S-1183 Refund Guarantee definition

S-1183 Refund Guarantee means the refund guarantee issued, or as the case may be, to be issued by a Refund Guarantor to Lyra in a form and substance acceptable to the New S-1183 Buyer (such acceptance not to be unreasonably delayed or withheld) as security for the repayment obligations of the Builder;

Related to S-1183 Refund Guarantee

  • Refund Guarantee means a, or if more than one, each refund guarantee arranged by the Yard in respect of a Pre-delivery Installment and provided by one or more financial institutions contemplated by the Construction Contract, or by other financial institutions reasonably satisfactory to the Lead Arrangers, as credit support for the Yard’s obligations thereunder.

  • Refund Guarantor means The Export-Import Bank of Korea, a company incorporated in the Republic of Korea whose registered office is at 00-0, Xxxxx-Xxxx, Xxxxxxxxxxx-Xx, Xxxxx 000 000, Xxxxx;

  • guarantee contract means a contract entered into by a person as guarantor;

  • Corporate Guarantee means the guarantee required to be executed hereunder by the Corporate Guarantor in such form as the Bank may agree or require ;

  • Bank Guarantee means an irrevocable and unconditional undertaking by a trading bank approved by the Council to pay the Development Contribution amount on demand without an expiry or end date and containing terms and conditions acceptable to Council and in accordance with clause 9 of this Agreement;

  • Swap Guarantee If so specified in the Supplement with respect to any Series, the guarantee issued by the Swap Guarantor in favor of the Trust substantially in the form attached as an exhibit to the Swap Agreement.

  • Notation of Guarantee means a notation, substantially in the form of Exhibit A, executed by a Guarantor and affixed to each Security of any Series to which the Guarantee of such Guarantor under Article XII of this Indenture applies.

  • Qualifying Affiliate Guarantee means a Qualifying Guarantee provided by a Reference Entity in respect of an Underlying Obligation of a Downstream Affiliate of that Reference Entity.

  • Seller Guaranty means a guaranty of payment and performance issued by a Seller Guarantor in the form attached to this Agreement as Exhibit V or in such other form as may be acceptable to Purchaser acting reasonably.

  • Guarantee Assumption Agreement means a Guarantee Assumption Agreement substantially in the form of Exhibit B to the Guarantee and Security Agreement between the Collateral Agent and an entity that pursuant to Section 5.08 is required to become a “Subsidiary Guarantor” under the Guarantee and Security Agreement (with such changes as the Administrative Agent shall request consistent with the requirements of Section 5.08).

  • Construction Contract or “contract” means a written agreement between a contractor and a public agency for the construction, alteration, demolition, or repair of a facility, other than a contract having a dollar value of less than $30,000.00 or a contract that provides for 3 or fewer payments.

  • Guaranty Joinder Agreement means each Guaranty Joinder Agreement, substantially in the form thereof attached to the Guaranty, executed and delivered by a Guarantor or any other Person to the Administrative Agent pursuant to Section 6.12 or otherwise.

  • CONSTRUCTION GUARANTEE means a guarantee at call obtained by the contractor from an institution approved by the employer in terms of the employer's construction guarantee form as selected in the schedule

  • Lien Waiver Agreement means an agreement which is executed in favor of Agent by a Person who owns or occupies premises at which any Collateral may be located from time to time and by which such Person shall waive any Lien that such Person may ever have with respect to any of the Collateral and shall authorize Agent from time to time to enter upon the premises to inspect or remove the Collateral from such premises or to use such premises to store or dispose of such Inventory.

  • Security Joinder Agreement means each Security Joinder Agreement, substantially in the form thereof attached to the Security Agreement, executed and delivered by a Guarantor or any other Person to the Administrative Agent pursuant to Section 6.12 or otherwise.

  • Capital Securities Guarantee means the guarantee agreement that the Company enters into with Wilmington Trust Company, as guarantee trustee, or other Persons that operates directly or indirectly for the benefit of holders of Capital Securities of the Trust.

  • Parent Company Guarantee means a parent company guarantee to be delivered by the Supplier pursuant to Clause 5.6;

  • Subsidiary Joinder Agreement means a joinder to this Agreement, substantially in the form of Exhibit C.

  • Subsidiary Guaranty Agreement means each unconditional guaranty agreement executed by the Subsidiary Guarantors in favor of the Administrative Agent for the ratable benefit of the Secured Parties, substantially in the form of Exhibit H, as amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time.

  • Guarantee Test(s means the test(s) specified in the Technical Specifications to be carried out to ascertain whether the Facilities or a specified part thereof is able to attain the Functional Guarantees specified in the Technical Specifications in accordance with the provisions of GCC Sub-Clause 20.2.1 (Guarantee Test) hereof during/after successful Commissioning followed by Trial - Operation.

  • Corporate Guaranty means a legal document used by an entity to guaranty the obligations of another entity. Cost of New Entry:

  • Parent Guarantee means the guarantee by Parent Guarantor of the obligations of the Issuer under this Indenture and the Securities in accordance with the provisions of this Indenture.