Pre-petition Intercompany Claim definition

Pre-petition Intercompany Claim means any Claim against the Debtor by any Non-Debtor Affiliate that arose prior to the Commencement Date.

Examples of Pre-petition Intercompany Claim in a sentence

  • Therefore, no Holder of an Allowed Prepetition Intercompany Claim is entitled to vote to accept or reject the Plan.

Related to Pre-petition Intercompany Claim

  • Intercompany Claim means any Claim held by a Debtor against another Debtor.

  • Intercompany Claims means, collectively, any Claim held by a Debtor against another Debtor or an Affiliate of a Debtor or any Claim held by an Affiliate of a Debtor against a Debtor.

  • Tax Claims means any Claim against the Participating CCAA Parties (or any one of them) for any Taxes in respect of any taxation year or period ending on or prior to the applicable Filing Date, and in any case where a taxation year or period commences on or prior to the applicable Filing Date, for any Taxes in respect of or attributable to the portion of the taxation period commencing prior to the applicable Filing Date and up to and including the applicable Filing Date. For greater certainty, a Tax Claim shall include, without limitation, (a) any and all Claims of any Taxing Authority in respect of transfer pricing adjustments and any Canadian or non- resident Tax related thereto, and (b) any Claims against any BL/Wabush Released Party in respect of such Taxes;

  • Released Class Claims means the claims being released as described in Paragraph 6.2 below.

  • IPR Claim means any claim of infringement or alleged infringement (including the defence of such infringement or alleged infringement) of any IPR, used to provide the Services or as otherwise provided and/or licensed by the Supplier (or to which the Supplier has provided access) to the Authority in the fulfilment of its obligations under this Framework Agreement;

  • Related Claims means all Claims for Wrongful Acts based upon, arising out of, resulting from, or in any way involving the same or related facts, circumstances, situations, transactions or events or the same or related series of facts, circumstances situations, transactions or events, whether related logically, causally or in any other way.

  • Subordinated Claims means the aggregate amount of all claims admitted in the winding up or dissolution of the Issuer which rank, or are expressed to rank, junior to claims in respect of the Senior Non-Preferred Notes or other Senior Non-Preferred Claims, including (without limitation) (i) claims of creditors in respect of the Subordinated Notes and (ii) the obligations of the Issuer which constitute, or would but for any applicable limitation on the amount of such capital constitute, Tier 2 Capital, Additional Tier 1 Capital or CET1 Capital, including, for the avoidance of doubt, all claims in respect of Deferred Shares.

  • Litigation Claims means the claims, rights of action, suits or proceedings, whether in law or in equity, whether known or unknown, that any Debtor or any Estate may hold against any Person or Entity, including, without limitation, the Causes of Action of the Debtors or their Estates, in each case solely to the extent of the Debtors’ or their Estates’ interest therein. A non-exclusive list of the Litigation Claims held by the Debtors as of the Effective Date will be Filed with the Plan Supplement, which will be deemed to include any derivative actions filed against any Debtor as of the Effective Date.

  • Subordinated Claim means a Claim of the kind described in sections 726(a)(3) or 726(a)(4) of the Bankruptcy Code and/or Claims subordinated under sections 510(b) or 510(c) of the Bankruptcy Code.

  • Secured Claims means Claims held by “secured creditors” as defined in the CCAA, including Construction Lien Claims, to the extent of the Allocated Value of the Property securing such Claim, with the balance of the Claim being a Deficiency Claim, and amounts subject to section 6(6) of the CCAA;

  • Intercompany Interest means an Interest in a Debtor held by another Debtor.

  • DIP Facility Claims means all Claims held by the DIP Facility Agent and the DIP Facility Lenders pursuant to the DIP Facility Agreements and the Final DIP Order.

  • Tax Claim has the meaning set forth in Section 6.05.

  • Allowed Secured Claim means an Allowed Claim secured by a lien, security interest or other charge against property in which the Estate has an interest, or which is subject to setoff under Section 553 of the Bankruptcy Code, to the extent of the value, determined in accordance with Section 506(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, of the interest of the holder of such Allowed Secured Claim in the Estate's interest in such property, or to the extent of the amount subject to any setoff, as the case may be.

  • Secured Claim means a Claim that is secured by a Lien on property in which any of the Debtors’ Estates have an interest or that is subject to setoff under section 553 of the Bankruptcy Code, to the extent of the value of the Claim holder’s interest in such Estate’s interest in such property or to the extent of the amount subject to setoff, as applicable, as determined pursuant to section 506(a) of the Bankruptcy Code or, in the case of setoff, pursuant to section 553 of the Bankruptcy Code.

  • Intercompany Interests means an Interest in a Debtor held by another Debtor and, for the avoidance of doubt, excludes the Existing Equity Interests.

  • Unimpaired Claim means a Claim that is not impaired within the meaning of section 1124 of the Bankruptcy Code.

  • DIP Claims means, collectively, the DIP ABL Claims and the DIP Term Loan Claims.

  • 503(b)(9) Claim means a Claim or any portion thereof entitled to administrative expense priority pursuant to section 503(b)(9) of the Bankruptcy Code.

  • Intercompany Indebtedness means Indebtedness of Company or any of its Subsidiaries which is owing to Company or any of its Subsidiaries.

  • Released Claims means all Released Defendants’ Claims and all Released Plaintiffs’ Claims.

  • Released Plaintiffs’ Claims means any and all manner of claims, demands, rights, liabilities, losses, obligations, duties, damages, costs, debts, expenses, interest, penalties, sanctions, fees, attorneys’ fees, actions, potential actions, causes of action, suits, agreements, judgments, decrees, matters, issues and controversies of any kind, nature, or description whatsoever, whether known or unknown, disclosed or undisclosed, accrued or unaccrued, apparent or not apparent, foreseen or unforeseen, matured or not matured, suspected or unsuspected, liquidated or not liquidated, fixed or contingent, including Unknown Claims, whether based on state, local, foreign, federal, statutory, regulatory, common, or other law or rule (including claims within the exclusive jurisdiction ofthe federal courts, such as, but not limited to, federal securities claims or other claims based upon the purchase or sale of Class Shares), that are, have been, could have been, could now be, or in the future could, can, or might be asserted, in the Action or in any other court, tribunal, or proceeding by Plaintiff or any other Activision stockholder derivatively on behalf of Activision or as a member of the Class, or by Activision directly against any of the Defendants’ Releasees, which, now or hereafter, are based upon, arise out of, relate in any way to, or involve, directly or indirectly, any of the actions, transactions, occurrences, statements, representations, misrepresentations, omissions, allegations, facts, practices, events, claims or any other matters, things or causes whatsoever, or any series thereof, that relate in any way to, or could arise in connection with, the Transaction (or relate to or arise as a result of any of the events, acts or negotiations related thereto) and the nomination, appointment or election of Activision directors, including but not limited to those alleged, asserted, set forth, claimed, embraced, involved, or referred to in, or related to the Fifth Amended Class and Derivative Complaint or the Action, except for claims relating to the enforcement of the Settlement and for any claims that Defendants may have against any of their insurers, co-insurers or reinsurers that are not otherwise released pursuant to other documentation. For the avoidance of doubt, the Released Plaintiff’s Claims include all of the claimsasserted in the Miller Action, but do not include claims based on conduct of Defendants’ Releasees after the Effective Date.

  • Unsecured Claims means claims which are not secured by any property of the Debtor’s Estate and which are not part of any other class defined in this Plan.

  • Refunded Obligations means, collectively, the Refunded Notes, if any, and the Refunded Bonds, if any, refunded by each Series.