of an interest in property, evidences of debt, and choses in action generally.

  • Leased Personal Property shall have the meaning given such term in Section 2.1(e).

  • Plant and Equipment means permanent plant, equipment, machinery, apparatus, articles and things of all kinds to be provided and incorporated in the Facilities by the Contractor under the Contract (including the spare parts to be supplied by the Contractor under GCC Sub-Clause 3.3 hereof), but does not include Contractor’s Equipment.

  • Eligible personal property means property that meets all of the following conditions:

  • Tenant’s Personal Property means all motor vehicles, Inventories, FAS and any other tangible personal property of Tenant, if any, acquired by Tenant at its election and with its own funds on and after the date hereof and located at the Leased Property or used in Tenant's business at the Leased Property and all modifications, replacements, alterations and additions to such personal property installed at the expense of Tenant, other than any items included within the definition of Proprietary Information.

  • Leased Equipment means the computers, servers, machinery and equipment and other tangible personal property leased by Seller for use in the operation or conduct of the Business.

  • Additional Property means, in respect of a Series, the rights and benefits provided in respect of the Series, or applicable Class, pursuant to any letter of credit, surety bond, cash collateral account, spread account, guaranteed rate agreement, maturity liquidity facility, tax protection agreement, interest rate and/or currency swap agreement, loan agreement, enhancement agreement or other similar arrangement as contemplated under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement and as provided for in the related Series Purchase Agreement.

  • Personal Property Leases has the meaning set forth in Section 2.1(e).

  • Fixtures means those leasehold improvements, additions, alterations and installations constituting all or a part of Bank Premises and which were acquired, added, built, installed or purchased at the expense of the Failed Bank, regardless of the holder of legal title thereto as of Bank Closing.

  • Farm equipment means equipment used directly for farming

  • Existing Equipment means equipment, machines, devices or installations that are in operation prior to September 23, 1970.

  • CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT means all appliances and equipment of whatsoever nature for the use in or for the execution, completion operation or maintenance of the work unless intended to form part of permanent work.

  • Excluded Equipment means (i) defibrillators, enhanced emergency medical kits and other medical equipment, (ii) airphones and other components or systems installed on or affixed to the Airframe that are used to provide individual telecommunications or electronic entertainment to passengers aboard the Aircraft, (iii) galley carts, beverage carts, waste containers, liquor kits, food tray carriers, ice containers, oven inserts, galley inserts, and other branded passenger convenience or service items, (iv) any items, equipment or systems leased by Company or any Permitted Lessee (other than items, equipment, or systems that are leased from Company pursuant to the applicable Lease) or owned by Company or any Permitted Lessee subject to a conditional sales agreement or a security interest (other than the security interest granted under the Indenture), and (v) cargo containers.

  • Customer Premises Equipment or "CPE" means equipment employed on the premises of a Person other than a Carrier to originate, route or terminate Telecommunications (e.g., a telephone, PBX, modem pool, etc.).

  • Landlord Personal Property Collateral Access Agreement means a Landlord Waiver and Consent Agreement substantially in the form of Exhibit L, with such amendments, modifications or supplements thereto as may be approved by the Administrative Agent.

  • Personal Property Collateral means all Collateral other than Real Property.

  • Production equipment (1 7 9) means tooling, templates, jigs, mandrels, moulds, dies, fixtures, alignment mechanisms, test equipment, other machinery and components therefor, limited to those specially designed or modified for "development" or for one or more phases of "production".

  • Tangible Property means any furniture, fixtures, leasehold improvements, vehicles, office equipment, computer equipment, other equipment, machinery, tools, forms, supplies or other tangible personal property of any nature.

  • Leasehold Improvements means all leasehold improvements situated in or on the Leased Real Property and owned by Seller.

  • Fixed Equipment means any property affixed in any way to the Licensed Premises existing at the time Notice to Proceed is given, whose removal would damage the Licensed Premises.