Net Local Revenue definition

Net Local Revenue means a Club's Local Revenue less its Actual Stadium Expenses.

Examples of Net Local Revenue in a sentence

  • The intent of the revenue sharing plan is to effect a net transfer of Net Local Revenue among Participating Clubs of $70 Million at 100% implementation of the plan, based on 1994 projections.

  • The MLB Revenue Sharing Plan involves each team paying 34% of Net Local Revenue into a ‘pool of money’.

  • The Xxxxx Theorem stipulates that auctioning off the allowances or distributing them freely both yield the same result.171 Under the former method, the auction funds should be channeled into the revenue sharing fund defraying reductions costs (that is, either the Net Local Revenue fund or the Supplemental fund, depending on which approach MLB opts to take).

  • So, each club put in 34% of their Net Local Revenue each year, and then the pool was divided evenly between all of the clubs.

  • A Central Fund component was added, which called for 41.066% of the total amount transferred from payor clubs to payee clubs to be pulled from baseball’s Central Fund and divided between payee clubs whose average Net Local Revenue over the past three years fell below the average for all clubs over that same time period.

  • Accordingly, the Parties acknowledge that the Association has a significant interest in any aspect of the revenue sharing plan or its operation materially affecting either: (a) the overall industry- wide net transfer of Net Local Revenue among Participating Clubs; or (b) the amounts of net - payments made by individual Payor Clubs and the amounts of net - receipts received by individual Payee Clubs.

Related to Net Local Revenue

  • Combined state and local revenue per membership pupil means the district’s combined state and local revenue divided by the district’s membership excluding special education pupils.

  • Total Revenue bears the same meaning assigned to this expression in the Codes of Good Practice on Black Economic Empowerment, issued in terms of section 9(1) of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act and promulgated in the Government Gazette on 9 February 2007;

  • Annual Revenue means the Company’s or a business unit’s net sales for the Fiscal Year, determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles; provided, however, that prior to the Fiscal Year, the Committee shall determine whether any significant item(s) shall be excluded or included from the calculation of Annual Revenue with respect to one or more Participants.

  • Total Revenues means revenues from all taxes and fees, excluding revenue from funds managed by local government on behalf of a specific third party, and does not include the proceeds from borrowing or asset sales.

  • Annual Revenue Rate means the rate employed to assess a compliance penalty charge on a Curtailment Service Provider under Tariff, Attachment DD, section 11. Annual Transmission Costs:

  • Pre-Incentive Fee Net Investment Income means interest income, dividend income and any other income (including any other fees, other than fees for providing managerial assistance, such as commitment, origination, structuring, diligence and consulting fees or other fees that the Corporation receives from portfolio companies) accrued during the calendar quarter, minus the Corporation’s operating expenses for the quarter (including the Base Management Fee, expenses reimbursed to the Adviser under this Agreement and any interest expense and dividends paid on any issued and outstanding preferred stock, but excluding the Incentive Fee). Pre-Incentive Fee Net Investment Income includes, in the case of investments with a deferred interest feature (such as original issue discount debt instruments with payment-in-kind interest and zero coupon securities), accrued income that the Corporation has not yet received in cash. Pre-Incentive Fee Net Investment Income does not include any realized capital gains, realized capital losses or unrealized capital appreciation or depreciation.

  • New M&O Revenue means the total State and local Maintenance and Operations Revenue that District actually received for such school year.

  • Adjusted Revenue means revenue less Digital Platform Fulfilment Revenue.

  • Operating Revenue means amounts accrued or charge to customers, cli- ents, and tenants, for the sale of prod- ucts manufactured or purchased for re- sale, for services, and for rentals of property held primarily for leasing to others. It includes both reimbursable costs and fees under cost-type con- tracts and percentage-of-completion sales accruals except that it includesonly the fee for management contracts under which the contractor acts essen- tially as an agent of the Government in the erection or operation of Govern- ment-owned facilities. It excludes inci- dental interest, dividends, royalty, and rental income, and proceeds from the sale of assets used in the business.

