Take into custody definition

Take into custody means the procedure by which a peace officer or other authorized person initially assumes custody of a child. A child may be taken into custody for a period of time not to exceed two (2) hours;
Take into custody means the procedure by which a peace officer or other
Take into custody means the act of asserting control over a person under circumstances that lead the person to reasonably believe they are no longer free to leave [see: State v. Riley, 126 NH 257 (1985)]. Policy

Examples of Take into custody in a sentence

  • Take into custody all personal property found on the site and maintain a register of lost and found property containing all relevant details such as time, place and nature of the property as required.

  • Alcohol offenses as provided in KRS 244.085.(b) Status offenses shall not include violations of state or local ordinances which may apply to children such as a violation of curfew; (63)[(61)] "Take into custody" means the procedure by which a peace officer or other authorized person initially assumes custody of a child.

  • Take into custody and detain a child who is under his supervision or care as a delinquent or dependent child if the probation officer has reasonable cause to believe that the health or safety of the child is in imminent danger, or that he may abscond or be removed from the jurisdiction of the court, or when ordered by the court pursuant to this chapter or that he violated the conditions of his probation.

  • Under this agreement, law enforcement officers are authorized to: • Locate students who are off school premises during school hours.• Stop and detain any such students who cannot produce documentation explaining their absence from school.• Take into custody any such student who fails to produce satisfactory documentation and deliver the student to the student's own assigned school.

  • Alcohol offenses as provided in KRS 244.085.(b) Status offenses shall not include violations of state or local ordinances which may apply to children such as a violation of curfew;(66)[(65)] "Take into custody" means the procedure by which a peace officer or other authorized person initially assumes custody of a child.

  • Take into custody the investments of the Fund and hold the investments in trust for the Unitholders.

  • Cooperate with other governments on trafficking cases, operate a hotline for victims, and publish information on anti-trafficking efforts on its Web site.(68)Child Protection Units Take into custody at-risk children, including those rescued from exploitative labor situations.

  • Take into custody Page Ref: 43 Objective: Outline the history and development of juvenile justice and juvenile courts.

  • Alcohol offenses as provided in KRS 244.085.(b) Status offenses shall not include violations of state or local ordinances which may apply to children such as a violation of curfew; (65)[(63)] "Take into custody" means the procedure by which a peace officer or other authorized person initially assumes custody of a child.

  • Trustee Kressin moved to approve the Services Agreement with the Elmbrook Humane Society with an addition to 3.11- Take into custody an animal if the owner has become incapacitated due to illness, accident, death, or abuse.

Related to Take into custody

  • Custody means joint legal custody, sole legal custody, joint physical custody or sole

  • Joint custody means (i) joint legal custody where both parents retain joint responsibility for the

  • Non-Custody Assets shall have the meaning set forth in Section 10.1.

  • Open burning means the combustion of any material without the following characteristics:

  • Legal custody means (i) a legal status created by court order which vests in a custodian the right to

  • Child custody determination means a judgment, decree, or other order of a court providing for the legal custody, physical custody, or visitation with respect to a child. The term includes a permanent, temporary, initial, and modification order. The term does not include an order relating to child support or other monetary obligation of an individual.

