the book of reference definition

the book of reference means the book of reference certified by the Secretary of State as the book of reference for the purposes of this Order;
the book of reference means the book of reference submitted to the Parliament as an accompanying document with the Bill for this Act together with the amendments made to it to delete the following plots 274-289 (inclusive) and plot 291 and to insert the following plots, 400-424 (inclusive);
the book of reference means the book of reference described in rule 7(5) of the Applications Rules prepared in connection with the application for this Order;

More Definitions of the book of reference

the book of reference means the book of reference submitted to the Parliament as an accompanying document with the Bill for this Act together with the amendments made to it to delete the following plots, 42-59 (including plots 50a and 51a), 223, 226-238 (including 232a), 240, 241, 243-249, 251, 253, 256, 258,
the book of reference means the book of reference certified by the Secretary of State under article 43 (certification of plans, etc.) for the purposes of this Order;
the book of reference means the book of reference submitted to the Parliament as an accompanying document with the Bill for this Act together with the
the book of reference means the book of reference submitted under regulation 5(2)(d) of the 2009 Regulations and certified as such by the Secretary of State for the purposes of this Order;
the book of reference means the book of reference described in rule 7(5) of the Applications Rules;
the book of reference means the document of that description listed in Schedule 12 (documents to be certified) and certified as the book of reference by the Secretary of State for the purposes of this Order;
the book of reference means revision 3 of the book of reference certified by the decision-maker