  • Tax increment revenues means the amount of ad valorem property taxes and specific local taxes attributable to the application of the levy of all taxing jurisdictions upon the captured assessed value of real and personal property in the zone. Tax increment revenues do not include any of the following:

  • Tax Revenue means, with respect to the Project Area, (a) those tax revenues referred to (1) in the last sentence of the first paragraph of Article VIII, Section 12 of the Constitution of the State and (2) in Section 18-2147, Reissue Revised Statutes of Nebraska, as amended, and (b) all payments made in lieu thereof.

  • Anticipated county property tax revenue availability means the

  • Local school operating revenue means school operating taxes levied under section 1211 of the revised school code, MCL 380.1211. For a receiving district, if school operating taxes are to be levied on behalf of a dissolved district that has been attached in whole or in part to the receiving district to satisfy debt obligations of the dissolved district under section 12 of the revised school code, MCL 380.12, local school operating revenue does not include school operating taxes levied within the geographic area of the dissolved district.

  • Anticipated State average revenue availability per student means the sum of all anticipated total county revenue availability divided by the average daily membership for the State.

  • Consolidated Revenue means for any period the total revenues of the Company and its Subsidiaries, determined in accordance with GAAP.

  • CAISO Revenues means the net amount resulting from (a) the credits and other payments received by Buyer, as Seller’s Scheduling Coordinator, as a result of test energy from the Project delivered by Seller during the Test Period, including revenues associated with CAISO dispatches and (b) the debits, costs, penalties and interest that are directly assigned by the CAISO to the CAISO Global Resource ID for the Project for, or attributable to, scheduling and deliveries from the Project under this Agreement, which amount may result in a negative or positive value.

  • Gross Rooms Revenue means all revenues derived from the sale or rental of Guest Rooms (both transient and permanent) of the Hotel, including revenue derived from the redemption of points or rewards under the loyalty programs in which the Hotel participates, amounts attributable to breakfast (where the guest room rate includes breakfast), Mandatory Guest Fees, late cancellation fees, and guaranteed no- show revenue and credit transactions, whether or not collected, at the actual rates charged, less allowances for any Guest Room rebates and overcharges, and will not include taxes collected directly from patrons or guests. Group booking rebates, if any, paid by you or on your behalf to third-party groups for group stays must be included in, and not deducted from, the calculation of Gross Rooms Revenue.

  • Original M&O Revenue means, with respect to any school year, the total State and local Maintenance and Operations Revenue that the District would have received for the school year under the Applicable School Finance Law had this Agreement not been entered into by the Parties and the Applicant’s Qualified Property been subject to the ad valorem maintenance and operations tax at the tax rate actually adopted by the District for the applicable Tax Year. For purposes of this calculation, the Third Party will base its calculations upon actual local Taxable Values for each applicable Tax Year as certified by the Appraisal District for all taxable accounts in the District, except that with respect to the Applicant’s Qualified Property during the Tax Limitation Period, such calculations shall use the Taxable Value for each applicable Tax Year of the Applicant’s Qualified Property which is used for the calculation of the District’s tax levy for debt service (interest and sinking fund) ad valorem tax purposes. For the calculation of Original M&O Revenue, the Taxable Value for Applicant’s Qualified Property for maintenance and operations ad valorem tax purposes will not be used during the Tax Limitation Period.

  • TIF Revenues means incremental ad valorem taxes generated by the Project which are allocated to and paid to the Authority pursuant to the Act.

  • System Revenues means all rates, rents, fees, charges,

  • Assigned Annual Special Tax means the Special Tax of that name described in Section D.

  • Gross receipts tax means any gross receipts, sales, use, excise, value added or any similar tax.

  • Annualized Consolidated EBITDA means, for any quarter, the product of Consolidated EBITDA for such period of time multiplied by four (4).

  • Sales Revenue means receipts from the sale, lease, or rental of goods, services, or property;

  • Gross Revenue means: