Poten Arrangements definition

Poten Arrangements means the agreement between the Sellers and Poten & Partners relating to the payment by the Sellers to Poten & Partners of a broker fee in the event the Acquisition reaches financial and legal closing.

Examples of Poten Arrangements in a sentence

  • Other than the Poten Arrangements (for which the Sellers shall be fully and solely responsible), no broker, investment banker, financial advisor or other person is entitled to any broker’s, finder’s, financial advisor’s or other similar fee or commission in connection with the Acquisition or the other transactions contemplated hereby based upon arrangements made by or on behalf of such Seller.

  • Other than the Poten Arrangements (for which the Sellers shall be fully and solely responsible), no broker, investment banker, financial advisor or other person is entitled to any broker’s, finder’s, financial advisor’s or other similar fee or commission in connection with the Acquisition or the other transactions contemplated hereby based upon arrangements made by or on behalf of the Company or the Subsidiaries.

Related to Poten Arrangements

  • Management Arrangements means the arrangements for the strategic management of the relationship between the Authority and the Contractor, including arrangements for monitoring of the Contractor’s compliance with the Specification, the Service Levels, the Award Procedures and the terms of this Framework Agreement, set out in Schedule 4.

  • Cash Management Arrangements means all cash management arrangements pursuant to which Honeywell or its Subsidiaries automatically or manually sweep cash from, or automatically or manually transfer cash to, accounts of SpinCo or any member of the SpinCo Group.

  • Continuing Arrangements means those arrangements set forth on Schedule 1.1(24) and such other commercial arrangements among the Parties that are intended to survive and continue following the Separation Time; provided, however, that for the avoidance of doubt, Continuing Arrangements shall not be Third Party Agreements.

  • Financing Arrangements means the arrangements between the Borrower and the State as per current policy of the Borrower, and acceptable to ADB;

  • Interconnection arrangements means arrangements governing the physical connection of two or more networks to allow the use of another's network to hand off traffic where it is ultimately delivered (e.g., connection of a customer of telephone provider A to a customer of telephone company B) or sharing data and other information resources. Reasonable inquiry means an inquiry designed to uncover any information in the entity's possession about the identity of the producer or provider of covered telecommunications equipment or services used by the entity that excludes the need to include an internal or third-party audit. Roaming means cellular communications services (e.g., voice, video, data) received from a visited network when unable to connect to the facilities of the home network either because signal coverage is too weak or because traffic is too high. Substantial or essential component means any component necessary for the proper function or performance of a piece of equipment, system, or service.

  • Benefit Arrangements has the meaning set forth in Section 4.20(b).

  • VIE Agreements means the Exclusive Service Agreement, the Exclusive Call Option Agreement, the Shareholder Voting Rights Proxy Agreement and the Equity Pledge Agreement entered into by and among some or all of the Parties hereto on the same day this agreement is entered, including any supplemental agreements or amendments to such agreements, and any other agreements, contracts or legal documents executed or issued by one or more Parties and/or Party C’s affiliated enterprises from time to time to ensure the performance of the aforesaid agreements, signed or accepted by Party A in writing.

  • Collective Bargaining Agreements shall have the meaning provided in Section 5.05.

  • Transactional Agreements means: (a) the Agreement; (b) the Assignment and Assumption Agreement; (c) the Voting Agreements; (d) the Credit Agreement; (e) the Patent License Agreement; (f) the Patent Standstill Agreement; and (g) the Stay Orders.

  • Collective Agreements means collective agreements and related documents including benefit agreements, letters of understanding, letters of intent and other written communications (including arbitration awards) by which the Company and any of its Subsidiaries are bound.

  • Cash Management Agreements means those certain cash management agreements, in form and substance satisfactory to Agent, each of which is among Administrative Borrower or one of its Subsidiaries, Agent, and one of the Cash Management Banks.

  • Facility Agreements means the agreements of that name between the Issuer and different

  • Arrangements means every arrangement or transaction that:

  • Treasury Management Arrangement means any agreement or other arrangement governing the provision of treasury or cash management services, including deposit accounts, overdraft, credit or debit card, funds transfer, automated clearinghouse, zero balance accounts, returned check concentration, controlled disbursement, lockbox, account reconciliation and reporting and trade finance services and other cash management services.

  • Material Agreements shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 4.16 hereof.

  • Tax Sharing Arrangement means any written or unwritten agreement or arrangement for the allocation or payment of Tax liabilities or payment for Tax benefits with respect to a consolidated, combined or unitary Tax Return which includes the Company.

  • Arrangement Agreement means the arrangement agreement dated as of April 18, 2019 between the Purchaser and the Company, including the schedules and exhibits thereto, providing for, among other things, the Arrangement, as the same may be amended, supplemented or restated.

  • Trade Agreements means any applicable trade agreement to which Ontario is a signatory.

  • Hedging Arrangements means, with respect to any Person, any agreements or other arrangements (including interest rate swap agreements, interest rate cap agreements and forward sale agreements) entered into to protect that Person against changes in interest rates or the market value of assets.