Pivotal Trials definition

Pivotal Trials means those clinical trials on sufficient numbers of patients that, if the defined end-points are met, are designed (and agreed to by the FDA, or other Regulatory Authorities in the Territory based upon existing data in the same patient population) as of the start of the trial to definitively establish that a drug is safe and efficacious for its intended use, and to define warnings, precautions and adverse reactions that are associated with the drug in the dosage range to be prescribed, and provide pivotal data supporting Regulatory Approval of such drug or label expansion of such drug and that satisfy the requirements of 21 CFR 321.21(c) (or its successor regulation), or an equivalent foreign clinical trial.
Pivotal Trials means: (a) for Drug Products, a human clinical trial anywhere in the world that is a clinical trial or study that intends to provide the ultimate evidence and data that a Health Authority uses to decide whether or not to approve a potential new medicine. For clarity, a Phase III Clinical Trial that satisfies the requirements of 21 CFR §312.2l(c) or its equivalent prescribed by the Health Authority in the applicable country or regulatory jurisdiction other than the United States where the clinical trial takes place shall be considered a Pivotal Clinical Trial. For further clarity, a Phase II Clinical Trial shall not be deemed a Pivotal Clinical Trial unless the applicable Health Authority accepts the data from such trial as sufficient for Health Registration Approval; and, (b) .for Medical Device Products ) an IDE which is intended as the primary clinical investigation to generate the data to support a marketing approval application (“PMA”)
Pivotal Trials means, for Medical Device Products only (and not for Drug Products) an IDE which is intended as the primary clinical investigation to generate the data to support a marketing approval application (“PMA”)

Examples of Pivotal Trials in a sentence

  • If one Party funds the conduct of the Pivotal Trials for a Collaboration Product, then such Party shall have the exclusive right to Commercialize such Collaboration Product (itself or through a Marketing Partner or Japanese Partner, as applicable).

  • Isis will produce the bulk API for Mipomersen under cGMP conditions and in accordance with the Quality Agreement between the Parties and referencing this Supply Agreement (the “Quality Agreement”), in the amount specified in the applicable Firm Order for use for the phase II clinical trials, the Pivotal Trial(s) and the initial commercial launch of Mipomersen.

  • If only one Party elects to fund and be responsible for the Pivotal Trials for a Collaboration Product in the Field with respect to Japan, then such Party shall prepare a Development Plan for the conduct of such Pivotal Trials, at its expense, for submission to the Coordination Committee for approval in accordance with Section 3.6 (with such Party having the final say).

  • Upon completion of the Pre-Pivotal Development, the Japanese Lead Party shall provide the other Party a report including the Data from such Development and designating whether it elects to proceed with Pivotal Trials for such Collaboration Product in the Field with respect to Japan (the “Pre-Pivotal Japan Report”).

  • If Galderma is not the Japanese Lead Party and it so elects to participate in the Pivotal Trials, it shall together with such Japanese Election Notice, pay NovaBay an amount equal to [***] percent ([***]%) of the Pre-Pivotal Development Costs.

  • Isis will be responsible for manufacturing and supplying API for the Phase II clinical trials, the Pivotal Trial(s) and the initial commercial launch [**] = Portions of this exhibit have been omitted pursuant to a confidential treatment request.

  • For each SM Product or Monoclonal Product, if Phase II Clinical Trials are Pivotal Trials , or if the JSC decides to proceed with Phase III Clinical Trials, then within thirty (30) days after such decision Genentech shall reimburse Dendreon for all Phase I and Phase II Clinical Trial Costs incurred by Dendreon for such Licensed Product.

  • If Micromet orders such Clinical Trial Material for use in Pivotal Trials, then MedImmune will manufacture any such Clinical Trial Materials using the applicable Commercial Process or a clinical scale process, as unanimously determined by the JDC.

  • Following the Effective Date, the Parties shall commence and conduct the Behçet’s and Non Infectious Uveitis Pivotal Trials and other required studies in accordance with the timeframes and allocation of responsibilities set forth in the Behçet’s Uveitis and Non Infectious Uveitis Development Plan.

  • Without limiting Section 13.2, the Parties agree that Product, [***] and, [***] ImmTOR, in each case, supplied for the Existing Pivotal Trials or under the Supply Agreement shall be supplied at the Supply Price therefor.

