Orthofix definition

Orthofix has the meaning set forth in the Preamble.
Orthofix shall have the meaning set forth in the preamble to this Agreement.

Examples of Orthofix in a sentence

  • The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of Orthofix.

  • Any effective notice hereunder shall be deemed given on the date personally delivered, three business days after mailed via U.S. mail or one business day after it is sent via overnight delivery service or via confirmed e-mail or facsimile, as the case may be, to the following address: If to the Company: Orthofix Inc.

  • The information contained in the Quarterly Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of Orthofix.

  • At all times while performing Tenant Work, Tenant shall require any Tenant Contractor to comply with all applicable Legal Requirements and the Rules and Regulations (as defined in Section 9.1) relating to such work.

  • Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings attributed thereto in the Orthofix International N.V. 2012 Long-Term Incentive Plan (the “Plan”).

  • Capitalized terms used and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings attributed thereto in the Orthofix International N.V. Amended and Restated 2004 Long-Term Incentive Plan (the “Plan”).

  • Note issued by Colgate Medical Ltd in favor of Orthofix Holdings, Inc.

  • More could have been done – lowering the speed limit, closing lanes, erecting signs – but they Agency chose not to and she was damaged as a result.

  • During the term of this Agreement, and for a period of one (1) year following completion of all services rendered by Licensee pursuant to this Agreement, Licensee agrees that it will not, directly or indirectly, either for itself or on behalf of any third party, develop, engineer, manufacture, produce or consult to do any of the foregoing, relating to any device employing magnetic technology, whose purpose is the alleviation of pain.

  • A reconciliation of proforma Adjusted EBITDA for each quarter of 2022 to the nearest GAAP financial measure for each of SeaSpine and Orthofix is presented on this slide.

Related to Orthofix

  • NPS means nominal pipe size.

  • CIMA means the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority;

  • CMS means the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

  • Elan means Elan Corp and its Affiliates.

  • Novartis shall have the meaning set forth in the Preamble.

  • FMCSA means Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

  • HITECH means the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act.

  • MTF means any multilateral trading facility as defined in the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 2014/65/EU (MiFID II), as amended.

  • ANI means automatic number identification.

  • ABI means Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, its domestic and foreign parents, predecessors, divisions, subsidiaries, affiliates, partnerships and joint ventures (excluding Crown, and, prior to the completion of the Transaction, Modelo); and all directors, officers, employees, agents, and representatives of the foregoing. The terms “parent,” “subsidiary,” “affiliate,” and “joint venture” refer to any person in which there is majority (greater than 50 percent) or total ownership or control between the company and any other person.

  • Raptor means all birds of the orders Falconiformes and Strigiformes, commonly called falcons,

  • Odyssey means Odyssey Trust Company.

  • NSC means the National Suppliers Council.

  • THC means tetrahydrocannabinol.

  • AMS means the Federal Aviation Administration’s Acquisition Management System.

  • Shire means Shire of Augusta Margaret River

  • Merck has the meaning set forth in the preamble.

  • Siemens means Siemens AG (Germany) and its Affiliates.

  • Pharmacy means prescribed drugs and medicines dispensed by a pharmacist and/or travel and allergy vaccines dispensed by a pharmacist or doctor.

  • BSC means the Balancing and Settlement Code designated by the Secretary of State with the approval of the Authority;