Open top vapor degreasing definition

Open top vapor degreasing means the batch process of cleaning and removing soils from metal surfaces by condensing hot solvent vapor on the colder metal parts.
Open top vapor degreasing means the batch process of cleaning metal surfaces by condensing hot solvent vapor on the colder metal parts.
Open top vapor degreasing means the process using condensation of hot solvent vapor to clean and remove soils from a batch of metal parts.

Examples of Open top vapor degreasing in a sentence

  • Open top vapor degreasing systems with enclosures operate in the same manner as standard open top vapor degreasing systems, except that the machine is enclosed on all sides during degreasing.

More Definitions of Open top vapor degreasing

Open top vapor degreasing means the batch process of cleaning and removing greasy soils from metal surfaces in an open top tank by condensing hot solvent vapor on the colder metal parts.‌
Open top vapor degreasing means the batch process of cleaning and removing soils from metal
Open top vapor degreasing means the batch process of cleaning and removing soils from metal surfaces by condensing hot degreasing solvent

Related to Open top vapor degreasing

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