More Definitions of Pivotal Trials

Pivotal Trials means those clinical trials on sufficient numbers of patients that, if the defined end-points are met, are designed (and agreed to by the FDA, or other Regulatory Authorities in the Territory) based upon existing data in the same patient population as of the start of the trial to definitively establish that a drug is safe and efficacious for its intended use, and to define warnings, precautions and adverse reactions that are associated with [***] INDICATES THAT CERTAIN INFORMATION ON THIS PAGE HAS BEEN OMITTED AND FILED SEPARATELY WITH THE COMMISSION PURSUANT TO RULE 24B-2. CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT HAS BEEN REQUESTED WITH RESPECT TO THE OMITTED PORTIONS. the drug in the dosage range to be prescribed, and which provide pivotal data supporting Regulatory Approval of such drug or label expansion of such drug and that satisfy the requirements of 21 CFR 321.21(c), or its successor regulation, or an equivalent foreign clinical trial.
Pivotal Trials means the Sole Pivotal Trial, and if applicable, the Subsequent Pivotal Trial.

Related to Pivotal Trials

  • Pivotal Trial means a clinical study in humans of the efficacy and safety of a Licensed Product that is prospectively designed to demonstrate with statistical significance that such product is effective and safe for use in a particular indication in a manner sufficient to file for Marketing Approval of such product and would satisfy the requirements of 21 CFR 312.21(c), or a similar clinical study prescribed by the Regulatory Authorities in a country other than the United States.

  • Clinical Trials means a controlled study in humans of the safety or efficacy of a Product, and includes, without limitation, such clinical trials as are designed to support expanded labeling or to satisfy the requirements of an Agency in connection with any Product Approval and any other human study used in research and Development of a Product.

  • Phase III Clinical Trials means a Clinical Trial for the Product on sufficient numbers of patients to generate safety and efficacy data to support Regulatory Approval in the proposed therapeutic indication, conducted in accordance with current good clinical practices and in accordance with a protocol that has been reviewed by the FDA and reflects any comments or concerns raised by the same.

  • Clinical Trial means a Phase I Clinical Trial, Phase II Clinical Trial or Phase III Clinical Trial, or any post-approval human clinical trial, as applicable.

  • Phase 2 Clinical Trial means a human clinical trial of a product in any country that would satisfy the requirements of 21 C.F.R. 312.21(b) and is intended to explore a variety of doses, dose response, and duration of effect, and to generate initial evidence of clinical safety and activity in a target patient population, or a similar clinical study prescribed by the relevant Regulatory Authorities in a country other than the United States.

  • Phase IIb Clinical Trial means a clinical trial of a Product on sufficient numbers of patients that is designed to provide a preliminary determination of safety and efficacy of such Product in the target patient population over a range of doses and dose regimens.

  • Phase 3 Clinical Trial means a pivotal clinical trial in humans performed to gain evidence with statistical significance of the efficacy of a product in a target population, and to obtain expanded evidence of safety for such product that is needed to evaluate the overall benefit-risk relationship of such product, to form the basis for approval of an NDA and to provide an adequate basis for physician labeling, as described in 21 C.F.R. § 312.21(c) or the corresponding regulation in jurisdictions other than the United States.

  • Phase III Clinical Trial means a large, controlled or uncontrolled Clinical Study that would satisfy the requirements of 21 CFR 312.21(c), intended to gather the additional information about effectiveness and safety that is needed to evaluate the overall benefit-risk relationship of the drug and to provide an adequate basis for physician labeling.

  • Pivotal Clinical Trial means, with respect to a Licensed Product, (a) a phase 3 Clinical Trial or (b) any other clinical trial that is intended (as of the time the study is initiated) to obtain the results and data to support (without the need to conduct any additional clinical trial) the filing of an application for Regulatory Approval for such product.

  • Phase II Clinical Trial means a study in humans of the safety, dose ranging and efficacy of a product, which is prospectively designed to generate sufficient data (if successful) to commence a Phase III Clinical Trial or to file for accelerated approval, or otherwise consistent with the requirements of U.S. 21 C.F.R. §312.21(b) or its foreign equivalents.

  • Pivotal Study means (a) a Phase 3 Study that is intended by Celgene to be submitted (together with any other registration trials that are prospectively planned when such Phase 3 Study is initiated) for Regulatory Approval in the U.S. or the EU, or (b) any other clinical study that is designed to establish that a pharmaceutical product is safe and efficacious for its intended use, and to determine warnings, precautions, and adverse reactions that are associated with such pharmaceutical product in the dosage range to be prescribed, which clinical study is a registration trial intended to be sufficient for filing an application for a Regulatory Approval for the Licensed Product in the U.S. or another country or some or all of an extra-national territory, solely as evidenced by the acceptance for filing for a Regulatory Approval for such product after completion of such study.

