Scheme Member definition

Scheme Member means an Eligible Person who is included in the Scheme as per the Scheme rules as member of that Scheme.
Scheme Member means an Eligible Person who also satisfies all of the following conditions to participate in the Scheme:
Scheme Member has the meaning as specified in the EECS Rules;

Examples of Scheme Member in a sentence

  • For administrative purposes, all Free-Look requests should be registered by you, on behalf of Scheme Member.

  • Should the elected Chair be an Employer representative the Deputy Chair must be a Scheme Member representative and vice versa.The Chair will ensure that meetings are properly conducted and the decision of the Chair on all points of procedure and order shall be final.The Board may, with the approval of the Administering Authority, co-opt persons with sufficient skills and experience to advise and support them.

  • Alternatives screening performed during planning combines best transit corridor planning practices with the information needed to prepare the letter for FTA to request entry into Project Development.

  • A Gold State Super Member, Pension Scheme Member or Provident Scheme Member who is not a worker may contribute to the Fund the amount, and at the times, agreed between the Member and the Board.

  • A quorum will comprise 3 of the 5 members of which at least one shall be an Employer representative and one a Scheme Member representative.

More Definitions of Scheme Member

Scheme Member means the individual identified as Scheme Member under the Master Policy;
Scheme Member means a member or class of members of a scheme cooperative.
Scheme Member means, in relation to a battery compliance scheme, a producer who is a member of that scheme;
Scheme Member means the person who contributes, or for whom contributions are paid to the Scheme, either directly or indirectly, and is entitled to benefits under the Scheme;
Scheme Member means a professional driver holding a valid licence who is a Member of Unite the Union paying the appropriate subscription to the Scheme and domiciled in the United Kingdom or Republic of Ireland.EXCLUSIONSThere shall be no liability for Loss of Licence directly or indirectly consequent upon:1. Death of the Scheme Member from any cause.2. The Scheme Member abusing or having been under the influence of alcohol or having taken a drug or drugs unless administered in accordance with the prescription of a qualified Medical Practitioner.3. War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power.
Scheme Member means employee/member, on the rolls of the Company and is a member of the Employee Provident Fund (EPF) scheme.