Scoliometer definition

Scoliometer means an instrument that measures the degree of rotation of a deformity of the back found on a routine scoliosis screening.
Scoliometer means a device for measuring the amount of abnormal curvature in the spine.

Examples of Scoliometer in a sentence

  • Body Mass Hides the Curve: Thoracic Scoliometer Readings Vary by Body Mass Index Value.

  • A Practical Study of Diagnostic Accuracy: Scoliosis Screenings of Middle School Students by a Trained Nurse With a Smartphone Versus a Spine Surgeon With a Scoliometer.

  • A study of the diagnostic accuracy and reliability of the Scoliometer and Adam's forward bend test.

  • A study of the diagnostic accuracy and reliability of the Scoliometer and Adam’s forward bend test.

  • Prediction of Scoliotic Cobb Angle With the Use of the Scoliometer.

  • Like Wnts, peroxisomes have multiple roles to play, and dysfunction can lead to varying and ultimately lethal diseases.

  • Your medical care provider may also choose to use a Scoliometer, a device which measures rotational spinal curves.

  • Côté, P.; Kreitz, B.; Cassidy, J.D. A study of the diagnostic accuracy and reliability of the Scoliometer and Adam’s forward bend test.

  • Evaluation of the iPhone with an acrylic sleeve versus the Scoliometer for rib hump measurement in scoliosis.

  • The angle of trunk rotation (ATR) was measured using an Android scoliometer application (Scoliometer, Version 4.2) created by Dr Kevin Lau (24).

Related to Scoliometer

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  • Antenna coating means a coating labeled and formulated exclusively for application to equipment and associated structural appurtenances that are used to receive or transmit electromagnetic signals.

  • NBOME means the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners, an organization that prepares and administers qualifying examinations for osteopathic physicians.

  • Net Metering Net metering refers to customers who sell electricity they produce, typically through a rooftop solar panel, back to the utility for credit. If you are a net metering customer, you should not enroll with XOOM because your net metering agreement will not transfer to XOOM once you enroll.

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  • Stack means any point in a source designed to emit solids, liquids, or gases into the air, including a pipe or duct but not including flares.

  • manoeuvring area means that part of an aerodrome to be used for the take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft, excluding aprons;

  • Seaplane means an aeroplane capable normally of taking off from and alighting solely on water;

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  • Taximeter means any device for calculating the fare to be charged in respect of any journey in a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle by reference to the distance travelled or time elapsed since the start of the journey, or a combination of both; and

  • Sailboat means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18-2.

  • PNode has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.

  • business vertical means a distinguishable component of an enterprise that is engaged in the supply of individual goods or services or a group of related goods or services which is subject to risks and returns that are different from those of the other business verticals.

  • Healing arts screening means the testing of human beings using x-ray machines for the detection or evaluation of health indications when such tests are not specifically and individually ordered by a licensed practitioner of the healing arts legally authorized to prescribe such x-ray tests for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment.

  • Nitrogen oxides means nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide, expressed as nitrogen dioxide (NO2);

  • coronavirus means severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2);

  • Hydraulic fracturing means the fracturing of underground rock formations, including shale and non-shale formations, by manmade fluid-driven techniques for the purpose of stimulating oil, natural gas, or other subsurface hydrocarbon production.

  • Diatomaceous earth filtration means a process resulting in substantial particulate removal in which a precoat cake of diatomaceous earth filter media is deposited on a support membrane (septum), and while the water is filtered by passing through the cake on the septum, additional filter media known as body feed is continuously added to the feed water to maintain the permeability of the filter cake.

  • Diameter means the diameter of the stem of a tree measured outside the bark at a specified point of measurement.

  • Automotive windshield washer fluid means any liquid designed for use in a motor vehicle windshield washer system either as an antifreeze or for the purpose of cleaning, washing, or wetting the windshield. Automotive windshield washer fluid does not include fluids placed by the manufacturer in a new vehicle.

  • High-temperature coating means a high performance coating labeled and formulated for application to substrates exposed continuously or intermittently to temperatures above 204oC (400oF).

  • Pyrolysis means the thermal degradation of a substance in the absence of any oxidising agent, which does not form part of the substance itself, to produce char and gas and/or liquid; and

  • Cold Weather Alert means the notice that PJM provides to PJM Members, Transmission Owners, resource owners and operators, customers, and regulators to prepare personnel and facilities for expected extreme cold weather conditions.

  • Filter means material placed in the useful beam to preferentially absorb selected radiations.