Transfer Payment Agreement definition

Transfer Payment Agreement means an agreement between the Crown and the PVP Associations or between the Crown and CAEAS/ECAB, as the case may be, setting out the terms and conditions on the funds provided by the Crown as start-up costs for the Trust;
Transfer Payment Agreement means the agreement between the Province, the Toronto Atmospheric Fund and the City of Toronto dated October 30, 2016 that governs the Ontario Endowment, a summary of which can be found here.
Transfer Payment Agreement means the written contract between the DSD and relevant NGO concluded prior to the provision and transfer of a funding allocation;

Examples of Transfer Payment Agreement in a sentence

  • Andrew has spent a great deal of his life involved with local theater and performed all over New England.

  • Grants and similar items are recognized as revenue as soon as all eligibility requirements imposed by the grantors have been met.

  • That the Director, Housing Services and the General Manager, Community Human Services be authorized to execute the Ontario Transfer Payment Agreement (TPA) with Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for the Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative (COCHI) and the Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative (OPHI).

  • This Ontario Transfer Payment Agreement confirmed a “SIF” funding of $13,001,890 ($11,801,890 Federal Funds and $1,200,000 Ontario Funds).

  • The young driver quickly removed himself as the smoke in the cockpit stole all of his breathing space.

  • A Transfer Payment Agreement between the Province, City of Toronto and the TTC was signed in January 2013.

  • A Transfer Payment Agreement between the Province, City of Toronto and TTC was signed in January 2013.

  • All RTOs sign a Transfer Payment Agreement (TPA) with the Ministry that holds them accountable for how funding is to be used within the region.

  • This Transfer Payment Agreement replaces and supersedes the Banking Arrangement and other Financial Responsibilities attached to the Agreement as Addendum A.

  • In 2012 the Province drafted the Transfer Payment Agreement and is subject to review and approval.

More Definitions of Transfer Payment Agreement

Transfer Payment Agreement means a written agreement between the government and a person as to the amount, terms and conditions of a payment by the government to the person fora specific purpose in furtherance of a government program objective.
Transfer Payment Agreement means any agreement or agreements entered into between the CMRAO and the Minister to fund the start-up of the CMRAO.
Transfer Payment Agreement means the agreement dated March 19, 2014, between Her Majesty the Queen represented by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and the TORONTO: 294415\8 Region in respect of the Project.
Transfer Payment Agreement means the written contract between the DSD and relevant NGO concluded once a transfer funding allocation has been approved for the NGO.

Related to Transfer Payment Agreement

  • Payment Agreement means a written agreement which provides

  • Transfer Payment Either or both of a Transfer Payment Made or a Transfer Payment Received.

  • Netting agreement means a netting agreement, master netting agreement or other similar document having the same effect as a netting agreement or master netting agreement and, as applicable, any collateral annex, security agreement or other similar document related to any master netting agreement or Permitted Contract.

  • Lock-Up Agreement means the Lock-Up Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, by and among the Company and the directors and officers of the Company, in the form of Exhibit B attached hereto.

  • SPS Agreement means the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures which is a part of the WTO Agreement; Subheading means the first six digits in the tariff classification number under the HS; Territory means:

  • leasing agreement means an agreement by which one person (the lessor) grants a right to possession or control of an object (with or without an option to purchase) to another person (the lessee) in return for a rental or other payment;

  • Post-Closing Agreement shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.9.

  • Termination Agreement has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

  • Sale and Contribution Agreement means the Sale and Contribution Agreement dated as of the date hereof, between the Seller, as seller, and the Borrower, as buyer, as amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time.

  • Put Option Agreement has the meaning provided for in the Recitals.

  • Master Settlement Agreement means the settlement agreement and related documents entered into on November 23, 1998, by the state and leading United States tobacco product manufacturers.

  • SCM Agreement means the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures in Annex 1A to the WTO Agreement;

  • Allocation Agreement means the agreement (cfr. Allocation Agreement Form as published on the Fluxys Belgium website) entered into by the TSO, the Network User and the End User and other Network Users, if any, in respect of allocation of quantities taken off or injected by one or more Network Users, at the End User Domestic Point.

  • Diversion agreement means a mechanism designed to hold a child accountable for his or her behavior and, if appropriate, securing services to serve the best interest of the child and to provide redress for that behavior without court action and without the creation of a formal court record;

  • Repayment Agreement means the completed Program Application, including these Terms and Conditions signed by the Producer and an authorized representative of the Administrator.

  • Distribution Agreements means the Amended and Restated Distribution and License Agreements dated as of November 30, 1992 between Bollore and North Atlantic Operating Corporation, Inc., a Delaware corporation and subsidiary of Turning Point, relating to (i) the United States and (ii) Canada, each as amended by a Restated Amendment dated June 25, 1997 and Amendments dated respectively October 22, 1997, October 7, 1999, October 20, 1999, June 19, 2002, February 28, 2005 and April 20, 2006, and the License and Distribution Agreement, dated March 19, 2013, between Bollore and North Atlantic Operating Corporation, Inc., in each case as so amended and as may hereafter be amended, modified or superseded, and any other related agreements between or among such parties.