Normal employment obligations definition

Normal employment obligations means those services that the employee is obligated to perform for the employing institution.
Normal employment obligations means those services that the faculty or staff member is obligated by written or oral contract to perform for the employing institution.
Normal employment obligations means those services that the faculty or staff member is obligated to perform for the Employing Institution.

Related to Normal employment obligations

  • Seasonal employment means the employment of 1 or more individuals primarily hired to perform services during regularly recurring periods of 26 weeks or less in any 52-week period other than services in the construction industry.

  • Normal Retirement means retirement from active employment with the Company or any Subsidiary on or after age 65.

  • Employment Liabilities means all claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, compensation, tribunal awards, fines, costs (including but not limited to reasonable legal costs), expenses and all other liabilities whatsoever;

  • Normal Retirement Benefit means an annual benefit equal to One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and No/100 ($150,000.00) per year, payable in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Beginning on the thirteenth month that the Normal Retirement Benefit is paid, and continuing thereafter until paid in full, the Normal Retirement Benefit shall be increased annually by three percent (3%) from the previous year’s Normal Retirement Benefit amount to account for cost of living increases.

  • Other Benefit Obligations means all obligations, arrangements, or customary practices, whether or not legally enforceable, to provide benefits, other than salary, as compensation for services rendered, to present or former directors, employees, or agents, other than obligations, arrangements, and practices that are Plans. Other Benefit Obligations include consulting agreements under which the compensation paid does not depend upon the amount of service rendered, sabbatical policies, severance payment policies, and fringe benefits within the meaning of IRC Section 132.

  • Disability Support Pension means the Commonwealth pension scheme to provide income security for persons with a disability as provided under the Social Security Act 1991, as amended from time to time, or any successor to that scheme.

  • Gainful employment means paid employment for not less than 30 hours in each week for a period of not less than 12 months;

  • Confidential employee means one who assists and acts in a confidential capacity to a per-

  • Normal Retirement Age means the Executive's 65th birthday.

  • Normal Retirement Date means the later of the Normal Retirement Age or Termination of Employment.

  • Unfunded Benefit Liabilities means, with respect to any ERISA Plan at any time, the amount (if any) by which (i) the present value of all accrued benefits calculated on an accumulated benefit obligation basis and based upon the actuarial assumptions used for accounting purposes (i.e., those determined in accordance with FASB statement No. 35 and used in preparing the ERISA Plan’s financial statements) exceeds (ii) the fair market value of all ERISA Plan assets allocable to such benefits, determined as of the then most recent actuarial valuation report for such ERISA Plan.

  • Regular benefits ’ means benefits payable to an individual under this act or under any other state law, including benefits payable to federal civilian employees and to ex-servicemen pursuant to 5 U.S.C. chapter 85, other than extended benefits.

  • Disability retirement for plan 1 members, means the period

  • Employment benefits means all benefits provided or made

  • Termination for Just Cause means termination because of Executive’s personal dishonesty, incompetence, willful misconduct, breach of fiduciary duty involving personal profit, intentional failure to perform stated duties, willful violation of any law, rule or regulation (other than traffic violations or similar offenses) or final cease-and-desist order, or material breach of any provision of this Agreement.

  • Termination Benefits means the benefits described in Section 4.1(b).

  • Termination Year means the calendar year in which the Employment Period is terminated.

  • Retirement Benefits means benefits paid by reference to reaching, or the expectation of reaching, retirement or, where they are supplementary to those benefits and provided on an ancillary basis, in the form of payments on death, disability, or cessation of employment or in the form of support payments or services in case of sickness, indigence or death. In order to facilitate financial security in retirement, these benefits may take the form of payments for life, payments made for a temporary period, a lump sum, or any combination thereof;

  • Supported employment means the ongoing supports to participants who, because of their disabilities, need intensive ongoing support to obtain and maintain an individual job in competitive or customized employment, or self-employment, in an integrated work setting in the general workforce at or above the state’s minimum wage or at or above the customary wage and level of benefits paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by individuals without disabilities. The outcome of this service is sustained paid employment at or above the minimum wage in an integrated setting in the general workforce in a job that meets personal and career goals. Supported employment services can be provided through many different service models.

  • Termination Benefit means the benefit set forth in Article 7.

  • Disability Retirement Date means the first day of the month following the last day of paid employment;

  • Disability benefit recipient means a member who is receiving a disability benefit.

  • Termination Compensation means a monthly cash amount equal to one-twelfth ( 1/12th) of the highest amount of the annual cash compensation (including cash bonuses and other cash-based compensation, including for these purposes amounts earned or payable whether or not deferred) received by Executive during any one of the three (3) calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year in which Executive’s Termination Date occurs; provided, that if the cash compensation received by Executive during the Termination Year exceeds the highest amount of the annual cash compensation received by Executive during any one of the immediately preceding three (3) consecutive calendar years, the cash compensation received by Executive during the Termination Year shall be deemed to be Executive’s highest amount of annual cash compensation. In no event shall Executive’s Termination Compensation include equity-based compensation (e.g., income realized as a result of Executive’s exercise of non-qualified stock options or other stock based benefits).

  • Disability Termination means the termination of a Participant’s employment under the disability provisions of the Participant’s Employment Agreement or, if the Participant is not a party to an Employment Agreement, then as a result of a “Disability” as defined in the Plan.

  • Unfunded Pension Liabilities with respect to any Pension Plan, at any date of determination, the amount determined by taking the accumulated benefit obligation, as disclosed in accordance with Statement of Accounting Standards No. 87, "Employers' Accounting for Pensions", over the fair market value of Pension Plan assets.