  • Sub-Custodian means and include (i) any branch of a “U.S. bank,” as that term is defined in Rule 17f-5 under the 1940 Act, and (ii) any “Eligible Foreign Custodian” having a contract with the Custodian which the Custodian has determined will provide reasonable care of assets of the Fund based on the standards specified in Section 3.3 below. Such contract shall be in writing and shall include provisions that provide: (i) for indemnification or insurance arrangements (or any combination of the foregoing) such that the Fund will be adequately protected against the risk of loss of assets held in accordance with such contract; (ii) that the Foreign Securities will not be subject to any right, charge, security interest, lien or claim of any kind in favor of the Sub-Custodian or its creditors except a claim of payment for their safe custody or administration, in the case of cash deposits, liens or rights in favor of creditors of the Sub-Custodian arising under bankruptcy, insolvency, or similar laws; (iii) that beneficial ownership for the Foreign Securities will be freely transferable without the payment of money or value other than for safe custody or administration; (iv) that adequate records will be maintained identifying the assets as belonging to the Fund or as being held by a third party for the benefit of the Fund; (v) that the Fund’s independent public accountants will be given access to those records or confirmation of the contents of those records; and (vi) that the Fund will receive periodic reports with respect to the safekeeping of the Fund’s assets, including, but not limited to, notification of any transfer to or from a Fund's account or a third party account containing assets held for the benefit of the Fund. Such contract may contain, in lieu of any or all of the provisions specified in (i)-(vi) above, such other provisions that the Custodian determines will provide, in their entirety, the same or a greater level of care and protection for Fund assets as the specified provisions.

  • Permanent custody means a legal status that vests in a public children services agency or a private child placing agency, all parental rights, duties, and obligations, including the right to consent to adoption, and divests the natural parents or adoptive parents of all parental rights, privileges, and obligations, including all residual rights and obligations.

  • Child custody proceeding means a proceeding in which legal custody, physical custody, or visitation with respect to a child is an issue. The term includes a proceeding for divorce, separation, neglect, abuse, dependency, guardianship, paternity, termination of parental rights, and protection from domestic violence in which the issue may appear. The term does not include a proceeding involving juvenile delinquency, contractual emancipation, or enforcement under Part 3 of this Article.

  • Transit Traffic means traffic originating on CLEC’s network that is switched and transported by AT&T-TSP and delivered to a Third Party Terminating Carrier’s network or traffic from a Third Party Originating Carrier’s network. A call that is originated or terminated by a CLEC purchasing local switching pursuant to a commercial agreement with AT&T-TSP is not considered Transit Traffic for the purposes of this Attachment. Additionally Transit Traffic does not include traffic to/from IXCs.

  • Daily Usage File or “DUF” or “Usage Extract” means a service which provides End User usage call records as described in Attachment 11 - Daily Usage File.

  • Community custody means that portion of an offender's

  • Illicit connection means any man-made conveyance connecting an illicit discharge directly to a municipal separate storm sewer.

  • Physical custody means the physical care and supervision of a child.

  • Temporary custody means legal custody of a child who is removed from the child's home, which custody may be terminated at any time at the discretion of the court or, if the legal custody is granted in an agreement for temporary custody, by the person who executed the agreement.

  • Transit Passenger means a passenger who arrives at the airport in an aircraft and departs from the airport in the same aircraft, where such an aircraft is operating a through flight transiting the airport, and includes a passenger in transit through the airport who has to depart in a substituted aircraft because the aircraft on which the passenger arrived has been declared unserviceable.

  • Foreign Custody Manager has the meaning set forth in section (a)(3) of Rule 17f-5.

  • Custody transfer means the transfer of produced crude oil and/or condensate, after processing and/or treating in the producing operations, from storage tanks or automatic transfer facilities to pipelines or any other forms of transportation.

  • Special Sub-Custodian Each such duly appointed Special Sub-Custodian shall be listed on Schedule D hereto, as it may be amended from time to time by a Fund, with the acknowledgment of the Custodian. In connection with the appointment of any Special Sub-Custodian, and in accordance with Special Instructions, the Custodian shall enter into a sub-custodian agreement with the Fund and the Special Sub-Custodian in form and substance approved by such Fund, provided that such agreement shall in all events comply with the provisions of the 1940 Act and the rules and regulations thereunder and the terms and provisions of this Agreement.

  • Certificate Administrator’s Website The internet website of the Certificate Administrator, initially located at xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx.

  • Customer Usage Data means the Telecommunications Services usage data of a CLEC End User measured in minutes, sub-minute increments, message units, or otherwise, that is recorded by SBC-13STATE and forwarded to CLEC.