  • Phase I Clinical Trial means a human clinical trial that is intended to initially evaluate the safety and/or pharmacological effect of a Product in subjects or that would otherwise satisfy requirements of 21 C.F.R. 312.21(a), or its foreign equivalent.

  • Phase 1 Clinical Trial means a Clinical Trial of a Product on sufficient numbers of normal volunteers and/or patients that is designed to establish that such Product is safe for its intended use and to support its continued testing in Phase 2 Clinical Trials. For purposes of this Agreement, ‘initiation’ of a Phase 1 Clinical Trial for a Product means the first dosing of such Product in a human subject in a Phase 1 Clinical Trial.

  • Phase 4 Clinical Trial means a Clinical Trial of a Product conducted after Regulatory Approval of such Product has been obtained from an appropriate Regulatory Authority, which trial is (a) conducted voluntarily by a Party to enhance marketing or scientific knowledge of the Product, or (b) conducted due to a request or requirement of a Regulatory Authority.

  • Phase III Clinical Study means a pivotal Clinical Study, the results of which could be used to establish safety and efficacy of a Licensed Product in the Field as a basis for Regulatory Approval or that would otherwise satisfy requirements of 21 CFR 312.21(c), or its foreign equivalent.

  • Phase III Study means a human clinical trial that is prospectively designed to demonstrate statistically whether a product is safe and effective for use in humans in a manner sufficient to obtain regulatory approval to market such product in patients having the disease or condition being studied as described in 21 C.F.R. § 312.21(c) (FDCA), as amended from time to time, and the foreign equivalent thereof.

  • Clinical Study or “Clinical Studies” means a Phase 0 Xxxxx, Xxxxx 0 Xxxxx, Xxxxx 0 Trial or Phase 4 Trial, or such other study in humans that is conducted in accordance with good clinical practices and is designed to generate data in support or maintenance of an NDA, MAA or other similar marketing application.

  • Phase II Clinical Study means a human clinical study of a product initiated to determine the safety and efficacy in the target patient population, as described 21 C.F.R. 312.21(b).

  • Phase I Clinical Study means, as to a particular Licensed Product, an initial clinical study in humans with the purpose of assessing the Licensed Product’s safety, tolerability, toxicity, pharmacokinetics or other pharmacological properties.

  • Phase IV Clinical Trial means a post-registrational Clinical Trial conducted in any country or countries and required as a condition to, or for the maintenance of, any Regulatory Approval for a Product in the Territory.

  • Clinical Studies means any clinical studies of a Licensed Product conducted on humans.

  • Phase III Trial means a Clinical Trial of an investigational product in subjects that incorporates accepted endpoints for confirmation of statistical significance of efficacy and safety with the aim to generate data and results that can be submitted to obtain Regulatory Approval as described in 21 C.F.R. 312.21(c), or a comparable Clinical Trial prescribed by the relevant Regulatory Authority in a country other than the United States.

  • Phase 3 Trial means a human clinical trial of a Product on a sufficient number of subjects that is designed to establish that a pharmaceutical product is safe and efficacious for its intended use, and to determine warnings, precautions and adverse reactions that are associated with such pharmaceutical product in the dosage range to be prescribed, which trial is intended to support Approval of a Product, as described in 21 C.F.R. 312.21(c) for the United States, or a similar clinical study prescribed by the Regulatory Authorities in a foreign country.

  • Phase I Study means a study in humans which provides for the first introduction into humans of a product, conducted in healthy volunteers or patients to obtain information on product safety, tolerability, pharmacological activity or pharmacokinetics, as more fully defined in 21 C.F.R. § 312.21(a) (or the non-United States equivalent thereof).

  • Phase I Trial means a clinical trial of a Licensed Product in human patients designated as a Phase I Trial and conducted primarily for the purpose of determining the safety of and/or the metabolism and pharmacologic actions of the Licensed Product in humans, as described under 21 CFR § 312.21(a) (as hereafter modified or amended) and any of its foreign equivalents. For purposes of this definition, Phase I Trial shall specifically exclude trials in healthy volunteers.

  • Phase 3 Study means a clinical study of a drug candidate in patients that incorporates accepted endpoints for confirmation of statistical significance of efficacy and safety in order to obtain Regulatory Approval in any country, as further described in 21 C.F.R. 312.21(c) with respect to the United States, or a comparable clinical study prescribed by the relevant Regulatory Authority in a country other than the United States. The relevant drug candidate may be administered to patients as a single agent or in combination with other investigational or marketed agents.