Standard Cost means any cost computed with the use of preestablished measures.
Total resource cost test or "TRC test" means a standard that is met if, for an investment in energy efficiency or demand-response measures, the benefit-cost ratio is greater than one. The benefit-cost ratio is the ratio of the net present value of the total benefits of the program to the net present value of the total costs as calculated over the lifetime of the measures. A total resource cost test compares the sum of avoided electric utility costs, representing the benefits that accrue to the system and the participant in the delivery of those efficiency measures, as well as other quantifiable societal benefits, including avoided natural gas utility costs, to the sum of all incremental costs of end-use measures that are implemented due to the program (including both utility and participant contributions), plus costs to administer, deliver, and evaluate each demand-side program, to quantify the net savings obtained by substituting the demand-side program for supply resources. In calculating avoided costs of power and energy that an electric utility would otherwise have had to acquire, reasonable estimates shall be included of financial costs likely to be imposed by future regulations and legislation on emissions of greenhouse gases.
Manufacturing Cost means [***].
Clean coal technology demonstration project means a project using funds appropriated under the heading “Department of Energy—Clean Coal Technology,” up to a total amount of $2,500,000,000 for commercial demonstration of clean coal technology, or similar projects funded through appropriations for the Environmental Protection Agency. The federal contribution for a qualifying project shall be at least 20 percent of the total cost of the demonstration project.
Historical cost means the actual cost incurred in acquiring and preparing a fixed asset for use. Historical cost includes such planning costs as feasibility studies, architects' fees, and engineering studies. Historical cost does not include "start-up costs" as defined in this rule.
Fully Burdened Manufacturing Cost means, with respect to any Preclinical Materials or Clinical Materials produced by IMMUNOGEN for GENENTECH under this Agreement, the sum of the following components: (a) the costs of goods produced, as determined by IMMUNOGEN in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States, consistently applied, including, without limitation, direct labor, material and product testing costs of such Preclinical Materials or Clinical Materials; (b) any Third Party royalty costs directly allocable to the manufacture or use of such Preclinical Materials or Clinical Materials; (c) all Allocable Overhead on the cost of goods under clause (a) above; and (d) any other costs borne by IMMUNOGEN, for the transport, customs clearance, duty, insurance and/or storage of such Preclinical Materials or Clinical Materials.
Development Cost means the total of all costs incurred in the completion of a Development excluding Developer Fee, operating deficit reserves, and total land cost as typically shown in the Development Cost line item on the development cost pro forma.
Maximum Concentration Level Assessment means the Maximum Concentration Level Assessment for the purposes of a Basic Comprehensive Certificate of Approval, described in the Basic Comprehensive User Guide, prepared by a Toxicologist using currently available toxicological information, that demonstrates that the concentration at any Point of Impingement for a Compound of Concern that does not have a Ministry Point of Impingement Limit is not likely to cause an adverse effect as defined by the EPA. The concentration at Point of Impingement for a Compound of Concern must be calculated in accordance with O. Reg. 419/05.
LCC-300 Cost Centre E Terminus Building - Structure Lump Sum Breakdown E4 : Station (GL X7-27/M-Q, 15.00m-21.96m) Lump Sum Item LSE4.2 E4.2 : Suspended Beams and Slabs Contractor's Other Charges The Contractor shall enter hereunder any specific item of work or obligation or thing which is necessary for the execution of the Works, as required by the Contract, which has been omitted from or has not been separately itemised in this Lump Sum Breakdown and for which a separate charge is required. The unit of measurement for any Contractor's Other Charges shall be "sum", with Quantity and Rate columns entered with "N/A". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Collection of Lump Sum Item LSE4.2 *** ----------- *** Certain information on this page has been omitted and filed separately with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Confidential treatment has been requested with respect to the omitted portions. [STAMP]
Industrial maintenance coating means a high performance architectural coating, including primers, sealers, undercoaters, intermediate coats, and topcoats formulated for application to substrates, including floors, exposed to one or more of the following extreme environmental conditions listed below and labeled “For industrial use only;” “For professional use only;” “Not for residential use;” or “Not intended for residential use.”
Direct Cost means a cost not to exceed the cost of labor, material, travel and other expenditures to the extent the costs are directly incurred to provide the relevant assistance or service. “Direct Cost” to the Acquirer for its use of any of a Respondent’s employees’ labor shall not exceed the average hourly wage rate for such employee;
aerodrome means a defined area on land or water (including any buildings, installations and equipment) intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft;
Drug use test means a scientifically substantiated method to test for the presence of illegal or performance-enhancing drugs or the metabolites thereof in a person’s urine.
Fully Loaded Cost means the direct cost of good or service plus all applicable indirect charges and overheads.
Sound level meter means an instrument which includes a microphone, amplifier, RMS detector, integrator or time averager, output meter, and weighting networks used to measure sound pressure levels.
alternate aerodrome means an aerodrome to which an aircraft may proceed when it becomes either impossible or inadvisable to proceed to or to land at the aerodrome of intended landing, where the necessary services and facilities are available, where aircraft performance requirements can be met and which is operational at the expected time of use. Alternate aerodromes include the following:
Additional Cost has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 3.01.
Cathodic protection tester means a person who can demonstrate an understanding of the principles and measurements of all common types of cathodic protection systems as applied to buried or submerged metal piping and tank systems. At a minimum, such persons must have education and experience in soil resistivity, stray current, structure-to-soil potential, and component electrical isolation measurements of buried metal piping and tank systems.
Sustainability Risk means an environmental, social or governance event or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of the investment;
Comprehensive resource analysis means an analysis including,
Stranded cost means the amount by which the net cost of an
Energy efficiency improvement means equipment, devices, or materials intended to decrease energy consumption, including, but not limited to, all of the following:
Approved laboratory means a laboratory that is listed in the national conference of interstate milk shipments list of sanitation compliance and enforcement ratings distributed by the United States food and drug administration and as approved by the director.
Ambient air quality standard means an established concentration, exposure time, and frequency of occurrence of air contaminant(s) in the ambient air which shall not be exceeded.
Dispersion technique means any technique which attempts to affect the concentration of a pollutant in the ambient air by:
Standard Methods means the examination and analytical procedures set forth in the most recent edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater" published jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association, and the Water Pollution Control Federation.