Examples of National stock number (NSN in a sentence
Contract number or order number; (2) Contract line item number (CLIN); (3) Unit price; (4) Quantity of items; (5) Extended price; (6) National stock number (NSN); (7) Delivery date; (8) Recipient organization's name and address; (9) Receiving activity Department of Defense activity address code (DoDAAC); (10) Requisition document number (and suffix, when applicable); (11) Shipment number; (12) Invoice number; and (13) Location where the carrier made delivery (activity name, building number, city, state).
Government agency Contract number Date of Contract National stock number (NSN) Specification/Part Number (2) In all cases, the PCO reserves the right to make final waiver determination.
National stock number (NSN) means a 13- digit stock number used to identify items of supply.
Uses standard camouflage paints identifiable by National stock number (NSN) or Military Specification Number.
This is a number other than a National stock number (NSN) used to identify the item.
National stock number (NSN), when available, or Federal stock number (FSN), when NSN is not available, or part number when neither NSN or FSN are available.
Government agency Contract number Date of Contract National stock number (NSN) Specification/Part Number _ (2) In all cases, the PCO reserves the right to make final waiver determination.
National stock number (NSN, ND or K) or part number when no NSN is assigned.
National stock number (NSN) standardization is a key goal of this acquisition.
National stock number (NSN) <nsn> for item(s) covered (when required).f.