Pap smear definition

Pap smear means the cells scraped from a woman’s cervix for detecting whether the woman has—
Pap smear means an examination of the tissues of the cervix of the uterus for the purpose of detecting cancer when performed upon the recommendation of a medical doctor, which examination may be made once a year or more often if recommended by a medical doctor.
Pap smear means an examination of the tissues of the cervix of the uterus for the purpose of detecting cancer when performed upon the recommendation of a medical doctor licensed health care practitioner, which examination may be made once a year or more often if recommended by a medical doctor licensed health care practitioner.

Examples of Pap smear in a sentence

  • The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that women between 21-65 years of age be screened for cervical cancer with a Pap smear every three years, and recommends screening every five years with Pap smears in combination with HPV co-testing for women between the ages of 30 and 65 who want to lengthen the screening interval (U.S. Preventative Services Task Force, 2016).

More Definitions of Pap smear

Pap smear means cervical cytology screening.

Related to Pap smear

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