Motor carrier of household goods definition

Motor carrier of household goods means a person that, either directly or through any device or arrangement, packs, loads, unloads, or transports household goods upon or over a public highway for the general public in exchange for payment.
Motor carrier of household goods means a person engaged in the transportation, for hire, of personal effects and property used or to be used in a dwelling, and includes the following:
Motor carrier of household goods means a person

Examples of Motor carrier of household goods in a sentence

  • Motor carrier of household goods applications, including Mexico- or non- North America-domiciled carrier appli- cants.

  • Motor carrier of household goods applications, including Mexico- or non- North America-domiciled carrier applicants.

More Definitions of Motor carrier of household goods

Motor carrier of household goods means a person transporting household goods for compensation or other consideration, with an origin and destination within this state;
Motor carrier of household goods means a person engaged in the transportation,
Motor carrier of household goods means a person transporting household goods

Related to Motor carrier of household goods

  • Household goods means personal effects and property used or to be used in a dwelling when a part of the equipment or supply of that dwelling. Household goods do not include property moving from a factory or store, unless the property was purchased by the householder with intent to use the property in his or her dwelling, the property is transported at the request of the householder, and the householder pays the carrier's transportation charges either directly or indirectly.

  • Motor carrier means a person providing motor vehicle transportation for compensation.

  • Household waste means any solid waste (including garbage, trash, and sanitary waste in septic tanks) derived from households (including single and multiple residences, hotels and motels, bunkhouses, ranger stations, crew quarters, campgrounds, picnic grounds, and day-use recreation areas).

  • Passenger car means every motor vehicle other than a motorcycle designed and used primarily for

  • Households means one or more natural persons or a family who pays 30 percent of their household income toward their monthly rent and is determined by Grantee to be eligible for rental assistance under this Agreement.

  • Off-highway implement of husbandry means the same as that term is defined in Section 41-22-2.

  • School equipment means a durable school-owned machine, equipment, or tool used by a student as part of an activity, course, or program in a secondary school and includes a saw or 3D printer. “School equipment” includes a saw or 3D printer.

  • Cigarette means any product that contains nicotine, is intended to be burned or heated under ordinary conditions of use, and consists of or contains (i) any roll of tobacco wrapped in paper or in any substance not containing tobacco; or (ii) tobacco, in any form, that is functional in the product, which, because of its appearance, the type of tobacco used in the filler, or its packaging and labeling, is likely to be offered to, or purchased by, consumers as a cigarette; or (iii) any roll of tobacco wrapped in any substance containing tobacco which, because of its appearance, the type of tobacco used in the filler, or its packaging and labeling, is likely to be offered to, or purchased by, consumers as a cigarette described in clause (i) of this definition. The term "cigarette" includes "roll-your-own" (i.e., any tobacco which, because of its appearance, type, packaging, or labeling is suitable for use and likely to be offered to, or purchased by, consumers as tobacco for making cigarettes). For purposes of this definition of "cigarette", 0.09 ounces of "roll-your-own" tobacco shall constitute 1 individual "cigarette".

  • Finished Goods means completed goods which require no additional processing or manufacturing to be sold to third party customers by the Loan Parties in the ordinary course of business.

  • motor cycle means any two-wheeled vehicle, with or without side-car, which is equipped with a propelling engine. Contracting Parties may also treat as motor cycles in their domestic legislation three-wheeled vehicles whose unladen mass does not exceed 400 kg. The term "motor cycle" does not include mopeds, although Contracting Parties may treat mopeds as motor cycles for the purpose of the Convention.

  • Very low-income household means a household with a total gross annual household income equal to 30 percent or less of the median household income.

  • Motorboat means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18-2.

  • Adult foster care facility means an adult foster care facility licensed under the adult foster care facility licensing act, 1979 PA 218, MCL 400.701 to 400.737.

  • Marijuana wholesaler means a person who purchases marijuana items in this state for resale to a person other than a consumer.

  • Extremely low-income household means a single person,